
The One who Changes Fate

Kierra Moon is a sixteen year old girl who is a freshman. While at home, she is typically a cheery girl who likes to daydream about different universes and what she would do if she could. She’s the type of girl who could learn how to fight just by watching anime. School on the other hand is a whole other matter. At school, her peers are verbally abusive and all she wishes to do is shut them up so she can continue to daydream of going to another world and being op af. On the night before July 31, Kierra has a nightmare of there being a school shooting. With there being no survivors and the two armed assailants getting away. What happens next? Read to find out. (Also, there might be inappropriate scenes at some point, though I'm not completely sure. So please, minors do not interact just in case. Thank you.)

Tessa_Skye · Films
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Chapter 1 - Nightmare or Reality?

Pov - 3rd person

Warning - Blood, Gore, Cussing (Though that's most likely going to happen in every chapter.), Mentions of sex, bullying, a little fourth wall breaking (Someone please get the flex tape).

Kierra walks down the hallways of her school, confused, seeing everything like her glasses had suddenly been tinted red. As she looked around more, it was eerily quiet. She looked into the first classroom, the first class she has and found something that made ice spread through her veins.

As much as she hated most of her peers since they verbally abused her, she would never wish this upon them. So why was she dreaming of it?

Lakes of red covered the tile, a startling contrast against the stark white. Walls seemed to cry blood and bits of what looked like brains clung to the walls. As Kierra unwillingly took in more and more details, the pit in her stomach growing at a rapid rate, she finally set her eyes on the bodies of her classmates.

She glanced at the window and set her eyes on something that was blood-curdling. The reason that her vision was tinted red was obvious now.

Blood dripped down her face and holes filled her chest and a gunshot wound to the head. It was one thing to see a dead body, it was another to see your own. Something about seeing your own body was… even more unsettling and sickening, making the pit in her stomach even bigger and making her feel nausea and dizziness. Which was trippy since she knew that she was dreaming.

Suddenly, she felt like she was yanked out of her body. She was staring at a blank screen. It came to life.

645 students were found injured or dead. Staff members are deceased with one missing. The two armed assailants have escaped and are at large at this very moment.

'645 students', Kierra thought. 'How were they able to get so far? Why couldn't the police catch them?' Kierra took a deep breath. 'Calm down Kierra, it's not real. It's just a fucked up dream. Yup, fucked up dream.' She nodded her non-existent head.

Pov - 1st Person

An annoying screeching filled this dark void before I let out a screech myself as I felt like I was skydiving. My eyes snapped open, my vision blurry, and turned to my alarm. 6:32 my little ear torture machine showed. My skin had a thin layer of sweat on it from my dream.

I flopped out of my queen sized bed before wobbling around my room, grabbing my glasses. Looking for something to wear, I pull out an emerald green skirt, a black top, and black see-through stockings. I laid those on my bed and placed a necklace that had a silver dragon.

The warm water of my shower sprayed down onto my face as I put shampoo and then conditioner into my hair before brushing it. As I dried off, I searched for a hair tie and put my hair into a side fishtail temporarily.

I quickly put on my clothes and do some simple eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara before pulling my nearly dry hair from its braid. With my curls now revived I skipped down the hall, hiding the effect that my dream, no, nightmare had on me, and down the stairs, the time now being 6:53.

I pulled out flour, baking powder, sugar, butter, eggs, and milk along with chocolate chips. Within minutes, pancakes began to stack up. One pancake . . . three pancakes . . . six pancakes.

I placed four plates on the table, along with strawberries and blueberries. As I placed the stack of pancakes down, the coffee finished brewing, I quickly poured myself a cup. I downed that then grabbed a pancake just as my little sister waddled down the stairs.

My four year old sister, Zoey, had started to make a habit of waking up around the same time I did.

"Morning, Chair!" Zoey said to me. I sighed, when Zoey was two whenever she tried to say my name she would end up calling me Chair.

"Good morning, yah turd." I said jokingly, smiling at her as she wiggled onto the real chair.

"I'm not a turd! You're a turd!"

"Are you sure about that?"

"No ..." I facepalmed, chuckling. Zoey was a smart kid. Soon after she started to talk full sentences, which was around the time she turned 2, she knew her ABC's. Not only that, she had a good memory. Though she still somehow managed to change the "y" in her name to "d" and when she learned that it was an "y" she ended up spelling her name backwards.

To put things simply, she's alot like me when I was little, a chaotic little demon. Heck! My mom still calls me a little demon.

My mom and dad came down the stairs as I got ready to leave.

"You're leaving already?" my mom asks.

"Yeah, I want to hang out with my friends before school starts." She nods her head and hugs me. My dad places a hand on my head.

"Have a good day at school Kierra." Dad tells me as he gives me a hug. I give him and my mom a kiss on the cheek and walk out of the door and to my matte black Mazda 3™. I climbed in and took a few deep breaths before pulling out of the driveway and driving to the BX Exchange*. When I got there, I went straight into Starbucks™ as I knew that my besties didn't make coffee and I truthfully liked the White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino.

As I walked in I instantly saw my besties/redrum(Jk, jk, or?) buddies, Gabby, Brenna, Zora, and Sage. We don't go to the same school like we did in middle school so we met everyday before school.

I sat watching them talk chaos while I sat with a small smile. I snapped out of my daze when my name was called.

"Kie? Kie, are you ok?" Sage asked.

"Oh, um yeah. I'm fine."

"Are you sure, you know that you can tell us anything. Did someone touch you? Just say who and I'll kill them in a heartbeat." Sage said with a deadly glint in her eye. A quick glance at the others told me that they would help her if that were the case.

"No Sage, no one touched me. I just had a fucked up dream last night."

