
The Other Sawamura

What happens if Sawamura Eijun had a twin sister? Meet fifteen year old Sawamura Hikaru, Ace batter and right fielder for Akagi Junior Highschool. There is just a small problem.... Hikaru is always mistaken for a boy, but she is a girl. However, when Takashima Rei comes and offers her brother a scholarship and some weird turn of events MR. Sawamura Hikaru gets a scholarship... what will happen if Hikaru goes to seidou disguised as a boy? will her batting or right fielding stay top notch or will she fall? will hikaru be found out?

Jovy_Rhia_Matias · Sports
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Hikaru Sawamura

Hikaru Sawamura:

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Personality: Hikaru is very hard headed. She is easily mistaken for a boy. Hikaru gets bored very easily. She is Overly smart and never studies for anything. Hikaru is very protective over her big brother. She has always been with him no matter what. Hikaru has a very indifferent facial expression and never lets anyone in. Hikaru can become very sarcastic and she never really takes anything serious. However, Once she does start to take something serious it becomes dangerous. Hikaru is a baseball genius when she is motivated. She normally played for the outfield and coves her brother's pitches that were hit. However, when Hikaru is up to bat she never misses. She can watch a pitch once and the second it comes for her to hit it, she can. Unlike her brother Hikaru watches pros all the time. Hikaru is normally always asleep in class or on the roof. She loves animals and normally has sometime of animal following her around.

Likes: Baseball, Naps, Books, Comics, and Animals, Seidou highschool baseball regulars, Her friends.

Dislikes: Cocky people, People waking her up, Someone who picks on her brother. People who picks on her friends and family.

Baseball positions: Right fielder and fifth or tenth batter.

People who Hikaru gets along with: Her brother, Miyuki, Kuramochi, Masuko, Furuya, Haruichi, Captain Yuki, Chris, Tanba, Ryousuke, Jun (Sometimes), Kawakami, Coach, and Rei.