
The Origin Earth

Memories of a future, a dark future. A future that will happen. 100 people worked together to send their memories into the past to work to save earth from an inevitable destruction. I am one of them, am not consider the most powerful but most knowledgeable. Will I be able to change anything or will the butterfly effect change the future to come or it will remain the same as it was? This is my story

solo_g · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Future Memories

"Aaaaaah" Amani woke up with a splitting headache after a night of drinking and party with some of his new friends, he knew that they were there just for the money nothing else. There was a massive amount of information flowing into his head from an unknown source. This added to his headache making his clench his head as if to help but it was a fruitless endeavor.

After a period of time the pain slightly lessened but there was still a throbbing pain. He didn't even bother to review what was added to his head but just headed out of the hotel room. The hotel was quite small scale and it was the closest place he found during the previous night drunken stupor.

He had just dropped in bed after getting in the room, his so called friends leaving him after drinking their fill. Checking his phone to find that no one had wondered how he was just confirmed his theories. [Well at least they knew how to party hard as that was what I need after a stress full year] he thought as he headed to restaurant area.

He immediately ordered a bowl of bone soup as it was the most common remedy of hangover that he knew of and the easily available as he didn't want to move too far from his current location. It was an ordinary Saturday nothing particular would happen but those strange memories and information that surfaced in his mind.

Reviewing them a bit and he thought made he was starting to hallucinate a little bit. This was because all the memories seems of a future version of himself and the information seems to be about magic, meditation, fighting techniques, magic spells and other stuff of similar nature.

The first thing that came to his mind was that he could use this information to write a book as the information encompassed a large area. The information could make the novel quite popular as it built a whole system and world to it, its bases been magic.

"Maybe I could make something like Harry Potter, hahaha" while he laughed at himself for his bug dreams. He had to have his dreams as those help to keep his mind from imploding and make him go crazy. The year had not gone well, he lost his job due to his boss's mistake and the boss had made his life a living hell by destroying his name to his various contacts making his efforts to find a new null and void.

He thought of going back home but still wanted to maintain his independence. His parents would likely to welcome him back home but still......

An hour later the throbbing pain in his head had subsided as he had headed to his and checked out a few minutes later after collecting some stuff he had left in his room. He headed to the nearest supermarket and both several hardcover books. He thought it would be better to write down every bit of information maybe that novel could become a reality or a least it could distract him from his current problems.

Later in his small rented apartment, Amani started writing down every piece of information and memories, the memories were about an invasion on earth by a foreign entity through portals that seem to randomly appear around the earth.

When it all started he was back home and had escaped a bad fate as portal had appeared right in front of his apartment. The Kenyan military had to move to stop the beasts at the time, there was a massive loss of life and this happened simultaneously around the world. People died in the millions,

His memories showed the areas in Kenya and eastern African countries that were largely affected and some other areas around the world. [From the looks of it most people died due to their curiosity as they had crowded the area where the portal opened up and when the beast spilled out it was a massacre, truly curiosity killed the cat]

As Amani continued writing down the memories and information he started to have a nagging feeling that something didn't seem right about this memories they felt too real almost as if these things had happened but he just couldn't believe it

This was fantasy stuff only read in stories.

[Maybe I should stop reading fantasy novels for a while, it combined with drinking has made me feel that this stuff is going to happen]

Amani just stuffed the feeling down and continued writing down everything as he felt he will forget some things which were good novel writing material.