
The Oddity By: DGmoonlit

As the young man wandered the streets in search of a late night snack. But little did he know, his journey would come to an abrupt and tragic end. However, death was not the end for this brave soul. A higher being saw fit to grant him new life in a foreign land, imbuing him with extraordinary powers. As he adapts to this strange new world, the young man is faced with a choice: will he use his abilities for the betterment of those around him, or will he succumb to the temptation of power and become a figure to be feared? The path ahead is uncertain, but one thing is for certain: this young man's journey will be one filled with emotion, adventure, and the unknown. Will you join him on his quest to find his place in this new world?

DGmoonlit · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
16 Chs

Chapter 15: Sigh of Relief

I had arrived in the bustling kingdom of Aurora. As I made my way towards the guild to confirm my quest and collect my well-deserved payment, the guild house greeted me with a flurry of activity. Employees scurried around, clearly overwhelmed by the shortage of staff. Their hurried movements and anxious expressions painted a vivid picture of the toll it had taken on the establishment.

Approaching the counter, I caught the attention of a frazzled employee. I confirmed the completion of my quest, and after a brief exchange, I was rewarded with 7 gleaming silver coins. Expressing my gratitude, I stepped outside into the vibrant streets of Aurora.

"Tomorrow, I'll pay a visit to Vergil's house," I muttered to myself to. "But why not stop by and see Tem and Grace while I wait?"

Navigating through the bustling crowds, my eyes caught sight of a fruit vendor energetically hawking his wares. Intrigued, I made my way over, contemplating the idea of purchasing some fresh fruits for Tem.

"How much for this apple?" I inquired, pointing to the plump fruit in question.

"Two copper coins, sir," the vendor responded, a wide smile stretching across his face as he enthusiastically rubbed his hands together. "But for you, I'll make it a special offer: buy one, take two for four copper coins!"

I furrowed my brows in confusion, trying to make sense of the vendor's proposition. "Wait a minute. So, it's still two copper coins per apple? That's hardly a bargain," I remarked, as I looked at him with a straight face.

"Tsch," the vendor murmured to himself, clearly displeased with my response.

"What was that?" I inquired, curious about his muttered comment.

"Nothing, sir... Please, how many would you like to purchase?" he quickly replied, attempting to brush off his discontent.

I walked away from the fruit stall, my paper bag filled with six apples, as the vendor bid me farewell with a wave of his hand. In this world, the currency system was relatively straightforward. One hundred copper coins equated to one silver coin, and one thousand silver coins equated to one gold coin. Furthermore, ten thousand gold coins were equivalent to one platinum coin.

During my time undertaking quests in this realm, I had managed to accumulate a total of 38 silver coins a day. While it might seem modest, considering the average cost of three meals a day was a mere nine copper coins, and staying in an inn for 24 hours would set me back 50 copper coins, my earnings held considerable value. I wasn't known for extravagant spending.

Arriving at the hospital, where knights patrolled the premises, I made my way inside, carefully maneuvering through the bustling crowds and patients. With the paper bag securely cradled in my arms, I proceeded towards Tem's room. As I walked, my gaze scanned the surroundings, hopeful to spot someone familiar amidst the nurses and staff.

I couldn't spot her anywhere in the vicinity, and so I proceeded to enter Tem's room. As I slowly opened the door, a peculiar sight greeted me. There was Tem, shoving pens up his nose and contorting his face into strange expressions while lying on the bed.

"Hehehe... What are you doing?" I chuckled, unable to contain my amusement.

Startled, Tem looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth and emidiatetly sat straight. "Y-you didn't see anything!" he exclaimed, his words stuttering out in panic. He swiftly buried himself under the covers, hiding his face from view.

"Don't worry, I didn't see a thing," I reassured him, approaching his bedside and taking a seat.

"So, how are you, Tem?" I inquired, genuinely curious about his well-being.

Slowly, Tem pulled the blanket down, revealing only his eyes peeking out as he glanced at me. "I'm fine. Elves have faster healing properties than humans," he responded softly.