"What was it about?" Brenna questioned cautiously. I shifted in my seat.

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to! It's fine." Zora said, waving her hands around. I weakly grin.

"It's fine Zora, you're my friends after all." I took a deep breath and told them about my dream.

"That's fucked up." Brenna says within a moment. Everyone gave her a look. She shrugs "What? Stop me when I lie."

Gabby nods "It is messed up, as much as we talk about homicide, we're just joking around. I can't believe that you had to deal with a dream like that." The rest of the group nods in unison. How the hell did they nod at the same time? Eh, at least they're not saying things in unison.

"I hope you have a good day at school Kierra" they said at the same time. Well, I stand corrected. Then things decided to take a demon possession horror movie turn when their voices distorted

"T̸̡͇̤͙̯̰̹͉̓̿́̊h̶̡̰̼̳̖͚̞̦̀̂̈́͐͋̈́͛̽ͅͅe̵͎̦̮̓̎͌̍̽͐́̀͝͝ ̴͖͈͉͈̻̻̦̤̋ȏ̶̟͌N̸̛͓̔̊̓̏͆͛͘ę̸̜̣͍͍̗̲͇̝̇̑̉͂̅̓̈́̒͑ ̵̗̭̥̜̎̈́̂͛͂͋̆̔̈́͘W̶̲̜̟̱̠̙͆̋̂͂͜h̴̨͓̱̻̣͉͈̆̇͂Ò̸͎͎̤̞̬̄ͅ ̴̧̳̥̖͈̔̌͒̿̇͒͆̃͑̎C̶̢̡̛͍̆̋͛̆̑̃h̵͉̟̪͛̆͊̉͋́͘Ą̵̡̨̟͔̫̻̭̥̔̅̑̊̔̔̂̔n̴͍̹̪̹͖̳̣̳͕̏̍͆g̸̗̙̲̝͖̝̾̌͑̓̃̃̏͜͠͠Ê̷͕̰̙̈́͊̋ͅş̵͈̜̀͠ ̷̛͓̲͌̈́̂̈̓͘F̴̲̙̙̖̥̫͈̦͙̉̀̔̈́̄̂̕ͅá̷̧̙̺̾̓͋̿Ť̴̠̟̘̋̓͐̚͘Ę̵͕̖͙͚̱͕̫̫̆̊̌͛͘~̷̢̧̣̱̬͈̦̮̽̋̈́̄". Yeah, fuck this shit I'm out.

Location - School (Aka Hell)

As I finally arrived at the shithole, I couldn't help but think about the weird demonic voice thing that happened back at Starbucks. I didn't want to drive by again so I parked my car and ran in through the gate of the school. I knew it was pretty early so I sat under a tree near the entrance and closed my eyes for a bit.

Only to be interrupted by the sound of an overly shrill voice that was dripping with fake kindness. "Hello Kierra, are you doing ok? I mean after all, your boyfriend broke up with you recently."

"Pff, yeah I know that me and him broke up. I broke up with him after he cheated on me." I said glaring coldly at her. After all, I was staring at the very bitch he hooked up with.

The fake ass Barbie sneered. "Well you weren't giving him what he wanted anyways. All I did was give it to him."

"Me and him were only dating for a month. Why the fuck would I give him my virginity? At least I'm not sleeping around with nearly every boy in the school like you." I shot back. I didn't get why all the girls in my school were giving their virginity to nearly every boy in school. It was disgusting. Though I mainly thought it was disgusting because I found that nearly everyone was sleeping around… Not trying to judge, I just hoped that they were practicing safe sex.

Although it didn't bother me. Not only was it not my intention to sleep around, I never had a chance to because of the rules my parents and I set. Although they don't have control of my sex life, which doesn't even exist btw, we all had the agreement that I would make someone wait a long time. After all, there was a high chance that if they stayed with me without constantly pushing me to let him take my so-called innocents and stayed loyal, then the boy might be worth it.

The Fake Barbie (I have no problem with Barbie, she's a badass and no one can tell me different) eventually left when she realized that I was completely ignoring her.

I leaned against the tree and pulled my Airpods out of my bag and put them in. On my phone, I set an alarm for when to enter the school and I connect my Airpods. I go into Spotify and began to listen to my playlist, which was a mixture of pop, rock, and some heavy metal.

Time Skip

I was now in class looking out the window, my elbow on the desk and my chin and cheek leaning into my hand. I ignored the occasional insults from my bullies and sat in silence, sometimes nodding to what my classmate next to me was saying. The classmate next to me was a sweet girl named Simone who wouldn't hurt a fly. Well, ok, that's a lie, she wasn't afraid to beat the shit out of someone if need be.

At a point in time, she was bullied by some of our classmates, simply since she was a little chubby. Which I found utterly ridiculous. I mean, Simone was pretty, she had nice, long, dark brown hair that was in braids, and warm brown eyes. She had beautiful chocolate skin and full brown lips and dimples when she smiled. And my classmates had the audacity to bully her due to her figure.

But Simone didn't need protection. One time, she beat the shit out of someone while they had been bullying her. After that, everyone left her the fuck alone.

So far, the day was going pretty well, but to be fair, class hadn't even started yet.

But as all know, nothing ever stays peaceful for long in the beginning of an isekai fanfic.

After all, a man just walked in out of nowhere, and he had a big ass gun.

Omg, I just posted something after... what? Months? Sorry about that to anyone who reads what I write. I was having an extreme writers block and I couldn't bring myself to write anymore of Chosen. Hopefully, I will be able to come up with more for it. But until then, Chosen is on hold. For now, I'll be working on this. Just know, my updates are random and that I tend to procrasinate a lot. Anyways, hope ya'll have a good day or night!

Tessa_Skyecreators' thoughts