
the one within you

john_stanley · Horreur
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2 Chs

The devil made me do it - part 1

I was a good child-anyone would definitely thought that at a first glance. Good is great, everybody appreciates good but one could not be judged only by his external appearances. There is darkness in the world that would not possibly be covered by lightings. One wrong move and you would expose yourself within the dark. I was a fan of horror movies and now my life is one even though it is going to end.

"Mr.Anderson,I won't surrender. This is going to end with myself.But one thing promise me - burn the house."

As I finished speaking, I cut my throat off.I could see Mr.Anderson's troubled face speaking at phone and at the mean time, the arrival of the ambulance.People say you could see your flashback of life while you were dying. But I never knew that few seconds would be that of a long journey.

...part 1

"Hey,mom,dad. I am home.Mom,where's dad?"

"What's the matter,honey? You look cheerful".She replied with a gentle face.

" Well, I found the key of the basement. By the way,where's dad?"

"He is at the attic."

I thanked her with a smiling face and went straight to the attic.

"Dad,guess what I found?"


"I said guess,dad."

"Look, son. I am busy. I have to finish those almirahs today".

But he looked anyway.

"A key!" He said to me while he doing his work.

"Yeah,dad(sigh).The key of the basement(cheerful)."

"No kidding, son.Where you find it?

" That... doesn't matter."

Okay.Good. Your mom annoyed at me till now keeping horror dvds in our bedroom."

We both smiled.


"I have seen it. so please get those dvds out of my bedroom.I couldn't even sleep well recently,you know." She requested us while doing her household chores.

As I was preparing to go,my dad stopped me.

"Son,leave it to me. You go to the basement with your mom to do cleaning. "

"Dad,I know your secret", I mumbled.

" I have to be quick.Gross looking dvds...Find them.Wait just 19....where's the other one?"

"Dad,are you looking something?"

"No...oh. That's the one."

He stopped midway.

"Don't you have to be like that! Dad. "

"Did you see it!"

"Well,yeah. But it's not my type. I will give you one of mine for reference."

"I don't need your poison,son... just hand over my need."

"Fine. Anyway, If mom catches you,it will be a disaster ." I smiled.

Dad was keeping adult dvds mixed with my dvds. I knew it. He didn't even like horror like my mom. So he watched with me anyway to not get caught. Without his dvds, he was really cool. I was proud of my dad.

"David,Arthur. Come here quickly."


"Coming, honey. "

We both answered. Dad quickly done his job and we both hurried to the basement.

The room , as anyone could guess from an old house, was full of dust. We had to clean in order to make room for dad's carpentry as well as to create a base for our favorite hobby. There were a lot of old documents and books mixed up with each other.

As we were cleaning, I found something interesting. It was just opposite of the door.

"Dad.Mom. Look at that. Something is written on the wall."

As I watched closely, I got frightened.


"Come quick. The words are moving".

" What are you talking about?"My mom replied.

My mom came."Where?"

"I thought a word has just disappeared. "

"You just thought, Arthur!?"

Dad was finished set up a light and come hurriedly.

"Let's see...

It's written on Hebrew."

Mom was surprised and asked dad,

"And how do you know it is Hebrew?"

"Well, I kind of studied it when I was a student."

"It's a shock, dad. For you to get interested in a particular language,especially in Hebrew."

"Son, I was a student at a time. You can't mock with an elder especially your parents."

" what is it said?" mom asked dad.

"It's said - um...your dee..pest ene...my . I got it. Your deepest enemy is you."

"What?!" mom was surprised. Mom doesn't like creepy things.

I didn't get it back then.

As dad was finished saying that, the light began to go off and on.

"Dad, what's going on?"

"Enough. Let's go." Mom got scared.

Dad was like what the hell happening.

If I said the truth, my soul was got more frightened than any one of them.

Dad pointed out above the door.

"It's the same thing. Bur it's written me instead of you."

"Fine. Fine. You will no longer find me in this area."

"Honey, it will be the best for both of us." Dad smiled as am I.

As I looked back at the door, it was slightly open. I thought dad had forgot to lock but the key was with me. I was sure I had given it to dad.

I was scared but at the same time excited. That's the problem with a horror maniac. Therefore I didn't care.