
The Original Heretic (1st of the series)

Reborn as the younger twin of Freya, he was by far the most dangerous original sibling out there. In his previous life he was an avid fan of the vampire diaries and the originals spin offs.

Time_Kink · TV
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The next couple of weeks were quiet and peaceful until Bra'tac and another Jaffa came through requesting help. The Jaffa that was with him was a difficult fix, as we had to replace his symbiote. While he was on the mend, the ball was in motion. They brought up Keb and Bonnie decided to go with us.

When Bra'tac mentioned it not being the time for us to carry dead weight on a mission, she put him on his ass in front of everyone and repeatedly did so until he conceded. "Perhaps, it will be you carrying me through Keb."

We walked behind them while they did their tracking. When we arrived at the dead woman, I kneeled down and felt for her soul in the darkness of death. When I found it, I helped her pass in peace.

When we arrived at the temple, I took off my boots and set down my weapons before walking into the temple door with Bonnie. We sat together and began a light meditation while speaking with Oma Desala.

Normally she wouldn't be able to speak with us, but since we can go to the same plain she lives on, she needn't fear reprisals. "Why is it you seek me out now? You stopped me before when she was ready to ascend."

I sighed. "You and your people made your choices a long time ago. You gave up your bodies for eternity as energy. We aren't here to judge you. In fact, we are here to help you with your own problem eventually. You see, your people took a dead end. While ascension in this form grants knowledge, you loose your physical body in the process. The truth is, your people used it as an escape and haven't truly seen anything else since."

Oma Desala raised an eyebrow. "We sought out ascension."

I nodded. "You think there is only one path to ascending, but you are wrong. To truly ascend, you must do so in mind body and spirit. Even I have not pulled it off completely. My body and mind have ascended, but my spirit is caught in between. I need energy of ones who have achieved it themselves to fix my own problems."

Oma Desala flinched and I chuckled while Bonnie spoke. "Relax, we do not mean you and your people. We mean the one you call Anubis and the Ori. We will consume them and enter a state of meditation for a time. The reason we decided to meet with you is to see if your people are willing to try our way of ascending your physical bodies as well."

She tooled at us thoughtfully and sighed. "The others are stubborn and set in their ways."

I nodded. "Your race is still young yet. Your people still have far to go, but to do so, they must take the first step themselves. We merely meant to offer a way forward."

I took Bonnie's hand and she told Oma. "Think on it. Our offer lasts until we've fixed all of your peoples mistakes."

Oma bowed her head and we returned to our bodies. Daniel was speaking with the monk who replied. "If you immediately know the candle light is fire, than the meal was cooked long ago."

I chuckled. "Too true."

The monk bowed his head my way and I bowed back. I turned to Bra'tac. "To seek this path, you must give up the goa'uld inside you. As your body dies, your mind and spirit are set free from their shackles. It's not something a lot of people are ready to give up just yet."

He turned to the monk who nodded. "You are right, I am not ready for this path just yet."

Daniel asked. "How did you know that?"

I smiled. "Lightning flashes, sparked showers, in one blink of an eye, you have missed seeing."

The monk sat down and went to close his eyes. Bonnie told him. "It is nearly time for you to join with Oma Desala."

He went wide eyed for a second before closing his eye and meditating. Daniel followed us to the door and asked. "What does that mean?"

I sighed. "The ancients found a way to ascend and escape this plain of existence. The righting on the walls are directions on how to do so a certain way. Like the monk would tell you, many roads lead to the great path, but only the willing find their way."

Bonnie sighed. "Stay and learn some things. I'm sure you'll find it enlightening if nothing else."

We went outside and put on our gear and sat on rock to wait. With a thought, I sent a healing energy into Bra'tac. He slowly grew younger and stronger as time went on. As he de-aged, Teal'c's eyes grew wider. When he stopped aging backwards, he was as young as Teal'c.

Jack spoke up. "What the hell?"

I chuckled. "It seems whatever killed those Jaffa seems to like you."

Bra'tac felt his face and looked at the pool of water before turning to the temple and bowing. "I had thought I was long passed my prime, thank you for showing me otherwise."

Teal'c spoke up. "I do not think it's just for show. Your physical body seems to be younger as well, not just your face."

Bra'tac felt up his body. "You're right Teal'c, I truly feel young and strong again."

Jack spoke up. "Care to share some of whatever you took?"

Carter shook her head. "You're fine the way you are Colonel."

Jack smiled. "I knew that. I was just asking to see if we could take some of the fountain of youth back with us. You know, to study and stuff."

Bra'tac shook his head. "This is a gift, not something I took. It seems, in a way a friend is telling me to continue my journey."

Bonnie spoke up. "Maybe you found what you truly sought when you came here. A way to continue on with your goals."

He nodded slowly. "I believe so. I Daughtry an answer to whether it is my time to give up the fight and leave it in the hands of the goa'uld. It seems the beings here have shown me my path forward and given me the strength to walk it."

A couple hours later Jack went to check on Daniel and when he came back, he told us Daniel was lighting candles with his mind or some such. I ignored it and continued to wait. Both Jack and Carter went into the temple to get Daniel this time. When I felt a goa'uld mother ship over head, I sighed and Bonnie telepathically told me to continue ignoring it all.

When Jaffa started landing and death gliders descending, we got in battle positions and waited. Jack set some claymores and radioed for back up. He turned to me and I sighed. "I could kill the Jaffa and death gliders but the mothership would just fire in us from orbit If whoever was controlling it knew they couldn't win."

He scowled. "I hate sore losers."

I nodded. "My suggestion is we retreat to the stargate, I can cover everyone on the way and meet you there but we must move now while there's still some time."

He went back inside to get Daniel and came back scowling. "We're holding positions."

I nodded and sighed. "Activate cloaking and shields then. We'll hold them off with a war of attrition. Hopefully Daniel will be done soon."

Everyone activated their cloaking and I handed Bra'tac an extra for his armor. He cloaked and a shield popped up around him as well. When the Jaffa came in, we waited. They came forward and the monk came out.

I could've stopped the blast, but he earned his reward and it was his time. When the monk died, Daniel came out yelling. "Nooo!"

I stepped in front of him as my shield took the blast. Daniel spoke. "Put your weapons down."

Jack replied. "You heard him, put your weapons down, you're surrounded."

Daniel corrected him. "I was talking about you guys. Jack, I've been so wrong. One of those ancient aliens I told you about is still here and she is not someone you want to mess with if you catch my drift."

I sighed. "Drop weapons but not shields. We'll be fine either way."

Jack grumbled. "Fine, lower your weapons."

We did so an I looked up to the gathering storm. Oma Desala came out just as the monk ascended. The Jaffa fires at them and she dissolved their shots before lightning rained down. "Lightning flashes, sparked showers, in one blink of the eyes, you have missed seeing."

I chuckled while the Jaffa fried and their gliders and mother ship along with them. "Truly a funny race."

Daniel smiled and I asked. "Have you found what you're looking for?"

He nodded. "I found him, and he's safe now."

I sighed. "What are you going to tell Sha're?"

He smiled sadly. "That we can't protect him as we are. Even my own government would turn him into a lab rat. No, I'll tell her he's safe where he is, with the ancients."

I nodded and grabbed Bonnie's hand. "Alright then."

Oma left with the baby and headed to the gate. Jack ordered all our people to stand down and put their weapons down until the white light was gone. He had a hell of a time explaining that to the General when we got back. Daniel had to help him with the explanation at several points.

Daniel finally asked me. "How did you know?"

I smiled. "I meditated and Oma revealed herself to me. She said she held no ill will and wanted to teach you in her own way. Consider it a learning experience."

He nodded. "And the Buddhist sayings?"

I chuckled. "Well, that I heard from her mouth. Something like a help your friend cheat moment. To bad it took you so long to figure out. They're pretty self explanatory."

He frowned at that but let it go. "So all the fire and floating stuff was all Oma then."

I chuckled. "Not really. You were right in a way when you told Jack anyone could do it. When the ancients physiology advanced so far, their brains gained the ability to actually influence the world like you were showing Jack."

His forehead creased. "How did-"

I chuckled. "Sorry, I was listening in. I wanted to check on your progress. The point is, once they evolved physically so far, they turned and focused on mentally and spiritually. They gave up on continuing their bodies growth and focused on the spirit and mind. That's how they achieved ascension. Now, I have a theory that if they'd have continued their bodies advancement as well, they'd have become an all together different type of being."

Daniel and I devolved into a philosophical debate and the general dismissed us from the briefing. The next day I activated Skyfall for a more in-depth search of the world. When the crystal skull came up, I reported it to the team at a meeting. General Hammond asked. "Why hasn't it shown up on our previous searches?"

I sighed. "It's materials are common on earth and the only reason it showed up now was because I hooked up our historical files to it. It came up under a real possible search. My guess is that it's one piece of an alien object. Like finding a gun without bullets when you haven't ever heard of what a gun was. It's missing some component that makes it do whatever it's supposed to."

