
The Odin System

Odin is the man who tried his best to escape Fate. A man who tried everything he could but in the end fell. Yet his will remained as the only way for him to live on, unwilling to give up his will bounded with a human for a second chance...

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


"This doesn't feel right." Back at their mansion, Hela sat before the TV watching a romance movie. Odin was at her side, half asleep.

"Do what you want," Odin said with a yawn, causing Hela to look at him, wondering if he understood what she meant.

"If you want to spend time with my daughter, do what you want. Just keep me out of it." Odin said with a shrug, making Hela look at him for a second before she placed her palm on his chest.

"It's not just that... I just feel like the bad guy." Hela said softly, making Odin's eyebrow raise. Hela's words showed she had adapted to her life as a human greatly, in the past she would have the mindset that she was a god, and did not care for mortals. but now, she was thinking of the mortals' side of the story.

Taking her hand, I went on to push her over, while I got over her, causing Hela to panic as her face turned red.

"I'm the bad guy... but you're the hero who caused my unloving self to regain the ability to love. so, don't blame yourself for my inability to love anyone but you." I said making Hela's heart melt. She gave me the look, but although I saw it. I simply kissed her forehead and spoke into her ear.

"A long and healthy relationship is built slowly. so let's wait for you to learn more about life first... then we can start our family." I said making Hela's face bright red before she pushed me away. since we were not going to do anything, she didn't want me to be so close to her, it made her feel weird. 

"... are you sure you want me to see your family?" Hela asked, unsure if she could trust my words.

"I'm not going to control you. go see my mom, in-laws, brother, my ex-wife, or even daughter. take the time to spend time with them if you want." I said while kissing her on the cheek, Hela nodded slightly, and although with slight hesitation, she placed her head against my shoulders...

the next day, Hela said goodbye and left to go see my mother. I didn't follow and instead took the time to go traveling. I wanted to find out what was with the dungeon outbreaks, with my current strength, I was already stronger than the Odin of old even without the Odin force. with it, I was sure I could take On Hela within her domain.

this meant across the 8 realms I should be the strongest. So, I had no worries if I entered the land of giants and walked around...

"You damn one eye, how dare you enter my domain!" A giant that was asleep suddenly had its eyes shoot wide open sensing a divinity it knew too well. He roared, ordering the giants to be on high alert as they were going to fight.

"Now now, don't get scared because I stopped by." I laughed while standing on top of my raven, looking at the sea of giants who were ready for war.

"... you're not Odin." the Giant who roared said after closely looking at me, I just put on a hurt look at his words.

"words hurt you know... and now you have to pay a price to make me feel better. Give me that phoenix you keep as a pet and we are good." I said with a sigh, causing the Gaint to pull out a huge axe... of course, he would not give away his baby bird...

"You need not be too nervous. I just came to learn more about "James"... and see if I can help him." Hela said softly while sitting before Odin's mother, who was nervous sitting before a goddess. 

"Help?" She asked in confusion.

"... although I love Odin, I find it sad how he is helping me comprehend humanity while he throws it away. I don't know why i'm the only thing that seems to make him... love. but I feel like I'm just taking him away." Hela said softly, making Odin's mother just cover her face as she cried.

"I can't help but wonder if it's my fault. maybe if I showed him the best way to handle such pain, things would be different right now." She said through tears, leaving Hela not knowing what to do. but She tried to calm her down and get to know more about "James", and not "Odin"..

It was the talk hearing "James" upbringing, his fear of seeing a strange old man all the time, and how he was just a genius, rarely needing anyone's help that she wanted to hear. "James" life was pretty much smooth as it could be, but the biggest and hardest wall he hit, happened to be when his wife cheated on him. The blow was just too big.

How do you face the fact your wife is cheating on you with the only friend you had? how do you face the fact your wife and even your daughter are going behind your back to hide this? how do you face the fact they are trying to place the affair child in your hands?

"James" couldn't face it, and he fully escaped when he devoured Odin. If having your humanity meant having to face such a reality, then why keep it? To be the best husband and father, and going as far as to avoid working too much even though it leads to you losing out on more opportunities, just so you can spend time with them. to put them first above everyone else, to love them so much that you would willing to jump in front of a bullet for them... just for them to shoot you like that. On top of all of this, the guild you spent years building is falling apart, years worth of hard work disappearing before your eyes. those so-called friends disappeared, not bothering to help you since there were no benefits...

In truth, "James" had wanted to kill himself. He of course told the old Odin when he appeared in the back of his car that he wasn't going to give up, who just told a random guy that they are thinking of ending themselves? "James" was going to just end himself, but he had another way to escape, so he did just that... he escaped.

"Why would Mark go so far?" Hela said softly, to which Odin's mother just shook her head, as she didn't understand it. 

