
Good Friends

Amani continued writing for quite some time, it was only at four in the morning that he finally stopped. It took him almost 16 hours to complete his task. When he was done, he tired and hungry. He prepared some noodles, ate and dropped to bed.

His phone is what woke him up checking the time it was almost four in the evening

"Hi Sarah"

"hi what's up, haven't seen you in a while"

"Just hustling here and there to survive"

"I heard you lost your job, you have been keep it on the lowdown. You should have said something there was an opening at a friend's company I would have told you about it"

"I just decided to chill and not taking employment for while"

"yeah right" Sarah answered sarcastically

[she knows that am faking it but am too ashamed to asked, I had bragged a lot about my job, the reason that am kind of avoiding my friends] he thought while replying

"You don't have to worry about me, I won ksh250, 000 when I was betting randomly on a football game a few days ago so I am set for a while as long as I don't waste it."

[I did waste 50,000 on Friday night, kind of regretting and not regretting it at the same time]

"That is good to hear at least you are safe for a while" he could hear the relief in her voice, Sarah was one of the few friends that took care of him and he trusted him, if the stuff he had written was true she would be the first to add on the people to help.

"So when will I be seeing you" she continued

"Since you will working during the week the coming weekend is fine"

"Good see you later, bye"


Amani rolled out of bed and went to the local café that was best for its low prices, he had to start tightening his budget for his money to last long. He ordered his two chapati and beans for the low price of ksh50 and that would be enough for his supper as it was already 5:00 in the evening.

As he ate he kept thinking back to that set of memories that came to him the previous day.

[From the looks of it those memories actual start from the day he woke up from the night of drinking and the routine of after a night of drinking was the same. So if I take if it was true and that is a big if there are at most 5 years before the apocalypse as it was called.

The demonic beast and demons attacked a lot of lives were lost it took a while before traces of magic were found to enable people to train in to knights and magicians, but from my said memories it seem the traces were there even before everything started but they were either hidden from sight or people stopped any information about them from spreading

This would make quite the best opening for my novel since the rebirth or reincarnation is a favorite in the stories I have read recently.]

[I don't know if am going crazy but the similarities between these memories and really life are so close, are they really memories sent from the future, because if so we are f**ked. Because am sure everything will happened as it did. I don't think there is anything I can currently do with my position and power.

I will just leave it as it is for now, my mind is shifting between fantasy and reality that may not be good for me, I currently have enough money to survive some months]

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