Daniel muttered. "Ah crap, Nick was right. It must've been the pedestal that he took it from that was the second part."

I raised an eyebrow. "Nick, the archeologist that found it and visited the aliens? Interesting, it must be some kind of teleportation device between planets. Or perhaps a dimensional shifting device that brought him out of phase with our reality."

Daniel sighed. "You may know him as the archeologist that found aliens, but I know him as grandpa Nick."

I chuckled. "Then it seems you were both correct in your theories. Your pyramids were landing platforms for space ships and his crystal skull alien device theory."

I turned to General Hammond. "Permission to request a transfer of the device to the governments hands so Heretic industries can study it?"

He nodded. "If that fails, I'll speak to the president on a way to retrieve it."

I shook my head. "If that fails I'll just buy it. I'm sure the smithsonian could use a serious donation for a swap of crystal skulls. Don't worry General, I'm fully capable of doing political deals for the program so you don't have to sacrifice some of your political clout."

He smiled. "I appreciate that. I was not looking forwards to that call."

I chuckled. "It'll be here by tomorrow one way or the other."

After that, the meeting ended and Daniel looked troubled. I made my calls and a hefty donation. The skull showed up just as we were getting MALP telemetry of the temple it's counterpart was connected to. When I saw it, I chuckled. "Well there's the temple so obviously it's a teleportation device or else both a dimensional phase shifter and a teleportation device."

The general gave us the go ahead when he asked Carter if the radiation was harmful. When we arrived, I was the first to cross the chasm and stand before the skull. "Now, Nick, as Daniel put it, wrote that he looked into its eyes like it was alive and it activated. I'm going to assume it will do the same and summon the aliens if we do so."

Daniel looked into its eyes and beams of radiation covered half my body as I was farther away, before Teal'c fires his Zat at it. I grunted as I felt the radiation trying to effect me. I brushed it off and the radiation in the rest of the place spiked.

To me Daniel just collapsed, but to them, he disappeared. Jack ordered a retreat and I grabbed Daniel and the skull before following after them. When we crossed through the gate, I passed the skull to a team holding a lead lined case for it.

When I didn't see the doctors asking for Daniel I called. "I need a crash cart here."

They brought one over and I laid Daniel on it. Dr.Fraiser asked. "What are you doing?"

I snorted. "I laid Daniel on it. He's been shifted out of phase with our reality. I was half way exposed to it as well and I'm guessing-"

I passed my hand through her body using my own power. "Yup. My body is out of phase but on a lesser scale than him. You can still see me but not touch, while he's nearly all the way out. I'm guessing the only reason I can see or interact with him is because I was hit too."

Teal'c collapsed and I made my whole body ethereal. I couldn't move things but I could be seen. I gave my debriefing of what happened and when the team regained consciousness, they did theirs. When Jack asked about Daniel, I pointed to a clearly empty bed to his eyes. "He's there, just out of phase is all."

He looked skeptical and I passed my hand through a table in front of him. "Believe me now?"

He raised his eyebrows. "I believe you."

I chuckled. "We should probably contact his grandfather as he's the only one whose been through the full process and come back alright, if not a little crazy."

He nodded and had the doctor ask General Hammond to bring his grandfather to the base. Daniel finally woke up and I explained everything to him as well. He wasn't happy his grandfather was coming to the base.

The scientists here were studying the skulls and I pointed out. "The radiation we experienced was probably the power source to activate it. That explains why the the first one stopped working and the temple collapsed there. The energy fueling it and the barrier around the temple collapsed and it was buried. The pedestal must act as a conduit and filter for the energy while it has a eye scanner release to activate it. It's completely safe here."

The scientists looked relieved while Daniel looked worried. "So we have to go back to the temple? Wouldn't the severe radiation there kill us?"

I chuckled. "Maybe, that's why we need to speed to Nick, to find out how he avoided it or if the aliens interfered and saved him from it."

He nodded and sighed. "You're right, I don't like it but you're right."

I shrugged. "What happened that's so bad you don't want to see him?"

He sighed. "We got into a fight the last time I saw him. We exchanged words and called each other failures."

I chuckled. "If that's all, then it's time Sha're met the other side of the family. She deserves to meet him."

He shook his head and sighed. "Fine, send someone to bring her as well."

I asked General Hammond to do so and she arrived nearly the same time Nick did. When everyone was in the meeting room, I played intermediary to Daniel's family. When I noticed Nick's reaction to Daniel I pointed it out. "You can here him can't you?"

He glanced to Daniel and I laughed. "And see him, this is perfect, you two can talk to each other then."

I relayed Daniel's words to the group and was his mouth piece to Sha're but soon enough it turned to the mission. I asked Nick. "How did you survive the radiation backlash and spike? Did the aliens interfere or did it fade and become harmless? Were you wearing a special suit?"

He frowned then spoke. "I would have to show you."

I sighed and turned to General Hammond. "Requesting permission to go back to the temple with these two at least?"

He nodded and Jack spoke up. "We'll be heading in as a team then."

I looked him over and sighed. "Fine, so long as you can put your gear on in under ten minutes I'll risk you going with us. Otherwise I won't risk you falling into the cavern abyss below."

General Hammond spoke up. "I'm going to have to agree with him Jack. If you're to weak to move properly, your only putting the rest of them in danger."

Teal'c spoke. "I shall go at least. I am strong enough."

I shook my head. "The aliens may be enemies to the goa'uld and I won't risk them attacking you before I can explain you're on our side. I'm not Jack, I don't exactly joke right to lighten the mood. My diplomacy is more old fashioned. We either become allies and friends or we become enemies that'll fight to the death. And I can't risk the last part until I'm sure I can fight back again. As it is, I can't move a feather."

He raised an eyebrow. "Then how did you carry the skull?"

I shrugged. "It must have some particles of the same radiation left over in its makeup or else it's the exception to the rule and exists on phases of the dimension."

Daniel stopped arguing with Nick and touched to skull. He picked it up and Jack said. "That's not creepy at all."

I chuckled. "We still have the other one for study, this one has to go back or I may be stuck like this and while I'd make a good battle distraction, I can't exactly fight with a crystal skull as my only weapon."

Teal'c let out a laugh. Then stopped. He spoke to the expressions on the group's faces. "That was almost as funny as a Jaffa joke."

I chuckled. "Na, your jokes are still better. Particularly about the setesh guards."

He smiled a little and nodded once. Jack spoke up. "Be that as it may, General, since I won't be going back to the planet today, I think I'll catch a nap."

I smiled and the meeting was dismissed. I followed Hammond to his office. "We'll be back in a couple hours if nothing goes wrong. Plenty enough time for you to catch your granddaughters play."

He smiled. "How did you-"

I grinned. "I over heard while I was waiting for our guests. I don't need to tell you that they grow up fast General. I suggest you get as much time in as possible. In our line of work family means a lot, because it's the reason we fight so hard to protect this rock."

He nodded. "I'll see you in a couple hours Colonel. Godspeed."

I saluted him and left. I went through the stargate with Daniel and Nick a few minutes later. Nick told us to put the skull back and said. "Now we wait for the aliens."

I sighed and Daniel looked into the skull again. The radiation kicked up and the light particles encompassed us. I dismissed it and made my form solid again. When the mist came I chuckled. "So it's true. They must be even further out of phase than we are. The skull must be their way of allowing communication between themselves and others."

Daniel nodded. "Makes sense, if they can't interact with us, they made it so that we could interact with them."

The alien spoke and Daniel translated before saying. "We are enemies of the goa'uld!"

The aliens smiled. "Then you're welcome here."

I told him. "We wish to be allies with your people. To share knowledge and our cultures."

The alien nodded. "Your terms are acceptable."

I waved a hand. "This one can stay, he has been here once before."

Nick and Daniel spoke at length before Nick agreed to stay. I sighed. "Then you'll be the ambassador of our world to their people. You must hold yourself up to higher standards than lying about needing to be here, your wants and needs must come second to the benefit and honor of our world."

He nodded and went to apologize, I waved it away. "Don't apologize, do better. Be better. Learn from them, and when you've learned and taught enough, come back and do it again."

He nodded and stepped into the alien's hand. They disappeared into the mist as the alien told us to look into the skull again. Daniel did so and we left. Luckily the MALP was no longer functional because of the extreme radiation and Bonnie's hand slipping and melting parts of its insides otherwise they'd have seen me playing the part while Daniel was actually fully invisible.

We went back and gave our report before leaving a GDO for Nick and a letter to work it next to the skull.

A month later it was time for our vacations. I'd been working on a corrosive substance to use as a work around for a plasma bomb. So far I've not found a substance that doesn't dissolve immediately upon contact. It seems to eat through our toughest alloys and I've even delved into some of the alloys the Asgard are working with. I made a naquadah,trinium and carbon based alloy that I was currently testing the corrosive substance with.