"I brought some apples for you. Would you like some?" I reached into the bag and displayed the apples to Tem.

"Neat!" Tem exclaimed in excitement, crawling out of bed and moving towards me. He settled at the edge of his bed, eagerly rummaging through the bag of apples. "Mom used to bring me some apples like these back home."

"Take your time and eat slowly," I advised him.

"I've been eating strange hospital food lately, and the scary nurse is always so strict," Tem lamented between small bites of the apples.

"Who's scary?"

we heard a chilling voice from the doorway. Tem and I turned to see Nurse Jill standing there, emanating an ominous aura.

Tem immediately dove back under the safety of the blanket, whispering, "I didn't say anything."

"Hello, Nurse Jill," I greeted her, standing up respectfully.

She approached Tem's bedside, pulling the blanket away to reveal the child cowering with his hands covering his eyes. "You're free to go now, kid," Nurse Jill announced.

Timidly, Tem removed his hands and caught a glimpse of Nurse Jill. Her presence still sent shivers down his spine, causing him to jump off the bed and seek refuge behind me.

"Please help me, Sir Aaron," Tem whispered, peeking out from behind me.

"Very well, so we can leave now?" I asked Nurse Jill.

Nurse Jill placed her hands on her hips. "Yes, didn't you hear what I said?" Her reply remained as cold as ever.

"Tell Vergil I said hello," I mentioned to her.

"I'll do that when I pay him a visit," Nurse Jill responded, her tone softening slightly. She then leaned closer to Tem, who promptly hid behind me with closed eyes.

"Be careful, both of you. We wouldn't want anything to happen to a child," Nurse Jill cautioned, her strict demeanor revealing her genuine concern for Tem's well-being.

Tem widened his eyes in surprise, realizing that Nurse Jill's sternness stemmed from a place of care rather than malevolence. He let go of his grip on me and spoke up. "Thank you, Head Nurse."

Nurse Jill straightened up, a small smile gracing her lips, satisfied with Tem's response.

The two of us left the room, bidding Nurse Jill farewell. "By the way," I turned back to the room, catching Nurse Jill's attention. "I'll be visiting your father tomorrow."

"Why are you telling me this?" she raised an eyebrow, curious about my intentions.

"I just thought you might want to know. Maybe we can go together," I suggested before quickly making my way back to Tem's side.

"Together, huh?" Nurse Jill muttered to herself, a smile playing on her lips.

After Tem changed back to his clothes, Tem and I walked outside, the warm sunlight gently caressing our faces. Tem closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath and expanding his chest as he stretched his arms.

"Finally, some fresh air," Tem remarked.

"Are you hungry, Tem?" I asked, noticing his eagerness.

"Yeah, let's eat. I'm starving... Oh no!" Tem suddenly paused, his eyes widening in realization.

"WE LEFT THE APPLES ON THE BED!" Tem exclaimed as he looks at me, panic evident in his voice.

Laughter erupted from me. "Hahaha!" I couldn't help but let it out.

I gently pat Tem's head to console him. "First things first, let's get you some fresh clothes. These ones are worn out," I suggested, trying to comfort him.

Tem's tears welled up as he looked at me, his eyes shimmering. I met his gaze, offering a warm smile. With drooping shoulders, we continued our walk. After purchasing new clothes, resembling the ones he had worn, we made our way to the restaurant where we once ate with grace.

As we entered the restaurant, an employee approached us to take our orders. Tem glanced around the establishment. Even though he was by my side, he felt a sense of loneliness, as if something... someone was missing.

Restless, Tem mind wandered around, I could still see the lingering sadness in his eyes. He missed Grace dearly. Tem and I had been together for a long time, but he had never experienced the pain of losing a friend. Grace's suffering was a new and unfamiliar sensation for him. Even though he only just met her, he has grown attached to her. He is just a kid after all

"She'll be okay," I reassured Tem with a smile. "I'll make sure she recovers, and I'll ensure you get to see her again."

"Do you promise?" Tem's eyes regained a sense of calm as he looked at me.

"I promise," I replied with conviction.

