
The Origin of Spirits from Within

KzyRefaDe · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

At The Guild (1)

Thereupon at the front door of the Guild

"I've finally can get my reward" said to myself, also I can't wait for some of my questions to be answered by DARK

*Clang Clang*

After opening the door, I can see some adventurers are drinking and laughing while others eat and talk, good no one has suspect DARK that he's a Spirit. Going to the counter, DARK followed me behind...

"Oh? Already finished your quest Jade?"

My body jolted in surprise, it's like I've seen a ghost. Looking toward my side where the voice came from, an adventurer came over to me who's in the leather armor, a long dark pants with a brown hair question me, his cheeks are red... and he smelled like alcohol

I answered him with a bright smile

"Yes, find all the herbs that what's in the quest"

"I see, I see. So after you claim your quest what are you gonna do afterwards?"

"Um, I'll buy some food then sleep, I'm kinda tired and want to sleep. Finding herbs tired me out, ehehe"

I'm really anxious and worried at the same time, DARK can't go to the counter because if he speak, the receptionist will find out that DARK is my Spirit...

Before registering in the Guild, the receptionist need to see and hear a person's Spirit, all types of Spirit can make any noise.

The receptionist already heard my Spirit talk but haven't seen it yet, because DARK told me [don't show me to anyone, only show me if necessary] DARK was hiding in my shadow that time and the noise he made was.... [ahem].... The receptionist will know it's DARK, if he spoke to the receptionist... I'm in trouble...

Jade was panicking inside his head

I need to hurry or the other adventurers will notice, why is DARK waiting for me and not going to the counter himself. To the adventurers, DARK is like a human to their eyes...

"Oh? What are you looking, Huh? Oi, big guy did you hear me?"

The drunk adventurer look up at DARK mockingly

Hiiiiiiii, if they found out DARK is my Spirit... My Guild card will be rip off, then I can't register in any Guild and take any quest... I'll can't achieve my goal...

Thinking it in his head what's happening. I then glance at the two, knowing what's gonna happen if DARK says something to the drunk adventurer...

After a few silence, the drunk adventurer spoke

"Ahh, I know! you're into guys that's why you can't speak!"

A burst of laughter came from all the Male adventurers, all of the receptionist was quiet. The Female adventurers was blushing quietly. I was relieved, I thought the drunk adventurer found out, it turns out the drunk adventurer didn't...

Phew, he didn't found out...

"I get it. why you're waiting for Jade *Hic* because you can't speak up properly *Hic* you can speak normally to kids but, *Hic* to adult like us... You can't right? *Hic* You get cold feet...*Hic*"

" " " " "He's drunk..." " " " "

DARK nod in response, playing along what the drunk adventurer says

Thank you DARK for playing along with this drunk adventurer.... I thank DARK inwardly

"Ummm.... Can I go to the receptionist to claim my reward now?"

I ask the drunk adventurer

"Oh? Of course Jade, *Hic* you can go now"

DARK followed me behind

"Wait! I'm not finished *Hic* talking to you yet...."

The drunk adventurer put his left hand on DARK. DARK stop on his feet...

"Don't tell me..... you have a crush on FIN?! *Hic*"

DARK nod

Then all the Male adventurers burst from laughter and the Female adventurers squeal blushingly, some of the receptionist blush silently meanwhile...

FIN, the Male receptionist was deadpan, unconsciously saying "Huh?"

"I've guessed right! *Hic* because you need someone to talk for you *Hic* and that where comes Jade! *Hic*"

"Go on, go on *Hic* don't mind me *Hic* talk to FIN now *Hic* hahahaha *Hic*"


The drunk adventurer fall on the floor... I guess he's too drunk, he fell asleep...

The other adventurers go over to the drunk adventurer, who fall on the floor. They put the drunk adventurer on his chair...


" " " " "He fell asleep" " " " "

I know that DARK is just playing along with the drunk adventurer. Whatever the drunk adventurer says can prevent any of the adventurers in the Guild suspect DARK, I'm okay with it... but I don't know if it's okay to DARK....

I'll just go to the counter to claim my reward....

"FIN. Here's my herb, 20 ferline herbs from the Southwest Forest"

"Un, please wait a moment.... while I check this.... at the back..."