I've had to move it into a thick glass and shielded bowl to prevent more accidents because as it dissolves the substances, it seems to turn them into more of itself. The latest alloy was tested to withstand it for a mere two seconds as it ate through.

I sent the alloy and it's composite to the general as a possible space ship hull material. While doing so, I carefully put away the substance I'd created. It was a mixture of nearly every corrosive compound we'd ever discovered on and off world in small amounts.

I may or may not have added in a little power to help the mixture combine without exploding. It's not anything that can't be duplicated by the Nox or Asgard so no problems there. The down side is that if it's introduced to more than a little alloy, it will expand explosively and explode once it's finished dissolving.

On the bright side, the end result is very good for the environment. It's great for fertilization and growth of plants. When I finished putting it away, Jack came by and asked. "Care to go on a fishing trip?"

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm spending my vacation with Bonnie. The wedding is next month Jack. She's determined that we'll spend the week before the wedding apart, so I'm getting in some alone time with her while I can."

He nodded. "Alright. Suit yourself. But the bass get this-"

He disappeared in a flash of light and I hit the high alert button. I headed to the general's office and reported Asgard beaming technology. When he turned off the alarm, he sighed. "Do you know why they'd do such a thing?"

I shrugged. "Emergency? The last time they did it, it was to warn us of the system lords and the treaty. This time, who knows."

The rest of the team except Daniel gathered. He was still recovering from his appendix removed and while we could heal it right up, it was best to let the body heal naturally wherever possible.

Jack showed up as a hologram when we were about to begin the meeting. He requested guns and ordinance and when Carter asked him to beam us up, he said it would be a one way trip. I stopped him there. "I have a plan if you'd like to hear it Jack."

He put his hands on his hips. "I'm all ears."

I sighed. "You beam us up with the ordinance, we place charges along the hull of the ship, we have the ship enter descent and beam an extra stargate up. We dial out, blow the charges and the ship has an uncontrolled reentry into the atmosphere. It explodes into a ball of fire as we gate out then gate back to command."

He nodded. "That could work. Let me ask Thor, get the explosives ready and in front of the gate room."

General Hammond asked. "Will it work?"

I nodded. "Not really a choice now. The Asgard's are too advanced for our explosives to work inside. Even we have containment here imagine what there's is like. Speaking of which, that gave me an idea to add shields to the doorways and air vents in case of air born contamination."

He nodded. "I'll put it on your to do list. Right under coming back with SG-1 alive."

I smiled. "Not a problem General."

Ten minutes later we were in full tac gear and explosives. I had a M134 with a two thousand round drum. Carter asked. "Isn't that over kill?"

I shook my head. "It's from my personal collection. I got it from a terrorist hideout it Istanbul. They had a descent selection and no need for them being dead and all. I requested it when I switched to this command base. It came through last month and we haven't had any enemies to use it on yet. I've been experimenting with bullets and I've made the rounds special. They explode on impact and shred everything near them."

We were beamed up a few seconds later and we got to work. Teal'c went for a space walk to plant the explosives and I studied the ships designs. When we finished, I told Thor. "Activate your antigravity pod. When we're set for reentry, we'll beam up the stargate and blow this joint."

I left with Jack and Teal'c to the bridge to send the ship into atmospheric reentry. When we found the bridge, Jack wanted to turn back but I stopped him by starting up my gun. Once it was spinning, I told them. "I'll clear a path, you set the navigation."

They moved to the side and I began. The replicators ignored them and came at me while I cut them down. The bullets exploded and shredded groups of them. Jack and Teal'c got to work and soon enough the ship was moving.

We were beamed out of the room next to the stargate and I dialed the gate. The replicators came running like a horde and I open fired. I was nearly able to hold them off on my own. With Jack and Teal'c with me it was a peace of cake.

Carter shoved Thor's pod through the gate and when it was time, Jack hit the detonator blowing the hull and sending us into an uncontrolled descent. We hopped through the gate and shut it off on the other side. Thor's pod was beamed up to another ship and taken away.

After twenty minutes, I dialed up earth and radioed Hammond. "Is it safe to come through sir?"

He gave the affirmative and we stepped through to command. After we changed and debriefed, we got a hit on Skyfall. It picked up one full bug a couple blocks that survived reentry. I warned the general and he sent a command to the clean up crews to be careful.

We were sent to the clean up site and I cursed when it had found its way to a sub. I sent General Hammond it's location and he told us it was a Russian submarine. He tried to contact them but they reportedly lost contact with the sub. It was lost to them.

Our coast guard found it and they started hauling it in. I flew back to base and picked up a little of my shielded corrosive and went back to the coast. When I arrived, they were ready to send a team in. I stopped them saying. "I've got a solution I'd like to try, but if it works, all materials not water connected to the sub will be destroyed."

Jack asked. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I've got a personal shield on my armor that'll protect me, but the rest of the sub will be quickly and rapidly dissolved and exploded into environmentally friendly nutrients. So bring it back out a ways and back away until I swim out."

They got to work and twenty minutes later I was climbing into the sub and heading to the queen bug. When I found it, there were several steel bugs around me. I got within a couple feet of it and tossed the shielded vial and put up my shields while dropping the ones on the vial.

As soon as it hit the queen, she dissolved while screeching. The room and bugs were rapidly consumed and the sub with them. I was nestled in foam as it expanded then exploded. The shields flickered but the explosion was outward so it didn't take the brunt of it. Once the sea water cleared it out, I dropped the shield and swam up to the surface.

I was picked up by the rescue boat and brought back to shore. I gave them the affirmative that it worked and destroyed the bugs. When I arrived back at command, I grabbed a shower and was congratulated with the team for saving the world once again.

General Hammond mentioned the Russian's being pissed off and not believing our cover story. I shrugged it off and the next day, Thor came through the gate healthy and whole. He mentioned needing help with their own replicator problem and I mentioned the substance I'd named Ragnarök.

I told him it's properties and what it does and his eyes went wide. I told him. "You have to be very careful when you use it because it'll dissolve everything not shielded or in water."

He asked for a sample and I brought a vial of it to him. I showed him that the inside of the vial was shielded as well, ending with. "So far as I know, one drop of this could theoretically wipe out a planet in minutes. It dissolves all non liquid matter into more of itself and explodes into nutrients great for growing plants. On a small scale, it'll eat through any materials or alloys I could think to try with it. The shield on the vial lasts five hours without a charging station. It ate through the bug that survived instantly, so I'm confident it will eat through the rest and any ship it's on, so don't be on said ship when it does."

He looked it over and his eyes widened. "You have discovered a unique chemical compound that the Asgard have never seen before. As far as I can tell, it's unique to the amount you've made. Ragnarök indeed, this could just be the thing we've been looking for to turn the tides of this war with the replicators. Thank you."

I smiled. "No problem, you're our friends after all. I wouldn't stand by if you need help. Speaking of which, I found something in the ancient files we were able to copy from their database about cloning. I recognized its effects when I saw you on your ship. The cellular degradation seems to be speeding up in your people if they're all like this. I've studied the ancient files extensively and I may be able to help whenever your ready."

His eyes went wide again and nodded. "Your people have done much to taking the steps to becoming the fifth race. I will contact you when our tides of war change."

I nodded. "I look forward to it."

He left through the gate in high spirits. I turned to the team. "About that fishing trip, how big are the fish?"

Jack held up his hands and began telling me all about it. I agreed and brought Bonnie with us for a little fun down time. The whole team agreed and came with. When we arrived, I made the fish rapidly grow bigger to the size of a my waist and as long as my legs. They weighed around forty pounds each.

We spent half the day drinking and fishing. When we were done, we grilled steaks and sat around the fire. Bonnie sent me a yearning for the passed and our friends. I sighed deeply and sent back a promise that we'd visit another reality like our old one soon enough. Maybe for our honeymoon.

She became excited and gave me a kiss. Daniel and Sha're were already kissing and Jack took a walk to the dock to look at the stars and moon. Carter joined him and I may or may not have lowered their inhibitions with the sexual tension in the air.

Once they were out of site, Bonnie pulled back from the kiss and lightly slapped my chest. "You know better."

I sighed. "It's alright. They need each other."

I saw Teal'c raise an eyebrow and I sighed and explained. "I kissed Bonnie back to intentionally make Jack uncomfortable so he'd take a walk and Carter would follow. They have sexual tension and aren't in relationships right now so I figured since they found each other attractive, why not give them a chance."

He smiled. "Indeed. I to have noticed the tension they have at moments."

Daniel broke a kiss with Sha're. "Are you serious? Jack and Sam?"

I chuckled. "They've had sexual tension since she came to the program the day we were sent to get you on Abydos. Besides, they may be military, but this isn't the SGC, what they do here is their business until it effects their field work. The reason we work so well is because we already care about each other. You're all my friends and I'd walk into a collapsing star to save each and every one of you. I've seen every one of you jump in the line of fire for the others. You can't say we don't already have a biased opinion and aren't emotionally invested into each other."

