
The Odin System

Odin is the man who tried his best to escape Fate. A man who tried everything he could but in the end fell. Yet his will remained as the only way for him to live on, unwilling to give up his will bounded with a human for a second chance...

itachi1010 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


"Elizabeth... we need to talk." Within a gym, Jack said while walking up to Elizabeth who was busy training. Ever since she awakened her mana core, she had run away from home and came to join Jack's guild. Her goal for training? she didn't know, but she hoped if she was strong enough then she could at least speak to her father and work on fixing her mistake.

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked while putting the weights down, Jack sighed as what he was about to say wasn't simple.

"Well... your mother was tested and we found over 5 years of a mind manipulation spell cast upon her. I want to take you to get tested as well." He said causing Elizabeth's mind to go blank. Mind manipulation spells were illegal due to the fact they could get someone to do things against their will.

Elizabeth already realized where Jack was going with this, she covered her mouth, feeling like she was going to throw up. She could feel it, her mind was changing as if some bindings that held it were being removed. Even now, her mind was under the effect of whatever spell that was. the realization of it allowed her mind to be free and realize everything

"... your mother tried to take her own life. she was on the brink of death when her mother found her and managed to save her. She is currently in the hospital, thats where her mind was scanned." Jack said softly, hearing this Elizabeth couldn't control herself and just threw up.

James was a good father and husband, be it his wife and daughter, they both couldn't come up with a reason for why they would betray him like that. Elizabeth could only point the blame at her mother, she did it all out of fear? but that never felt right, she had always felt like there was something more to it. but now it all made sense, the reason it took her so long to awaken mana, the reason her mind had been in a blank from time to time... her mind wasn't her own. this made her feel disgusted and dirty to the core, 

"Let's go, your father will be called once everything is cleared up," Jack said once Elizabeth calmed down. with tears covering her face, Elizabeth nodded and followed her. She quickly went to have her mind checked, and indeed her mind held traces of mind control. although not as much as the mother.

that could be explained as she had divinity, so Mark's spell could never fully take control of her mind. if he could, he would have already slept with her. Elizabeth and James both had high resistance toward mind control, leaving Emma...

The whole family gathered soon, all sitting around Emma who laid on the bed with a lifeless look. Emma's father had a pained look, that day Odin left, he had cursed her and disowned her before leaving... So many words he wanted to take back. His daughter was pretty much being raped for years, a toy at the hand of others.

With some tears, he pulled out the button... Odin was a god. This was something that everyone came to realize. As a father, he was more than willing to use his free chance to make up for his mistake with his daughter. So, he pushed the button to call Odin...

miles away, within a high-grade restaurant that overlooked the city below. Odin was in a VIP room with Hela.

"Why is the food so small? Is this not them cheating us?" Hela asked while looking at the small amount of food she had ordered. she came to eat to fill her stomach, not enjoy the beauty of food.

"You're back in your book again?" Hela asked displeased she was being ignored by Odin who was dazing off. thinking about something else. Odin snapped back to reality and quickly apologized. 

"My bad, I got lost in my mind," I said with a smile, to which Hela snorted slightly.

"If you didn't want to go out, you should have just stayed home and read your books." She said coldly, who liked being ignored?

"Of course, I wanted to go out. You're more eye-catching than any book. I haven't gone to go get wisdom because I want both eyes to see you." I said making Hela snort slightly, but she nodded wanting to hear more, 

"Forget the food or wisdom, it would never fill me up. You on the other hand, my stomach can get full, but my hunger can never be satisfied. I said it once, and I will say it again. If I was at death's door and you came to take my soul... I will happily jump into your arms, so we can spend all of our time together." I said softly, making Hela blush slightly. her heart raced when I stood up and went around the table to take her hands. 

"How about in the following few days, it's just me and you. no more books, no more of me trying to grow stronger... then one day, I shall put a ring on your finger. then we can start our family... together." I said softly while bringing my lips closer to Hela, making Hela's face grow redder... but she was on guard, unsure if this was Odin's trick. But Odin kissed her, although on the cheek. but it was still enough to make her face bright red.

"... but it would take time for me to trust again. I hope you understand." I said softly, Hela nodded slightly, understanding what happened with Odin's family.

"... speak of the devil. My ex-father-in-law is calling... but I will deal with them later." I said to which Hela looked at the food for a moment, before shaking her head.

"I want to see your family." She said softly, to which I secretly frowned as I didn't want her to come. with my eyes, I could see this had something to do with my ex-wife... It seems like I was still married to her, we never truly had a divorce, I just walked away. 