"I will go question him, I will stop by later if you would have me," Hela said softly, to which Odin's mother just bowed deeply, catching Hela off guard

"Please, bring back my son." She cried while Hela helped her up before hugging her gently, catching Odin's mother off guard. 

"He is the first man I have ever loved... I will do my best to help you. that I promise." Hela said in a soft gentle voice, before letting her go and disappearing. but she didn't go to see Mark right away. instead, she appeared on top of a mountain, holding her chest for some time... she felt weird. she felt like she wouldn't be able to sleep unless she got down to the bottom of this.

taking a deep breath, she calmed herself down before disappearing, appearing in a hospital room where Mark was at. as a goddess, her senses were of course sharp. she was able to locate one human across the whole planet if needed.

Within the hospital, Mark lay there watching TV. he might be crippled and couldn't only move his eyes, but that didn't mean he could distract himself with the tv. but his heart couldn't help but skip a few beats when Hela just appeared before him. He knew who this was, so he was uneasy. he had been scared of death ever since he saw what Odin did to the thousands of souls of those he killed. and now the goddess of death had just appeared.

"I'm here to know why you were targeting Odin. Why go so far?" Hela asked while casting a spell, causing Mark's eyes to go blank. This was a new spell she learned, it would be troublesome having to torture every single person she came across when she needed answers. So, she sat back and listened to why Mark hated Odin so much.

This hatred started back in the 5th grade, at that time Odin was dating Mark's sister, they dated for a good 3 years, and just as they were about to go to High school, Odin ended things with her. At first, everyone was confused as Odin didn't know why he ended such a perfect relationship.

that was until Mark's sister came out telling everyone what happened. Odin had not only raped her but he even cheated on her. this caused Mark's sister to fall into depression before ending her own life. ever since Mark hated Odin to the bone.

Mark at that time was living with his father as his parents had a divorce, and this was back then when video calls were not so common, so although he had talked to Odin, Odin didn't know him. so, he got close to Odin and became his best friend. what enraged him most about Odin was that he didn't even know who his sister was,

As best friends, Odin supported him, when Mark found out that he was a hunter and no one near Odin, other than his brother could be a hunter, he knew things were perfect. So how was the best way to break Odin? target those he loved the most, his wife and daughter.

Seeing how his mother pretty much ignored them for her work, Odin made sure he never ignored his family for his job. so he put them first and made sure there was a balance.

Mark had to admit, that getting Emma to sleep with him wasn't easy, even with the mind control. he had to use mind control which would not work too suddenly or else others could sense it. ti had to work slowly over time, the annoying part about this was that the more the person was against doing the thing he wanted, the longer it took for the mind control to take part.

even so, after going at it for a little over a year, he was sleeping with Emma. all while he was working to do the same with Elizabeth, but she seemed to be immune and had to do something else. The brainwashing on her was to get her to support her mother and not make her sad, adding Emma trying to convince her, Elizabeth who was 9 at the time fell under the effect.

adding the fact he was secretly the guild master of the guild which was trying to destroy Odin's guild. in the not-too-far future, Odin would have nothing and come home to find him in bed with his wife and daughter... the pain that Odin would have had was something he hoped dearly to see.

Hela was a bit put off by this story, so she had her main body search for Mark's little sister. with how long the line to reincarnate was, she would have not reincarnated just yet. So, she found Mark's little sister and went on to summon her soul.

There, a girl around 17 or so years old appeared. Mark seeing his sister's soul almost cried, but Hela ignored him and began to control the mind of his little sister to tell her side of the story.

"So, did Odin... I mean James rape you and cheat on you?" Hela asked, to which the soul shook her head slightly, stunning Mark.

"No, we got into a huge fight about which high school we were going to. out of rage, I dumped him and went to go kiss someone to piss him off. this enraged Mark, so he cut all contact with me and just went away. I regretted my actions, but seeing him moving on so quickly, I grew to hate him... so I spread false lies. but when they were too far to affect him, plus he had money, my actions didn't affect him at all. I grew depressed realizing my insecurity drove him away." She said softly,

"when he began to date the girl called Emma, I couldn't take it. I wrote him a long message apologizing before I took my life... I was a fool, and for that, I went to hell. what I did was unforgivable, I didn't even clear the truth with my family before taking my own life. I was too focused on myself... it's always about myself! why! WHY!" She suddenly began to scream, her wild emotions starting to break her mind control

"I died as a crowd... please, don't send me back, allow me to fix my mistakes first." She said through tears, leaving Hela stunned as she broke through her mind control. although her mind control powers weren't the best, normal mortals shouldn't just break out of it, unless they are swallowed by too many emotions... like she was.