Daniel nodded. "You're right. I guess that makes us a family of sorts."

I chuckled. "Yeah, a dysfunctional one but a family none the less."

Teal'c raised an eyebrow. "Indeed."

Bonnie laughed and told him. "That makes you the odd one out. You need to go out more and find a nice girl to bring back. You can't be alone forever, even with this war going on."

I sighed and Bonnie stopped me from doing anything rash while Teal'c spoke. "I cannot. This fight for the freedom of my people must take precedent over my feelings. It is too important."

I nodded. "If you could have one wish Teal'c, what would you wish for?"

Teal'c raised an eyebrow. "The freedom of all Jaffa from their goa'uld oppressors."

I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment then spoke. "Then before the seventh decade of our friendship homes to pass, I give you my word the Jaffa will be free. No Jaffa in this reality will worship or otherwise serve any goa'uld."

He nodded. "I believe you. I to hope the same."

I shook my head. "You're not hearing me Teal'c. My words are not a hope or wish of my own. They are a guarantee that if it comes down to it, I'll leave the SGC and travel from planet to planet slaughtering all goa'uld, freeing the Jaffa as I go."

A tear passed down his cheek and he nodded slowly. "Thank you my friend. I truly await the day of my peoples freedom."

I nodded and took a swig of my beer before asking innocently. "Anyone else think Jack and Sam are having sex on the dock right now?"

They went silent and listened. A deep moan came out after a few minutes and I chuckled before turning up the radio. "Let's leave them to it. Who else wants to see a peace of tech I found that allows you to see other realities without visiting them?"

Daniel spoke up. "Oh, that sounds neat. How did you-"

I waved him off. "Save the questions for Carter."

I led the way inside and turned on the TV. Daniel snorted. "That's not funny."

I chuckled. "But it is true. Every thought or possibility you've ever had is apart of and infinite multiverse. And is a reality somewhere."

I handed Teal'c the remote. "Find us something to watch, I can be anything."

He found a werewolf movie and we began watching. After awhile we all fell asleep and I directed their dreams to experience the werewolf genre as if you were a bystander and could interact with it. The next morning, I woke up before them and started making breakfast.

They each experienced something different. Daniel saw a teen wolf world, Teal'c viewed the originals. Sha're saw the movie we were watching as I didn't want to freak her out. I Scooby doo'd it for her so she visited an American werewolf in London the cartoon version.

By the time every one woke up, the table was set. Eggs, toast, bacon, sausage patties and flour tortillas. Jack and Sam came in attracted by the smell of fresh coffee. They both smelled of sex and each other.

Bonnie pointed out Carter's state of undress to her subtly. Carter blushed and fixed it. I sent my senses out and felt life taking root. I turned to Bonnie and she raised a challenging eyebrow and mentally stuck her tongue out at me saying that If I was going to influence them, I might as well go the extra mile.

I sighed and let it be. We had a descent breakfast before I announced that myself and Bonnie had to leave to get some work done at the house. I gave Daniel the keys to my cabin half a mile away ant mentioned it had its own boat that could bring them back and forth at night.

Teal'c headed back with us to go see Rya'c. We dropped him off at base and had our own alone time for a couple weeks. Bonnie slipped away to lay waste to some racist people that would've begun dialing us soon.

She cleaned the poison off the planet and destroyed the stasis pods where their racist ancestors were sleeping. They died peacefully when the air was re-poisoned inside their stasis pods. Well, more peaceful than I'd have killed them anyway.

The stargate was put on the planets surface and their technology was dropped not far away from it. The breeders as the racists would say, could have the technology if they wanted it, and contact us if they still wished to as our gate address was on the stone the stargate sat on.

When she came back, I calmed her down with a candle lit bath and message. As our vacation ended, we went back to work. I was busy upgrading our security. I tied the security system I was installing into every room an air vent. Shield would materialize immediately in case of an outbreak or an attempted takeover. The glass around the command center and meeting room was now shielded twenty-four seven.

I built ten naquadah generator's specifically to oscillate the power requirements between them. Now that every room had shields that could activate at any time, the base was safer than ever before.

With so many generators supplying energy to the shields when necessary, we could survive a nuke in one room and we wouldn't feel but the shaking until it was over. The room would be ruined of course, but everything else would be fine.

I mentioned it to General Hammond and he asked. "What can you do about defense systems for counter strikes?"

I smiled. "I can turn several staff weapons into an automatic turret if you want. I can even make it controlled by only your command or a senior officers. It'll take a few days, but if that's what you mean, I can do it."

He nodded. "See it done."

I began working on it immediately and SG-1 was put on the back burner until I complete it. While I worked, SG-7 was sent to the world with the dead racists when they finally called. I heard when they came back that the breeders as it were, decided to trade some of their new technology for medical technology.

Heretic industries was footing the bill so General Hammond ordered everything we had that was up to date. He gave them everything for some of their flawed technology but we also received a treatment for radiation poisoning. It was a far cry off from curing worst of it. But it would stave off and help heal the lighter symptoms.

When I saw the tech we got, I looked it over and told the General that it would make whoever used it severally brain damaged after a few months. He asked about the drone technology and its uses without the chair and screens and I gave him the green light though it would only work one at a time without the chair set up.

He smiled. "That's the best news I've heard all day."

I chuckled. "I prefer the radiation treatment news myself. But if you want, I can see about using the UAV tech on the Hammond Hammers and see about a earth based defense with them. Maybe even a gate backup defense if their tied into the MALP for the teams to use."

His eyes lit up like it was Christmas. "Are you telling me we can mount a plausible defense of this world and an offense on other worlds with this?"

I shrugged. "It'll take time sir, but yes."

He nodded. "And how long would you say it would take you with the worlds smartest minds behind you?"

I frowned. "Three months would be generous, six if it gets too complicated. You gotta know that it's alien tech and even with the specs, it'll take time to change it to something our worlds technology can understand."

He nodded. "It'll be your next side project then, am I clear?"

I saluted him. "Yes sir."

He asked. "Who all should I bring in that needs read in on this?"

I closed my eyes and thought for a while. "We have the people here but if you'll let me, I'd like to kick some ideas to the tok'ra that would help. They have the most sophisticated technology that involves the mind of our allies that would share their knowledge."

He contemplated and shook his head. "I'd like to keep this under wraps if possible. The less who know the better. I was preparing to have anyone you named be confined to the base till the projects end."

I nodded. "Then I'll bug Bonnie more and it'll take a little longer but the bright side will be that not even the rest of the base will know. Just you, me and Bonnie until it's done."

He nodded. "I'd like to keep it that way."

I smiled. "No problem. By the way, I'd like to wait another month before I begin. I'm getting married in two weeks and the honeymoon is after that."

He nodded. "In that case, keep it on the back burner."

I nodded and got back to work. The tok'ra visited the next day with gifts of turning us into test subjects. Anise, the Tok'ra scientist, brought four armbands that were supposed to make us super human. She had Jack and I try it first and I made way for the virus to enter my body.

It was strong enough to effect even me. I felt like I'd been given a drug. While Jack had no results yet, mine were showing immediately. Anise notes them down and asked to do blood work on me. When she handed me the strength test ball and I turned it to powder with a light squeeze she became excited.

Dr.Fraiser asked. "Why is it effecting him so differently and extreme?"

Anise sighed. "I don't think he has any immunity to its effects. His body is pure of even a cold. He has no antibodies to any diseases because he's never contracted any. It's like his body doesn't know how to fight back against it so it's going into overdrive and this is just the beginning. I've tested all of his physical aspects and they can't be fully measured. Right now he could have the strength of ten men or a hundred and we'd have no way of telling the difference."

Carter spoke up. "I have an idea."

She left and came back with a piece of cole. She handed it to me. "Squeeze this."

I did so and it was like a miniature sun in my hand for a second and I opened it back up. There sat a diamond half the size of the cole she gave me. She muttered some numbers and I closed my hand again. After a loud crack, I opened it and diamond dust was all over my hand.

I laid it all on a metal table before saying. "I'm going to go meditate. I feel off as if I've had an energy shot and it's not being used. I'm super hungry as well. I need food."

I blurred and was in the cafeteria eating several plates of food at once. Bonnie sent me a mental message and tried soothing my agitation. I hadn't been this off since the beast. After I finished my tenth plate of food, I spent the day in meditation with Teal'c.

My mind opened up and my soul grew exponentially in moments. Over time it continued to grow at a faster rate. Bonnie joined us and she piggybacked off of mine as hers continued to grow faster as well. By the next day I was certain she could handle twenty clones and I nearly fifty.

We continued meditation and I suddenly felt an undeniable hunger. I stood up and carried her to our quarters. I had my way with her and fed on her over and over again. She reciprocated in kind and we were eventually interrupted by Dr.Fraiser knocking on the door.