Eh? FIN is talking weird. Maybe the word 'crush' the drunk adventurer just said must have been confused him...

FIN is still thinking what type of crush the drunk adventurer just said

DARK put the two sack on the counter, after FIN left...

Shortly FIN came back...

"I have checked... and... confirmed the herbs... For collecting... all the requirements... needed... here's your... reward... 1,135 copper... coins thank you... for... doing the quest"

"Uh... Ehhmm... y-your welcome?..... Also the quest, this person took earlier with me..."

Saying 'this person' in front of DARK who is my Spirit it's like... I don't know who DARK is, even though DARK and I been together for a year....

"Huh? Why you're the one speaking instead of him?"

"Eh? Ummm, he's too shy to speak..."

"Hmm... I see... too shy... to speak..."

In front of Jade, FIN is talking like a robot that has been just program to talk. Jade is kinda confused right now, how FIN talk to Jade

The Guild went silent, the mood become heavy, all of the adventurers eyes was fixed on DARK

"Eh?" I muttered. What's with this atmosphere....

"Umm, you mean the Ogre subjugation quest?"

FIN ask...

"Y-Yes, FIN"


The drunk adventurer who fell asleep, fall off in his seat...

Why they didn't put the drunk adventurer properly on his seat, poor guy...

FIN'S eyes widened in shock, FIN came back to his senses after hearing what I just said

All of the receptionist and some adventurers was shocked, while the other adventurers was glaring at DARK...

"Are you sure!? You're not lying Jade!?"

"Yes. I'm honest about it, you can check the sack, for proof of this person quest"

"All right! The one who've seen the Ogres is in the Guild actually."

The one who've seen the Ogres, FIN is talking about, is a retired adventurer. He is the one who post this quest because the four Ogres was going out of the forest...

Monster don't go outside unless, there's no food left for the Monsters to hunt inside the Southwest Forest, or there's a bigger Monsters to scare other Monsters out of the Southwest Forest...

However, Ogres are a cunning creature that look for food outside of the Southwest Forest once it's night time if, they can't hunt in the Forest anymore. So it make the Ogres hunt outside.

Ogres always eat animals, they rarely eat... humans if, they're really hungry. But this four Ogres always come out in the Southwest Forest once it's night time to eat animals in nearby farms

One night, the retired adventurer have seen the four Ogres coming out of the forest and eating animals in nearby farms. After seeing this, he post a quest in the Guild

FIN turn toward at DARK

"So Sir. You can claim your reward, after the one who've request this, confirm the heads"

DARK nod

"I'll be back then if, this is the heads of the Ogres he have seen"

With that, FIN slightly bow to DARK, leave then goes to the retired adventurer at the room, where receptionist is only allowed to go in and the people who want to put a quest

While waiting for the confirmation of the quest that DARK took, I can already hear the adventurers talking...

The Male adventurers betting on DARK if the quest is true or not, while the Female adventurers talking if DARK have a lover or not

"I bet that Guy kill the wrong Ogres then he put in the sack, making it look like he finished the quest"

"Hey. What if it's true? That Guy really finished the Ogre subjugation quest..."

"Hey hey, I kinda like that Guy. He hides his face with a mask and finished the quest instantly, he's so mysterious~"

"But he said he has a crush on FIN~"

" " " "Kyaa~ " " " "

Ehehe... I guess the Female adventurers took a liking to DARK...

Then a hurried footsteps came rushing to the counter

It was FIN and an Old Man beside him, who came back hurriedly...

"Hah hah, you! With the long black robe..."

The Old Man walk toward DARK breathing heavily

"Are you the person, who beheaded the Ogres?"

DARK nod his head

The Old Man eyebrows raise, his eyes widened. He patted DARK'S left shoulder

"Thank you. For doing the quest and killing the Ogres, also for avenging the dead who have been killed by the Ogres..."

Tears were coming up in the corner of the Old Man eyes...

That means he's the retired adventurer... Wait 'thank you for killing the Ogres' that means.... Yeessss!!

I just finished this chapter writing. I'll post another chapter if, I finished writing again.

KzyRefaDecreators' thoughts