Tem's smile blossomed, now radiating pure joy. "Okay, Sir Aaron."

Our food arrived, and Tem's excitement bubbled forth. "Neat!" he exclaimed, leaning in close to the plate and burying his face in the food. He devoured it eagerly, while I enjoyed my own meal. Both of us were soon satiated and content.

As the afternoon advanced, we finished our meal and left the restaurant. Tem, his hands on his belly and his cheeks plump, struggled to walk properly due to being overly full.

"How long were we in there, Sir Aaron?" Tem asked with slumped shoulders. "I'm so stuffed, I can barely walk. I've missed eating real food."

"Longer than expected," I replied.

We continued our journey through the bustling streets of the kingdom. Suddenly, Tem stood upright, his eyes sharpening as he surveyed our surroundings.

"Do you feel it too?" I whispered, barely audible.

"Yes, Sir Aaron... Someone's following us," Tem confirmed.

"Let's keep walking," I replied, placing my hand on his head.

We pressed on, taking turns whenever we encountered intersecting roads-left, right, and even circles-ensuring we weren't being trailed. Eventually, we stumbled upon an alleyway, the presence still lingering. Coming to a halt, we readied ourselves for potential danger. Tem drew his dual knives, assuming a defensive stance, while I unsheathed my sword.

"Reveal yourself! We know you're following us!" I proclaimed loudly, my sword at the ready.

Our eyes darted around, our heads swiveling from left to right, trying to locate our pursuer. However, all we could see were second-floor windows on the walls of the alleyway. Tem positioned himself behind me, providing cover for my back. We glanced upward, hoping for a glimpse of the mysterious figure, perhaps perched on a rooftop.

"I am here with a message," a soft voice reached our ears.

Tem and I looked downward, our eyes widening in surprise. Suddenly, a man clad in black attire, resembling a ninja, stood before us. In our preoccupation with searching above, we hadn't noticed him sneaking up on us. His presence seemed to be everywhere and nowhere at once.

Tem shifted to my side, his eyes focused and his brows furrowed, knives raised in defense. We faced this stranger with determined expressions, readying ourselves for a potential confrontation.

"I mean no harm. I have come to deliver a message," the stranger stated calmly.

"A message? From whom?" I asked, suspicion evident in my tone as I pointed my sword at him.

"I am but a servant of the Prince, the older brother of your friend, Princess Claire," he replied, bowing his head slightly before standing upright again.

"How can I trust you? How do I know you are who you claim to be?" I interrogated, my sword still aimed at the stranger.

"You need not worry about trusting me. However, you must hear this message," he assured me.

Despite being prepared for a potential fight, the man before us remained composed and collected. Yet his presence exuded a sharp aura, making my instincts urge me to prepare for a fight.

"What is your message?" I inquired, a bead of sweat rolling down my forehead.

"My master requests your presence at the castle for a purpose I am unaware of," he responded. "When you arrive at the gate, inform the guard that 'Umbroven' has sent you by the Prince's orders."

After delivering his message, the stranger swiftly leaped from wall to wall, disappearing onto the rooftop.

Tem and I let out a sigh of relief.

"I wasn't quite prepared for a fight yet," Tem admitted as he stretched his arms.

"Then, are you coming with me?" I asked, sheathing my sword and looking at him.

"Neat! Can I really enter a castle?" His eyes widened with sparkling excitement as he looked at me.

Tem and I walked together, emerging from the alleyway and blending into the bustling crowds.

"What?! You've never been inside a castle before?" I exclaimed as we walked.

"Well, have you, Sir Aaron?" he playfully retorted.

I puffed out my chest, scratching my nose. "I don't mean to boast, but I've been to countless castles."

"Whoa... Really?" Tem replied, filled with exhilaration.

"Actually... no, and now I'm nervous," I confessed.

Angered by my response, Tem playfully punched me in the side pouting, before running off. He shouted, "The last one there is a rotten slime!"

"Oh yeah? Well, you might as well start calling yourself that!" I playfully retorted, racing after Tem. Laughter filled the air as we bounded towards the grand castle, brimming with excitement.