I growled and Bonnie stopped my immediate impulse to destroy everything and continue. We got dressed and healed ourselves before getting rid of the traces of our activity. When she opened the door, Dr.Fraiser sighed. "I want you both tested in case it spread to her as well."

I nodded and we followed her to the medical bay. While she ran blood tests, I ate a lot of sweets. When she finished, Carter came in with a band on as well. "She busted you huh? I could hear you both from my lab and you're four floors up."

Bonnie flushed and I grunted. "Quit teasing, I'm sure you've been doing other things as constructive to that point. You wreak of it."

She blushed in turn and Dr.Fraiser asked. "You can smell and tell what she was doing from across the room?"

I nodded. "I can here Jack asking Daniel if he wants him to read to him and I can smell the perfume on Daniel and the sent of last nights sex on him as well."

She frowned. "That shouldn't be humanly possible even with those armbands."

I shrugged. "I haven't a clue."

I turned to Carter. "You should meditate to take the edge off. It'll clear your mind as well. It'll help you stay in control."

She nodded and started getting her blood drawn. After a couple computer beeps, Bonnie was cleared of all diseases as it were. Apparently it didn't contract as an STD and was confined to the one wearing the arm band.

I had Bonnie do a pizza run for me because I didn't want to act out or try to leave base. She came back with a hundred pizzas in the hopes that it would be enough for the whole team to stay put. I ate fifty by myself and went back to meditation.

I stayed there while the team did their antics and when they left base anyway for steak. General Hammond came to me saying. "You're the only one not acting out, and yet you're the one most effected by this thing. Can I count on you to bring them back?"

I nodded and disappeared to his eyes. I brought them back unconscious and set them before him. "I knocked them out. Have medical take them away. I'm fighting to stay in control of my faculties."

He nodded and I continued to meditate. A few hours later he came to me. "Can you remove the ones on the team?"

I looked at the solid light on mine. "It won't make a difference. I've deduced that once the light on the arm band becomes solid and unblinking, the virus is fully in their systems. Now, even if I could take them off, it'll have to run it's course."

He sighed. "Never mind then."

I nodded and closed my eyes. Twenty minutes later he came back in. "They've run off on a suicide mission against orders. I know you're fighting it yourself right now, but I could really use your help bringing them home."

I nodded. "I'll do so then. Have them dial the gate. I heard that it's an enemy planet. I'll destroy the ship and get them home."

He nodded. "Good luck soldier."

I blurred and typed in the address before blurring again. I appeared on a planet where every Jaffa around was unconscious. I blurred and stole all the refined naquadah and found the team trying to get out. I collected the team and all the armbands before depositing everything at the gate in waves.

Moments later I dialed the gate and lightly tossed the refined naquadah through before the armbands and all the Jaffa weapons and finally the team. I scanned the ship and materialized nearly a ton of refined naquadah and trinium. I carried it all through the gate with the hyper drive of the ship as well.

When I arrived, I found the team on stretchers but otherwise unharmed and stacks of naquadah in a corner being carried out with four people working together per brick. I set the makeshift palate I'd made out of a piece of the haul of the ship, down. The hyperdrive itself barely fit through the gate.

General Hammond asked. "What's all this?"

I chuckled. "I brought the team back. They set charges to blow the ship and it's gone now. I'd close the iris by the way."

They did so and I continued. "That's all the weapons and refined naquadah and trinium they were using to build said ship that was left."

General Hammond pointed to the hyper drive and I smiled. "That's the hyperdrive of the ship. I thought of it on the way back and the project our people are working on. I figured it's the most advanced version we can get our hands on right now, so why not let them have it."

General Hammond smiled and broke out into laughter. "You've really gone above and beyond the call of duty, son. After this armband incident is over I'm recommending you be promoted. I'll make your contributions known to the president himself."

I smiled then frowned. Something in me was wrong. I felt like my body was failing. I bent over and threw up blood all over the ramp. I doubled over and my body started spasming. I was carried to the medical facilities and put on the bed.

After a few quick scans Dr.Fraiser answered everyones worried questions. "His body is fighting the virus and it looks like it's winning but the virus isn't being expelled through his system like it should."

I threw up more blood and it continued on and on until the armband started blinking again. Anise spoke up."He's not developing antibodies, it's something else. The armband is trying to put more of the virus in him."

I grunted and grabbed the damn thing, breaking it like taffy. One it was off, I threw up a few more times and Dr.Fraiser was forced to put me on a blood IV. When it finally finished, she scanned me again, giving me the all clear.

I stood up feeling hung over. She ran a healing glove over me and I felt a little better. I looked at the blood on the bed and she told me. "It'll be burnt in the incinerator. It's too dangerous for anything else. General Hammond has ordered the blood in the gate room mopped up and tossed in as well."

I nodded and went to get cleaned up. Bonnie was watching over me with those orders. The device I broke and the others I collected were returned to Anise. Bonnie looked at her like she wanted to commit murder and I was tempted to let her. In the end, Anise was sent home with a warning to never again try any experiments on our teams or try manipulating us like that again.

Jack and the others were let off the hook and came to see me a few times while I was throwing up blood. When I got out of the medical facility after a few checkups, they thanked me for saving their asses.

Teal'c was the one that pointed it out to them that they should be happy they weren't me or they may have killed someone with their carelessness and the strength I showed instead of just injuring a few people.

General Hammond called me to his office an hour after my release. When I arrived, he was on the phone with a joint call of the president and secretary of defense. I heard him mention my many contributions since I became a Colonel and the contributions I was in the progress of making with my side projects.

Then he told them he was putting forward my name as a recommendation for promotion to brigadier general. He mentioned my calm and cool head and my logical and strategic thinking even under an alien devices influence that had made all others behave as if they were teenagers. He said that if I can do that, while under it's extreme influence and am not ready to be a general, then no one is, including himself.

The secretary of defense spoke up and I heard him. "If he can really complete his current projects within the time frame you've given me, I'll pin the star on him myself. Until that time, while I salute his bravery and honor, I can't jump him to the short list yet. It hasn't been that long since his promotion to full bird Colonel."

The president agreed, saying. "While his contributions to this nation and indeed to this world are immense, I would be eaten alive in the capital if I couldn't give a reason for his rapid promotion. I'm sorry George, but we haven't even revealed the existence of the program to most of the people who actually need to know."

General Hammond sighed. "I understand mister president, I'll keep that in mind."

A few minutes later he hung up. He looked up to me. "I made my recommendation and I'll put forward the paperwork, but it seems the fact that the program is still a closed secret is working against you."

I chuckled and sat down. "Don't worry about it. The truth is, I don't know what I'd do with myself if I was promoted. I like being on the team and I like the way things are for now. Maybe in six months or a year, I'll be ready, but for now, I'd like to continue as things are."

He smiled. "You're a damn good officer and one of the finest I've ever had the pleasure to serve with. I don't know what I'd do without you and I hesitate to think about how everything would be if you weren't here."

He poured us both a glass of single malt and we talked about my health. When I finished my glass, I sat it down saying. "I'd better get back to work. I should be done by tomorrow and I'll have it all installed over the weekend."

He nodded. "Just another thing I have to thank you for."

I chuckled and headed out. I spent the night working on it in my lab. When I finished it all, I made another special one. By morning, I'd finished it all. I spent the weekend installing it in the gate room and control room.

After it was all ready, I had three retractable minigun like staff weapons in the ceiling and one very large staff cannon that came out of the wall below the control room window and pointed directly into the gate. It's power was equal to a mother ship blast that could fit through the gate with a little room to spare.

I added a stun shield to the ramp that would incapacitate anyone on it or touching it. I hooked it all to a special palm scanner that only worked for senior staff and it scanned their DNA as well as their hands.

I gave the specs of it all to General Hammond and the protocols to the gate room changed severely now. No more soldiers ran in risking their lives. The doors were replaced with the naquadah,trinium, and carbon material as well. The blast door and roof doors followed suit.

It just became impossible to take over the base for most races. After the incident with the armbands, I changed the shields from oscillating frequency's to solid full shields that would hold like the body armor.

I fixed the air filtration so that we wouldn't suffocate while on lock down. When I gave my full report, General Hammond was a happy camper. He no longer needed to risk men in the gate room and the facility was a General's wet dream.

He pulled SG-1 off the back burner and gave us our next mission just as an incoming traveler arrived. The weapons system and shields were up. A female Jaffa from Teal'c's past arrived while using Bra'tac's IDC.

General Hammond demanded to know who she was and why she was here. We sat through the Jaffa's words that she clearly believed. When she finished, I offered. "We have several symbiotes ready for you afterwards to choose from. One of our teams raided a Jaffa home world for some to replace Teal'c's and for our experiments."

She thanked me and everything went on as usual. When the Tok'ra mentioned Egeria I listened closely as I recognized the name from the show and the mind of one of the symbiotes waiting for Teal'c to replace the one he has.