"As your future wife, I want to know about your upbringing, who your family are... Waiter! came and saved our food. we will be leaving for some time." Hela called out to a worker, before grabbing Odin, and with a flash of death power, she teleported away and appeared within the hospital where everyone was at. 

Everyone was caught off guard by our sudden appearance, everyone looked at me and at Hela too stunned for words. A beauty like Hela wasn't someone one see daily. I ignored them, my mind racing on how to face things that went against my plan... before realizing this was perfect.

"You called father-in-law?" I asked while looking towards Emma whose lifeless eyes were locked at him... well, they were not lifeless anymore. Just filled with pain, guilt, regret, and heartache.

"Father-in-law? I thought you divorced?" Hela said with a frown, as a goddess she had her pride. This is why she was more than willing to attack Odin the second he dared to disrespect her. She was Hel, the goddess of the underworld, she would of course not take any disrespect, even from Odin. now, felt disrespected that Odin was married and this was never told to her. 

"Well, I just walked away. to me, there is no difference." I said with a shrug, to which Hela glared at me with a look that said it all. She wanted me to go through the proper divorce process so they could be married. 

"So. father-in-law, what's up? why is everyone here?" I asked, ignoring Hela, which caused her to snort slightly while looking away. my father in law sighed softly, he didn't want Hela here, but he didn't dare to disrespect the goddess of Helheim.

So, he slowly explained everything. to say the least, Odin was shocked to hear about the mind control. he checked with his own eyes, and indeed that was true... but he didn't care. he felt indifferent about all of this. as if other strangers were the ones who had suffered, not his wife and daughter.

This indifference was seen by everyone, leaving them quiet as they expected Odin to have some kind of reaction. but he was completely indifferent, without a hint of care.

"Wow, you lost your ability to love. was the blow to your heart that big?" Hela said with a strange feeling. She was confused, as she could sense Odin truly felt nothing. but at the same time, she felt it when Odin said he loved her, he was telling the truth...This warmed her deep inside, But her words sounded like thunder in the ears of everyone else.

Elizabeth's head was low, almost in tears. from the start to now, her father only looked at her once, and that was when he was scanning around the room. even then, Odin wasn't looking at her, his eyes just happened to scan over her... that hurts.

"So, what do you want me to do? Time travel would cause a lot of trouble, so thats off the table. So, what do you want me to do?" I asked calmly, making Emma's father not know what to say... this wasn't the son-in-law he knew and loved. this was a man who threw away his humanity and happily jumped at being a god.

"... be a husband and wife." My mother said with a sigh, I looked at her calmly before looking towards my father-in-law, wanting to see if this was what he wanted. but he nodded slightly, so I nodded and walked up to Emma, who seemed to want to say something, but the tube in her mouth was stopping. but she didn't need to say anything as I knew what she wanted to say. She wanted to apologize and some other stuff.

"Then let this be the last thing I do as a father and husband," I said while snapping my finger. instantly, Emma recovered. the trauma from all of this was all healed up. I thought for a moment, what else would a loving husband do at this moment?

"I forgive you.... it wasn't your fault," I said softly, which Emma just cried. who could she not see how fake my words were? there were no feelings behind it, not love, not hate, just... nothing. it was like someone had just seen a random word on the side of the road... no, their words would care more emotion from that. 

Just so they don't say I didn't do enough, I slapped a mana core I had taken away into her body, and had it fuse with her. so now she could be a hunter... good for her.

"Alright, I should get going," I said softly, but before we were about to leave. Hela stopped me pointing at Elizabeth who was looking at the ground. Annoyance filled my eyes, what pain in the ass?

I looked at her and searched for something to give her, but froze when I noticed she had divinity. I was stunned for a moment... But this changed everything, I had to change my plans once more. what should I do now? things were going to be hard and complex now... but it was time to start acting like a dad.

"... I'm sorry. but even with the truth, I can't see the daughter I once loved with all my heart." I said after a moment of silence. this time everyone could feel my emotion... well, this is because this was the truth.

"but my last gift before I go..." I said as I reached into space, and pulled out a golden spear... Gungnir.

"This is Gungnir. The spear that has conquered cause and effect. my strongest weapon.... this is the last gift and love I held towards you." I said softly, leaving Hela's eyes wide seeing me bond the spear to Elizabeth before she could say anything.

"Dad! I..." Elizabeth wanted to reject it, but Odin had already left. she could only fall to her knees looking at the spear...