
The Origin of Spirits from Within

KzyRefaDe · Fantasy
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5 Chs

At The Guild (2) And Some Food

Finally!!! I can claim the reward!!! Shouting in my mind.

The Guild fell into a hushed silence as the old man expressed his gratitude to DARK for avenging the victims of the Ogres. Tears welled up in his eyes, a mix of sorrow and relief. The weight of his appreciation hung heavy in the air, filling the room with a solemn aura.

The old man regained his composure and turned to address the gathered adventurers. His voice quivered with a mixture of excitement and reverence. "Fellow guild members, I stand before you to bear witness to this brave man's courage and skill. He single-handedly vanquished the Ogres that have terrorized our lands for far too long."

Whispers and murmurs rippled through the crowd, the magnitude of DARK'S accomplishment sinking in. The tales of the Ogres had circulated through the Guild, but few had dared to take on the daunting task. Now, standing before them was the very person who had rid their world of that menace. DARK glanced at me, who stood beside him, seemingly unaffected by the attention.

The adventurers erupted into applause and cheers, their admiration for DARK echoing through the Guild. As the commotion settled down, Jade spoke. "Um... I'll go now, see you tomorrow Fin and goodbye Sir" with a slight bow I head to the door.

"See you tomorrow Jade" Fin replied, "See you, young man" the Old man replied. As I was about to push the door, a shout was called.


Looking back, it was the Old man. "Wait, I still don't know your name yet, the man who killed the Ogres with a long black robe"

I keep glancing between the Old man and DARK. This is bad, this is really bad... I forgot to give a fake name to DARK and if DARK speaks, I will get found out. Even though Fin is at the counter, me and DARK are here before the door. Fin can still notice a spirit's voice even though the guild is full of noise with these adventurers. Because, all receptionists have green spirits, no matter what guild you are in, all receptionists have green spirits. The power to remember someone else's spirit's voice, no matter how much noise there is and how quiet your spirit talks, it will be instantly noticed and be heard by green spirits.

Unconsciously shouting "Vorik!" without hesitation. The old man raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by the unexpected response. "Vorik, you say?" he mused, stroking his white beard. "That's an unusual name, but it suits a man of his caliber." Nervously, I nodded, trying to play along. "Yes, Vorik is his name," I replied. "

"But, isn't that strange. You keep speaking for Vorik, young man, why can't he speak for his own?" the old man looked between me and DARK with suspicion.

"Because... well... his throat is hurt... it's like he can't speak... yes, that's why..."

I replied nervously with feeble fabrication. After the old man pondered for a moment. The old man smiled, apparently satisfied with the answer. "Very well, I'll ask you next time when your throat is healed. We are grateful for your deeds, and your name shall be remembered in the annals of our Guild."

With that, DARK and I exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the close call. As I made my way out of the Guild hall, I couldn't help but wonder how long I could keep up this charade. As I stepped out of the Guild hall, the bustling city greeted me with its lively streets and colorful characters. DARK, still clad in his enigmatic black robe, followed closely behind.

DARK spoke in a low, amused tone, "Vorik, huh? You're quite the quick thinker, Jade."

I grinned, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. "Well, it was either that or risk revealing your true identity and good a thing that we're out of the guild now". As the sun hung high in the sky, casting long shadows across the bustling city, DARK and I slipped away from the crowded streets. We ventured into an alley hidden from prying eyes. "Okay DARK, I think no one can see us here, you can go back into my shadow now".

[You almost forgot this Jade] DARK extended his hand, palm up, presenting me with the reward from our successful ogre quest. In his outstretched hand, 5 silver coins.

"Thanks. With this, I don't need to worry about short money for months or years I think..?" As we completed the exchange, DARK seamlessly melded back into my shadow, his form dissolving like a wisp of smoke, a silent guardian hidden in the depths of my own shadow. After DARK melded back into my shadow, my stomach grumbled unexpectedly. Hunger had an uncanny sense of timing.

"....." Feeling the weight of an awkward silence settle between me DARK. I struggled to find words to break the sudden tension. DARK was the first to break the awkward tension [Hungry? Well, I suppose you earned a good meal after that quest, don't you think?] I responded awkwardly, "Yeah..."

[Then find a food stall where you can eat]

"Thanks but, you sure you don't mind?"

[Yeah, I can still help you walk until you get back to the house] I replied "Thanks"

Upon arriving in the bustling market, a delightful scent hung in the air, a blend of exotic spices and roasting meat. It drew me in like magic, guiding me through the colorful chaos of the crowded stalls. The aroma grew stronger with each step, leading me to the source: a stall selling skewered meat, its charred edges glistening with succulent morsels that promised an extraordinary taste experience.

I decided to purchase five skewered meats to-go from the bustling market. As I made my way out, the fragrant parcels of deliciousness nestled securely in my hands, I couldn't resist the temptation.

While walking home, I indulged in the succulent skewers. Each bite was a burst of flavor, the combination of tender meat and exotic spices creating a tantalizing symphony in my mouth. The bustling market faded into the background as I savored every mouthful, a delightful journey of taste and texture.

As I arrived at the front of my dwelling, it became evident that 'house' was indeed a generous term. The structure before me resembled more of a weathered shed than a traditional home. Its weathered wooden panels bore the scars of time and elements, and the roof sagged slightly under the weight of countless seasons. Yet, despite its humble appearance, I cherished it as my sanctuary. In my eyes, any place with a roof was a haven.

Stepping inside the shed, I found myself in a compact space where every function of daily life converged. It was a cozy yet efficient arrangement, with the kitchen tucked against one wall, the bed occupying a corner, and a small living area nestled by a window. The entire space was a testament to creative living in close quarters, where everything had its place.

However, the restroom was an exception. Tucked away at the back of the shed, it provided a modicum of privacy and a much-needed separation from the rest of the living space. It was a reminder that even in this compact sanctuary, some things deserved their own discreet corner. I made my way to the corner of the room where my humble wooden bed waited. Its poor quality was evident in the creaking frame and the soft glow of the enchanted cushion, but it was enough to cradle my tired body. With each step, the wooden floorboards whispered beneath my weight, echoing the weariness I felt.

As I reached the bed, I lowered myself onto it, feeling the enchanted cushion's gentle, soothing embrace. I addressed DARK, "Okay, DARK, you can stop supporting my body to prevent it from sleeping. Thank you, as always."

DARK's reply came swiftly, 'Don't worry,' he said, and he stopped supporting my body from the shadows. With a sigh, I let my body slump, the cushion molding to my tired form. I closed my eyes, grateful for the simple comfort it offered, and soon, sleep claimed me.

--------------Back at the forest-------------------

Amidst the whispering trees, an enigmatic figure stood cloaked in a tattered robe. Shadows cast by the ancient oaks shrouded his face, rendering it invisible. His presence was a stark contrast to the serene scene of where Jade had bravely battled the Ogres.

The man's lips curled upward in a wicked smile, a sinister glint in his eyes as he surveyed the aftermath of the fierce encounter. Puddles of dark, viscous Ogre blood glistened ominously on the forest floor, mirroring the malevolence in his gaze. The rustling leaves and distant echoes of Jade's struggle were the only sounds that dared to break the eerie silence of the forest. In the dim light filtering through the dense canopy, he remained an enigma, his intentions hidden in the shadows.

"I see. Looks like this quest has taught you how to use spirit gears. The time will come when I'll reveal myself to you."

With that, he added in a softer tone, "My son."

As he spoke those words, he dissolved into the shadows, disappearing from view.