After we dropped off the Jaffa later the next day on a Tok'ra base planet, and she was inevitably killed, I brought her body back to earth with us. While Teal'c mourned, I was working to fix the problem. I healed her with a sarcophagus and brought her to the meeting room.

When Teal'c arrived, I pointed out that I never believed a word of it, and ordered the sarcophagus brought to base in case of an inevitable death. I healed her and sent it back. I had to replace her symbiote though, so I guess that's fair.

She didn't stay as she felt shame that she was fooled. She went to join Bra'tac in building a resistance. The Tok'ra were informed and they were prepared now.

A couple weeks later Carter was feeling ill so the rest of the team was sent with a diplomatic representative team member to visit the Tok'ra high council. The high Chancellor was about to meet the president of the United States to sign and formalize our alliance with the Tok'ra.

When he was about to be introduced, a member of the diplomatic team started acting weird so I knocked him out and removed a goa'uld ring weapon. I tossed it on the table and asked. "What the hell is going on?"

Anise spoke up. "I'm sorry to say, but your friend has been turned into a za'tarc. He is currently the only one I've ever seen that has been subdued before he could do harm. How did you know?"

I pointed out. "He went stiff and put on a goa'uld ring weapon. It's not like he was subtle. All SG teams are required to check their weapons with the team leader and I know he didn't have it when we walked through the portal. Our sensors would have detected it. No, he got it here which means you have a spy."

The Chancellor sighed. "I was afraid of that. We've been dealing with what Anise calls za'tarcs for a while now. It would make sense that a spy among our ranks were turning them."

I shrugged. "That's your business then, our people are clean. I'd suggest you invite the Nox to find the mind puppets. They are talented in the mind arts."

He nodded and Martouf began acting strange. I was on him before he could get the ring all the way on and he joined the Sargent in dreamland. I tossed the second ring on the table before saying. "This isn't in the job description. Tell you what, you invite the Nox, and I'll lend you my scanners to check for any more ring weapons."

He nodded and sent someone to the surface to send the Nox a message to come with a Tollan device. I handed him my scanner and Jacks from our vests.

I took the one off the unconscious SG team member and handed it to Anise. "I suggest you wait for the Nox then have your people visit you one at a time and they will let you know. Scan them as the enter the room and knock them out before taking the rings from them. The Nox will be able to fix the mind problems I'm sure."

The high Chancellor nodded. "Very well. Tell your people I'll meet with your president Wednesday."

I nodded. "You know what, keep the scanners, you may need them. Just don't go stealing our allies technology."

We left and met the Nox on the way out. I asked for the elder they sent to fix the za'tarc programming in our team member and mentioned that the Tok'ra needed much the same to prevent deaths. The elder erased the programming rather quickly while speaking to me mentally. I guided him a little and helped him find his path.

We left after that and met up at the SGC with the rest of the team for a debriefing. Bonnie has already scanned and removed all za'tarc programming in the unwilling victims in the base and set up a barrier around the stargate that did much the same.

When I sat down I asked Carter. "Feeling better?"

She nodded and glanced at Jack before saying. "Much."

I smiled. "So what did you catch? Cause I definitely don't want any more viruses."

She snorted then sighed. "Stomach bug. It'll pass I'm sure."

General Hammond began and the meeting went on for several hours as we planned the meeting security. I suggested we add a no weapons policy and told him that as long as they were on base, nothing could possibly happen.

He asked about the mind control and I told him I already made an arrangement with the Nox to stop by and check our people before the summit. I told him the Nox was already checking the Tok'ra as we speak as well.

That seemed to alleviate the rest of his worry's. The meeting went as scheduled and I was temporarily reassigned as the presidents body guard while he was on base. I met him at the entrance and answered all his questions while we went down. I told him the about security and the risks while on base and what we've done to minimize or eliminate them.

When we were about to arrive he apologized about the promotion stalling. I told him it was ok and gave him the same I gave General Hammond. He laughed and sighed something about wishing to see it all first hand as well.

I stood guard for the meeting and once it was over, I escorted him off the base. I went back to my active duties. A week later we arrived on Gaia with most of the SGC and our 'parents'.

When we stepped onto the planet we were greeted by the Nox. I smiled and spoke. "It is alright, you may reveal everything today. We will not hide on this day. It will be considered a holy day that will be peaceful throughout the universe."

General Hammond and the members of the SGC looked at me weirdly but I just chuckled. "Relax, I am not crazy my friends."

Bonnie spoke. "We have been hiding amongst your people for so long now that we decided the day of our wedding would be a day of enlightenment for those that come and a day for peace for everyone else. Today there will be no death, no destruction or chaos. Today the universe will be still."

I raised a hand and power gathered visibly from the both of us. It poured out of our very being and made our words laws. It would only last one day, but it would be a good day. The Nox people gathered around us and bowed their heads as the power radiating off of our very being was a source of enlightenment for them.

When we were done, I spoke again. "Just one moment, we have guests still not here."

I waved another hand and wormholes popped up in the fields and Asgard and Tollans walked through with a few Tok'ra. When they were all through, the wormholes vanished. Bonnie spoke. "We've been in your reality for one hundred earth years and we've been helping each of your races in our own way."

She turned to the Nox. "Your people retreated into themselves and forgot the rest of the universe was apart of life as a whole. Everyone suffers and dies eventually and though you do nothing to perpetuate the cycle, you did very little to stop the worst of it. Now you are connected again and the tethers there are growing stronger in your younger generation. You will remember this above all else. Life is chaos, death is order. All things that live must die, but it's the quality of that life that gives it meaning."

I turned to the Asgard. "Your people have become arrogant and complacent. The replicators were not your downfall, they merely took advantage of the weakness your people already had. Even with the furlings and the Altarans gone, you could still have sought help from the Nox and used the ancient's repositories. Your hubris nearly saw the end of your race. When you sought out the humans to help you, you remedied apart of that weakness but not all of it. You will remember after today that it is fine to seek help from others when you need it."

Bonnie turned to the Tollans. "Your people are young and foolish, but like the Asgard if you do not stop your arrogance, you will perish. Remember this as a warning, it is ok to be a little proud of what you've accomplished, but never think you are better than others."

I turned to the SGC members and our 'parents'. "Your race is still very young and we've been helping to remedy that as fast as you can learn. We've helped save your planet and prevent disasters from occurring many times over. We've spilled blood for your people because you out of everyone here have the most potential to be better. We are sorry for our subterfuge and if you wish us to stop, we will. But if we leave, I should warn you our protection goes with us."

The older and wiser races thought on our words and accepted them. While the Tok'ra spoke. "We noticed you did not give us advice."

I smiled and Bonnie spoke. "Your races problems stem from the sarcophagus that was based on an ancient healing device. Both technologies are flawed. The healing device stepped into the laws of death. To much time around it would kill and resurrect almost any being as a mindless slaughtering monster. The device is locked away and while the sarcophagus is bad, it can be managed like any addiction."

I sighed. "Your people are almost innocent in all of this. They did not become such evil until the device. Before that, they were much like the humans here. While they needed hosts to interact, they had hearts and minds of their own. They chose to be as nature intended until one of those that was in a Unas was severely injured. The scientists of your race made the sarcophagus as a way to save his love. It was based of the healing device he found in an abandoned ancient outpost."

Bonnie continued. "It was flawed and addictive. It made his love dependent on it and eventually bled the good out of her. She became the first queen to spawn what is now the goa'uld. Knowledge of her was erased by the furlings because they believed it their greatest failure and much like the ancients they to gave up on this universe. They fled using reality crystals like the quantum mirror on earth."

Daniel asked. "Why would they care? Why was it their greatest failure?"

I turned to the Nox while Bonnie to the Asgard. Anteaus spoke just before Thor could. "Because they are the creators of the goa'uld. They made them in an attempt to have someone to be their legacy bearers. Each of the four races made another. Our people made a race of microscopic water like creatures. They ended up flooding the planet they inhabited and so we left them to be."

Thor blinked. "Our race created a people called the Solaris. It backfired and ended badly. It led to my races current decline and the plague that killed the ancients that did not flee. The Solaris are long gone now, have no fear. But it was because of them that the four races broke apart and stopped speaking to each other. The ancients were the eldest of us and with them gone, we lost hope in the alliance. We retreated to our corner of the galaxies and declined while trying to recover."

General Hammond asked me. "What are you then?"

I sighed. "Would you believe me if I said weary travelers? "

The look on his face gave me my answer. "I and my beloved are what you would call gods if the goa'uld and the many other races hadn't played around with your peoples history and religions. We are not a race per say, but an evolution in the process. The ancients took one road, myself and Bonnie love, took another. Ultimately our road continues further while theirs is a dead end. They have stopped advancing and have become complacent. Out of the four races, theirs is the most flawed. Many of your problems you will find eventually, began with them."

Daniel asked. "Then what exactly are you? I mean, If you call yourself an evolution, how did you evolve?"

