
The Old One's journey into the MCU

As Thronarion steps into this new reality, he becomes an integral part of its fabric, wielding powers that defy mortal comprehension. He observes the rise of iconic heroes like Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor, as well as the machinations of formidable villains such as Thanos and Loki. However, Thronarion's presence is not passive; he begins to weave new threads into the cosmic tapestry of the MCU. With his infinite wisdom and cosmic abilities, Thronarion quietly guides and influences the destinies of the MCU's beloved characters. He offers counsel to heroes facing impossible odds, subtly alters the course of cosmic events, and introduces new elements into the MCU narrative. His impact ripples through time and space, leading to unexpected alliances, formidable challenges, and cosmic revelations.

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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Old One's Arrival on Earth

As I traversed the cosmic void, my celestial form moved with purpose through the endless expanse of space. My destination was Earth, a realm of profound significance in the grand narrative of existence. With each passing moment, I drew closer to the blue jewel of the cosmos.

As I approached Earth, I felt the presence of a powerful entity, one intimately connected to the planet's very essence. Gaia, the personification of the Earth itself, awaited my arrival. She appeared before me as a luminous figure, her form woven from the elements and the energies of the planet.

"Who are you?," Gaia spoke, her voice a gentle breeze that rustled through the cosmic tapestry. "Why have you come to this realm? Your presence here threatens the balance of the Earth."

I regarded Gaia with a sense of cosmic reverence, acknowledging her role as the steward of the planet. "I am Thronarion, the Old One," I replied, my voice carrying the resonance of ancient wisdom. "I have returned to observe and safeguard the balance of existence."

Gaia's luminous form flickered with concern. "You emit immense pressure and power, and your presence may disrupt the harmony of the Earth," she implored. "I beseech you to reconsider your actions."

With a kind but resolute gesture, I extended a metaphysical hand, gently restricting Gaia's ethereal form. "I understand your concerns, Gaia," I explained, my voice filled with cosmic compassion. "But my role is to ensure the balance of all realities, including this one. Trust in the wisdom of my presence."

Gaia, her form temporarily constrained, lowered her luminous gaze in resignation. "I apologize if I have overstepped, Lord Thronarion," she said, her voice tinged with regret. "It is my duty to protect this realm, and I hold the Earth's well-being as my highest priority."

I released my metaphysical grip on Gaia, allowing her to regain her freedom. "Your dedication to the Earth is commendable, Gaia," I assured her, my cosmic essence radiating with understanding. "I bear no ill intent toward this realm. My purpose is to safeguard the balance, and in doing so, I hope to bring harmony to all."

With Gaia's concerns addressed, I continued my descent to Earth, drawn by the call of the multiverse. Upon arrival, I found the planet in a state of turmoil. The year was 2012, and Earth faced an invasion by the Chitauri, a relentless extraterrestrial force.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, I heard the desperate cries of a young girl, trapped beneath the rubble of a collapsed building. Her pleas for help tugged at my cosmic heart, and I descended to her side.

The little girl, no older than five, looked up at me with tear-filled eyes. "Please, mister, help me!" she cried, her voice trembling with fear.

In my immense kindness, I extended a metaphysical hand, gently lifting the rubble that trapped the girl. As I released her, I could feel her physical and emotional wounds begin to heal due to my presence.

The girl stared at me in awe, her eyes wide with wonder. "Are you a guardian angel sent to save me?" she asked, her voice filled with innocence.

I chuckled softly, my cosmic presence resonating with warmth. "No, my dear," I replied, "I am Thronarion, the Old One, a guardian of cosmic balance."

The girl's confusion was evident, but her fear had transformed into curiosity. "What does that mean?" she inquired, her gaze fixed upon me.

I bent down, lifting the girl into my arms with the gentleness of a cosmic breeze. "It means that I am here to ensure the harmony of all existence," I explained. "And right now, that includes helping those in need."

With the girl in my arms, I soared into the skies, overlooking the district overrun by the Chitauri. With a wave of my hand, I summoned a display of cosmic magic, creating a breathtaking spectacle of light and color that danced across the heavens.

The girl gasped in awe, her eyes wide with amazement. "Wow! You're like a magician!" she exclaimed.

I chuckled again, my cosmic laughter echoing through the city. "In a way, yes," I replied, "but my magic encompasses the vastness of the omniverse."

With a gesture of my hand, I cleared the district of the Chitauri invaders, popping them out of existence from the awe-inspiring display of cosmic power. The girl watched in wonder, her fear replaced by a sense of safety and hope.

As I gently set the girl down on solid ground, she looked up at me with gratitude and admiration. "Thank you, Mister Thronarion," she said, her voice filled with sincerity. "You're my hero."

I smiled, touched by her words. "Remember, my dear, heroes can be found in the most unexpected places," I told her. "You have a brave heart, and that is a power in itself.". After which I teleported her to the police station nearby.

Amidst the turmoil, I saw a figure moving with grace and purpose through the city streets. She was dressed in a form-fitting black suit. It was Black Widow, a formidable warrior and member of the Avengers.

As she battled a group of Chitauri soldiers, her movements were a mesmerizing dance of combat. She fought with a determination that was evident in the unyielding gaze behind her mask.

Approaching her with a sense of cosmic presence, I spoke softly, "You fight valiantly, Black Widow."

She turned her attention toward me, her guard momentarily lowered. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and caution.

"I am Thronarion, the Old One," I replied, my voice resonating with cosmic authority. "I have come to observe and safeguard the balance of existence."

Black Widow regarded me with a hint of skepticism, her instincts as a spy and a warrior keeping her on guard. "In the middle of an alien invasion?" she questioned.

I nodded, my cosmic awareness encompassing the battlefield around us. "Even in times of crisis, the balance of the multiverse must be preserved," I explained.

She took a step back, her eyes narrowing. "You should find shelter, then, where you can observe" she advised. "There's a police station not far from here. They can provide you with protection."

I simply shook my head, my cosmic power at the ready. "There's no need for that," I said.

With a snap of my fingers, I unleashed a wave of cosmic energy that rippled through the Omniverse. In an instant, the Chitauri soldiers she had been battling ceased to exist, their forms disintegrating into nothingness.

Black Widow stared in shock at the empty space where her adversaries had once stood. Her poised demeanor wavered for a moment, replaced by a look of astonishment.

"What... what did you just do?" she stammered, her voice trembling.

"I simply restored balance," I replied, my cosmic presence emanating with calm assurance. "The threat has been neutralized."

Black Widow's gaze shifted from the empty battlefield to me. "Who... who are you?" she asked again, her tone less skeptical and more curious and vigilant.

"I am Thronarion, the Old One," I repeated, my voice a soothing resonance. "A guardian of cosmic balance."

She seemed to process this information, her gaze filled with a mix of wonder and wariness. "I've never seen anything like this," she admitted. "You're not from around here, are you?"

I shook my head, a cosmic smile forming beneath the depths of my celestial visage. "No, I am not bound by the confines of any single realm. My existence spans the multiverse."

Black Widow cautiously approached me and said "Well, Thronarion, I don't know what just happened, but thank you for your help," she said, her gratitude evident in her eyes.

I acknowledged her appreciation. "You are a formidable warrior, Black Widow," I told her. "But remember, in the grand tapestry of existence, even heroes like yourself need not bear the weight of the world alone."

She nodded in confusion- "I'll keep that in mind I guess."