

A transmigrated soul from our universe to the marvel multiverse with some ridiculously OP powers

Reyna_Lavesque_381 · Films
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13 Chs

Waking Up

Third Person PoV

As the energy got higher and higher, it elevated the cocoon which Arthur was in and a wisp of the energy managed to destroy the wing of the house in which Arthur's room was located, most of the energy was sucked into Arthur as if a vacuum cleaner was on.

Arthur then opened his eyes for the first time in three years not like he knows, but if you can see Arthur's eyes now you will see that it does not have his normal green and white color but now pure black with with little glittering stars scattered around it and a bright golden sun serving as the iris.

The destruction of the wing of the house brought Arthur's parent and sister to come to check what happened and seeing Arthur afloat and awake put them into great shock which quickly turned into happiness.

Arthur also saw them and his eyes also brightened as he looked at them, he was about to float down when he look at himself and found himself to be naked.

He waved his hands and new clothes were formed on his body, he then gently float down and as soon as his leg touched the floor or what was remaining of it, the whole building started rebuilding itself like Magneto or the sandman controlling structures.

His parent and siblings did not even care about the display of power, instead they immediately went to hug him, happy that he is finally awake.

After some minutes of silence due to just enjoying the embrace of each other, they seperated and looked at Arthur worried about his current condition also awed due to his earlier display of power.

Parents POV

Seeing Arthur awake again brought great shock to me but even more shock due to the energy output caused by his waking up and also by the display of power of instantaneously making a set of clothe appear on his naked body and reparing the destroyed wing when his legs touch the floor making it look as new as before, but that quickly went out of my mind when I see his eyes brighten when he saw us, immediately I went up with my husband/wife with his youger sister to give him a big hug.

After some minutes of hugging we separated and looked at him with worry clearly evident in our eyes silently asked him if he is okay and in response he just hugged us and said to us quietly "I am okay, mum, dad and Aurora, dont worry I will tell you what happened to me but let's just sleep all on one bed for now, I need to process all this".

"Okay my baby boy" I said.


Truly sorry for not updating all this days but I have no excuse but Laziness.

Today I was checking my stories whenI saw that this had an unfinished draft, so I decided to complete and update it.

So this means I dont know when I am going to update any of my stories next.