I smiled. "You are one of my favorite beings in this universe because of your inquisitive mind. If I showed you my godly body your mind would not be able to handle it. You would collapse in on yourself and ultimately become brain dead. Suffice it to say, when you reach a certain point like I did, you can become an aspect of nature."

Carter asked. "What aspect are you?"

I sighed and Bonnie spoke. "He is death. You can all relax, death is not evil and he doesn't kill anyone like your thinking. He plays the role of Charon and the river of souls. In reality he helps those that die find peace or sends the unrepentant to other places. He doesn't judge your souls, merely plays a part because it is literally apart of him. He is the final realm of sleep for the tired and weary."

She took my hand when saying that. And I smiled sadly. "She is the goddess of magic, or as your people would call it, energy. She is movement and light. Hope and dreams. She fuels everything from your batteries to the stars themselves. She is your inspiration and love. She can be a storm or a fleeting thought. Everything that is physical is her realm."

General Hammond asked. "Can you prove any of your claims?"

I looked him over and sighed. "Which dead person would you like to speak to? Whom would you have me call back into reality? Your mother?"

His mother appeared as I spoke. She began crying in agony and I sent her back with a sad sigh. "The dead feel agony when they come back from peace. She only felt a nano second of it before I put her back. Pain is the cost of life my friend."

Bonnie shook her head. "No general Hammond, he did not mean to cause harm, he despises the very feel of his realm. It is tiresome for him to touch and use it because it is a place of rest. He meant no offense by it, I only apologize for him because he has no filter when he is asked to prove himself. Living beings cannot understand him unless they've experienced his realm for themselves and I'm not talking about a near miss either."

The Nox stayed quiet but the Asgard asked. "Do either of you know the answers to our current problems?"

Bonnie nodded and I waved a hand. A girl appeared before us as if she were asleep. I waved a hand and she appeared before the Asgard's feet. "She is the original creator of the ones you call replicators. She was built long ago by a father wanting to remember his dead daughter. She's a robot herself though she does feel. She has within her the recall program that will bring all replicators within the range of a galaxy back to its source. Use it and you could theoretically get rid of them all so long as you're willing to destroy her as well. Use the corrosive substance I gave you to end them once they've gathered."

Thor asked. "And the other?"

Bonnie growled and I sighed. I pulled a vial out of thin air and ran a fingernail along my skin. It began to bleed into it. I handed it to Bonnie while I healed myself. She tossed it next to the girl hissing. "There, the blood of your race before the outbreak and failures. Clean and untouched by any diseases. You will not ask for a third thing or you'll pay dearly for it."

I touched her arm and I apologized to them. "I'm sorry for her words, she's very protective of me and right now we are both touching our realms to give this universe a day of peace. At this time neither of us can lie or outride refuse a request to anyone linked to us. In my birth reality, I worshiped your name sake before going into battle while I was mortal. You carry a strong link to who I am as an individual."

Thor nodded and waited while Daniel asked. "So you were a Viking? When you were mortal?"

I nodded and let him draw his own conclusions. Jack asked. "Since you've helped them solve their problems, care to help the rest of us?"

I smiled and shook my head. "If we do more now, it'll slow or halt your growth as a people. We cannot give you more technology than we already have without the rest of your world devolving into a world war that will see nearly the entirety of earth decimated by its own greed. You must understand that while your intentions are good, those you ultimately answer to do not always share your views."

Teal'c asked. "Why haven't you slaughtered the goa'uld then?"

I looked to Bonnie who answered. "That was actually a debate between us when we arrived. You see, we cannot kill most of a race at once and be selective about it. He opted to end them because of the damage they've done as a whole and the damage they've continued to do since we arrived. It is a moral thing in the end, because he'd be killing the goa'uld, the Tok'ra and ultimately the Jaffa because without the goa'uld they would die in days. So many lives. Many innocent lives."

I sighed. "She convinced me not to because they are victims of chance themselves. They are not truly at fault any more than a human forced into drugs at birth and fed them their whole lives. Such is the flawed technology they use only a thousand times worse as it adds up with each new generation of memories."

Jack asked. "So you opted to what? Play house with our lives?"

Bonnie shook her head. "We came to an accord. We decided it wasn't our choice to make, so we will leave it up to you all. That is the main reason you are all here. To decide what to do. If you all come to the same conclusion then we will abide by it. We wish to make a home in this universe after all. We can continue as we are and you'll forget today except the wisdom you've gained from it. The goa'uld will be defeated in less than six years and each of your peoples will benefit from it."

I spoke. "Or I wave a hand and every goa'uld in this reality dies in a moment and we leave you to the ensuing chaos as it devours each of your races one by one until there is nothing left."

Bonnie spoke. "Wait just a second, we have a guest that's shown up late."

She waved a hand and the invisible woman appeared. Her light form was made flesh temporarily. I asked. "Would you care to weigh in or are you just being a nosy little girl again?"

She spoke calmly. "I am a hundred thousand years old, I am by no stretch a little girl."

I chuckled. "I am over twenty billion years old, to me you are a child playing hide and seek whilst listening in on others conversations."

Bonnie smiled. "Since you obviously aren't here to help them decide, you can go play elsewhere."

She waved her hand and the ancient was launched into a wormhole and across the galaxy to where she came from. I sat down on the ground and pulled Bonnie into my lap. "Take all the time you need to discuss it. This day won't end until you're finished and all agree. Don't worry, you'll not need substance or drink or even to use the bathroom. You'll not tire or hurt yourself either. Though you can rest if you wish to."

Bonnie closed her eyes and hummed in my arms. With that, the debate went on. A bubble around us was formed to keep it quiet until they were done. Whilst they argued, I meditated. The Asgard and Nox joined me in sitting and eventually even Teal'c did so.

The Tollans followed the Nox in sitting as well now. Only the humans and the Tok'ra remained standing and arguing. After a while several of the SGC sat down and when the rest calmed down, the sound barrier dropped.

Bonnie kisses my cheek and I opened my eyes. "You've all finished arguing your points. Tell me then, what will it be."

The Nox spoke first. "We of the Nox wish to continue as we were."

The Asgard spoke next. "We wish to continue as well, though we do hope to keep the items you've bestowed us."

Bonnie sighed. "We do not take back gifts child. They are yours regardless. You'll only remember acquiring them differently this way."

The Tollans spoke next. "We wish to continue as we were. This conflict hasn't touched us yet and we are preparing for. When it does."

Bonnie nodded. "You are growing wise after all. Expect the best, prepare for the worst. Do not worry, when your technology fails you, the allies you've made will not."

Teal'c spoke. "Since I am the only Jaffa here, I am unsure if I get a vote, but if I do, I vote to continue and hope that you keep your word of their downfall."

I smiled. "Teal'c, your say here weighs just as much as any race represented here today. Your people are the most effected by the outcome of today's debate."

General Hammond spoke up. "I have to agree with the rest here. At least I know you, even if it is just an illusion. I trust you'll do what's best for everyone. Though I do want to know what you've changed since coming here, other than the obvious."

I nodded and Bonnie told them. "The first change other than the company, Heretic industries, was funding the program from the beginning. If we had not come, senator Kinsey and the corrupt humans he worked with would have had a stronger foothold as he was the one that oversaw the money that would have been spent to fund the project."

I smiled. "The second significant thing was Charlie-"

Jack looked up and I continued. "He would have found Jack's gun one month before he went on the first Abydos mission and shot himself in the head. It would have been a tragic accident and needless loss of life."

Jack had tears coming down his eyes and I continued. "The Nox would have continued to close themselves off until eventually they were the last of the original four races and they would've eventually died out from a conquering being a few centuries from now."

Bonnie spoke. "The next, other than favorable and peaceful outcomes to your missions was the amount of technology and sheer knowledge you've gained by now. You would still be working on basic glider-jet technology and many of the people or races you've come across would be dead from unforeseen circumstances on your part."

I spoke again. "Sha're would be dead and ascended by now and Skaara would be back on Abydos where he would eventually die and ascend with the help of the nosy girl Bonnie spanked."

Bonnie smiled. "Alex here has decreed Abydos untouchable by any who wish it harm. No goa'uld or Jaffa can find it or remember it's location. Even if an ascended being wanted to find it to do harm they could not. He has placed his protection on it and not even the strongest black hole could swallow it. Even if another being like us came to this reality, they would think carefully before trying to cause it harm. We are unique even among our own kind as they fear us even as groups."

Daniel asked. "Why is that?"

I looked him over before nodding and she told him. "Gods of each domain, or aspect of nature fight over territory in them. There are other gods of magic and death. My beloved here was born with a unique ability that set him apart even as a human. They called him cursed and his mother sold him out of fear when he was a year old. In our reality some people were born with the gift to manipulate energy and keep the balance of nature. They were called witches. I to was born a witch. Alex here was born a curse to witches and the balance itself. He was born with the ability to absorb all energy."

Carter gasped. "Oh my!"

The Nox and the Asgard's eyes went wide and she continued. "In his twenty ninth year of his life, his parents murdered him and his siblings in a ritual to give them immortality. That was his first taste of death, for a thousand years he spent it protecting mortals and witches alike. He met me when I was nearing the end of high school. It was fated of sorts. You see one of the witch bloodlines he was protecting was mine. The woman his mother sold him to was my ancestor and he swore to protect my family line till the end of time. Anyway, to defeat a powerful evil witch that was using innocents like batteries, he sacrificed his form of immortality for another. For a moment in the ritual, he was a mortal man again, then his heart was literally ripped out of his chest still beating. That was his second taste of death. And finally when he brought the evil witch down and ended her, his soul shattered for a millionth of a second and by all rights , he should not have survived as there isn't a being that we've ever heard of that could come back from that."

I finally spoke. "It was a dark peacefully quiet void. I'd spent over a thousand years of my life at war and fighting battle after battle without end. I thought it was finally my chance to rest, but I heard a cry and with it, my nieces first strong act of magic. She pulled me partially back into the living as her magic pulled my soul together from across that reality."

Jack asked. "Partially?"

I nodded. "You see, while I was technically dead, my curse was still active and it found a form of energy it liked. It began consuming the realm souls pass through to find peace. When I woke up in my body again, my curse had consumed and grown stronger and out of my control. I knew I had to leave or it would have consumed all energy in that reality, so I spoke with the dead witches and they sent me to pocket dimensions but they were still connected to the main one and I was sent back as my curse consumed both pocket dimensions meant to be prisons for those that really messed up. It ate two worlds in the span of two days. I held it in as best I could and I said one last goodbye to Bonnie before tearing a whole in my reality and stepping into another. At that time I was desperate and young, I was willing to let it have any other but her. So far from where it was connected to the realm of death, my curse was stretched thin and couldn't do much anymore."

I waved a hand and the sky changed, depicting my passed. "I was cut off and immortal. I couldn't die even when I really wanted it to be over. My soul was connected to death you see. In constant agony as I felt the effects of life without end. I turned off my emotions and turned myself into my secondary form."

A white wolf appeared. "The beasts of the land I'd arrived were monsters, literally demons from a hell dimension. Fate or a twist of luck had sent me to a world closer to the law of death. I gave into the instincts of the wolf and without emotions nothing stopped it."

A seens of carnage made from nightmares played out. "Billions of years of it. When I wasn't in meditation to keep my mind sane, I was either trying to kill myself or becoming the wolf once more."

More scenes played out of my attempted suicides and meditation before going back to the wolf again. "An endless cycle that I only wanted to end. I pleaded to every deity of every religion. Some actually answered and fled when they saw me. My curse effected them even then. While I was immortal, I wasn't unkillable and yet they denied me. I offered to let them torture my soul in whatever hell they could think of if they killed me but they all denied me."

I showed time passing as my body became stronger and demonstrated it in the scenes. "My body was growing stronger over all that time. When I first got there, I could still bleed, I could still burn. But after twenty five billion years, my body became harder to harm than a black hole. It had reached the peak of the mortal realm. And one day, long after humans finally came to be a psychic connected to a being even stronger than I currently am, told me the there was a way back to Bonnie. I had to kill and devour one of those gods that denied me so long ago and my body would take the next step in evolution. There just so happened to be a goddess of a hell dimension trying to destroy the world and nearly all of that reality I was in. I separated her from her mortal body and we fought a battle that would leave this galaxy destroyed. Many ancient demons were caught in the middle and destroyed as our blows connected. In the end I tore her in half and my curse did it's job. I became a lesser god. Like the difference between a human and a Unas, I was weak once more. But my curse was fully active and raring to go, I waged war on the other gods of the dead and slaughtered them before taking their territory and adding it to my own."

Bonnie touched my cheek. "That is enough story time. Suffice it to say he got the power he needed to return to the past and to me. We lived in our reality for a couple more centuries and eventually the humans found out about the supernatural. Creatures much like the Nox who were influenced by nature. The humans waged a quick war and slaughtered most of them. My beloved and I protected what we could but the quote holds truth: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. The humans had the numbers and fire power. Fear and hatred of the unknown fueled them as they laid waste to the very beings that protected and cared for them for centuries and longer. They slaughtered old and young alike. They laid waist to a school full of children as young as five."

All races there looked horrified and sad. I spoke now. "That was the day we left. Several of my friends and their children died there. The town close to us was burned to the ground and it's people slaughtered in the streets because they were sympathetic to us. At that moment I'd truly felt anger and rage like I hadn't experienced in eons. I was so close to laying wast to the pathetic race that called itself mankind. But then I saw the grieving families and I couldn't perpetuate it. I decided it was time we left. I gathered the surviving members of each species into a portable pocket dimension, and I made sure the dead found peace. I had to destroy several hundred gods that day to stop them from feeding on the souls of the departed. When the last of the children's souls were at piece, I punched a hole in that reality and stepped out once more. I felt nature itself dying as we left. That world may still have humans, but nothing good will ever grow there again. I dropped the beings off in a reality more excepting of them. Dragons and phoenixes, werewolves vampires and witches. Dryads, spirits and elves. All manor of species that weren't completely wiped out were given a reprieve. We came here to find an actually descent home the same day. We settled on a plan. Follow the flow of events. Help the races here come together and when they were ready and less fearful, we would present ourselves and leave the decision to them. We do not mind one way or the other. We are eternal and we can start over else where, but the longer we stayed, the more we cared."

Bonnie sighed. "You've made your decision and when the goa'uld loose their reign for good, you'll all remember this this day. Until then, you'll remember a nice wedding where everyone attended. Those who were brought here forcefully will be returned to the moment they left."

I waved a hand and wormholes came into being in rows. "Step through and your memories will be altered until it is time to remember again."

The Asgard and Tok'ra stepped through, followed by the Tollan. When they were gone, I stood up with Bonnie. "When we leave here the Nox will forget as well. There will be no one but us that remembers everything."

Daniel asked. "Is it necessary for us to forget? I mean, if you're just going to give us our memories back anyway?"

I smiled. "The humans must experience adversity to grow. If you all know I'm protecting you then you will become complacent and arrogant. Some may come to fear and hate us or depend on us to save them from every mess."

He nodded. "I can see that I guess-"

Bonnie laughed. "No Daniel, we will not let you be the only one to remember, it wouldn't be fair to the others. But for your intuitiveness, I'll give you all the knowledge of my Alex's birth language."

She tapped his forehead and he understood Norse and runes fluently. I patted his back and pushed him towards the group. When they all went through and back to earth, we followed. As soon as we stepped through, the Nox forgot and the universe went on as if a day where nothing bad happened in it.

We arrived and everyone congratulated us again before getting back to work. We left for home while putting it in their minds that we were staying on a paradise planet for two weeks.

We ripped another hole in reality and walked through to an alternate version of the vampire diaries where I was never born. We bought a house near town and we went and introduced ourselves to Sheila Bennet. When she opened the door, she nearly had a heart attack.

Bonnie offered her hand. "Hello grams, I'm a Bonnie from another reality."

She hyperventilated for a minute before asking. "How is this possible child?"

As she took Bonnie's hand I felt what she was doing. She was showing her our past in a slightly fast speed but slow enough to get the gist of it. When she let go, Sheila spoke. "So should I call you goddess now?"

I chuckled and Bonnie shook her head. "Just Bonnie is fine, Bonnie Mikaelson."

Sheila nodded. "So why have two such as you come here? This isn't your past is it?"

I shook my head now. "No, in this world, I was never born. This another reality made by that change."

She nodded slowly. "Still haven't answered my first question."

I smiled. "As you've seen, our world rejected us eventually. We are here because we miss familiar faces and want some peace for a time before we head back to the stress that is our current lives."

She looked skeptical but sighed. "Doesn't really matter I guess, I'll be dead soon anyway."

Bonnie frowned and I sighed. Sheila held the door open. "You comin in?"

We walked and went to the dining room table to sit down. Sheila sighed. "So cancer huh?"

I chuckled. "Could be worse."

She raised an eyebrow. "What's worse than cancer?"

I said with a straight face. "The Bennet stubbornness."

Bonnie slapped my chest and stuck out her tongue. I swooped in for a kiss and Sheila smiled. "I'm glad she finds happiness eventually."

I smiled as I pulled away from Bonnie's tempting lips. "This won't be the same for your Bonnie. I don't exist in this reality. She may not find someone here like me."

Bonnie chuckled. "He's right, she could be into women for all we know."

Sheila asked curiously. "Your a god and goddess, can't you check?"

I nodded. "We could, but then it could change because we checked. Then again, I could look through all current possibilities and find out the most likely one. But then, why don't we just find out as she grows. You'll be on the other side watching over her when she does make her choice so why not let it be."