
The Next Realm Over

After eons of fighting, an unknown force banished all gods and beings with supernatural powers to a new realm, the Next Realm Over. Any descendants of gods were also affected. The Next Realm Over, the new realm of the gods, had massive cities housing all gods and their descendants. Each major god group had their own land. In all god societies, there was one absolute rule, no breeding with other factions. Most followed the rule, but a select few didn’t. The ones born from two gods of different origins were either born a demigod of one side or born with no powers at all. That was the case until Set, God of Storms, and Hecate, Goddess of Magic and the moon met and had a son, Soban the hybrid.

Billy_Bags · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Dungeon II

They sat there for days and Fenrir slowly started to regain happiness and was playful once more. But every night he returned to the old man's cell to rest where his former master did. Soban thought about his next move.

Suddenly, Soban heard a bang and screams at the gate. He quickly ran to Fenrir, scooped him up and hid him behind his body. A large man dropped to the bottom of the hole. He had golden armor and scanned the room. When he turned, Soban saw a familiar face, Achilles.

"You came!" Soban yelled.

"Quiet, we are breaking you out," Achilles whispered.

"We?" Soban asked.

Achilles pointed up. Soban looked up and saw Tesalee and Diad. They threw down a rope and pulled up all three of them. They began running through tunnels and finally made it outside of the prison, at the top of the mountain. They were in the city of Jupiter, Zeus' city. Hundreds of massive buildings dotted the city. In the center was a tower hundreds of feet tall and surrounding it was a massive storm cloud.

"Won't you guys get in trouble for this?" Soban asked.

"If we win the next tournament we will be sent out to kill other gods till we become a low lord class, so if we escape it will basically be the same thing," Tesalee said.

"Yeah, our parents are dead anyway, we have nothing to stay here for except training," Diad added.

"Thanks, guys," Soban said gratefully.

"You'll never guess who posed as a distraction for this," Tesalee said.

"Who?" Soban asked.

Tesalee walked to the edge of a cliff to the side of the building and Soban followed. She pointed down at the city and Soban looked down. He saw the transformed Cerberus wrecking the city. He smashed homes and towers and anything else he could reach. Hades was above him attempting to put on a new collar. Every time he did Cerberus shrunk down to his human form, slipped away then quickly transformed again.

"Why is he helping?" Soban asked in disgust.

"He still wants to fight you, really badly," Tesalee said.

"How is Aella?" Soban asked.

"She is fine and back in her normal city," Tesalee said.

Soban thought while staring at Cerberus' dog form for at least ten seconds.

"I guess I can forgive him," Soban said.

"This is a happy ending. Now, can we get out of here, we need to get to the base of the mountain before Zeus notices the prison break," Achilles said impatiently.

They all nodded and they began creeping through the city of Jupiter. Taking back alleys and avoiding Cerberus' rampage they quickly reached the edge of the city.

"What now?" Soban asked.

"Have your crook create wind and carry us down to the bottom, that's what you did during the hunt, right?" Achilles asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure I can do it with four people, and what about Cerberus?" Soban said.

"He will get down on his own so hurry and carry us," Achilles said.

Soban activated his armor and used his left hand to create a funnel of wind. It picked the four of them up and he pushed his right hand forward, sending them downward. They moved down the mountain at incredible speed and rushed past several cities, Mars included.

"Achilles!" a tremendous voice roared.

Soban looked back and saw the terrifying Hercules following. He was quickly gaining on them and Soban couldn't react in time. He tackled Achilles out of the sky causing the group to lose control. Soban struggled to regain control of the funnel and keep them from falling. After a few seconds he finally got control and saw Achilles and Hercules battling in mid-air while gliding down the mountain. Another man was charging down to attack the trio. It was Hercules' ugly friend, Aeneas. He scooped up the three and began directing them towards a city. Soban noticed it was Neptune city and tried to break free without hurting Fenrir who he held in his arms.

"Gotcha now, kids," Aeneas said with a grunt.

Soban took a risk and summoned the crest of Colchis. He ordered the Colchian Dragon to crawl down to his arm which held the crest. A plume a black smoke covered the area but the group quickly moved past it. The Colchian Dragon roared ferociously and began flying towards the group. Aeneas looked confused and continued his course. The dragon came up on them and ripped away Aeneas. Soban and the rest fell to the city of Neptune but couldn't continue flying, they had to crash into the castle of Poseidon.

Soban tucked Fenrir close to his body as he crashed through the wall. He whipped up a gust of wind to slow their fall. They gently hit the ground and quickly popped up to their feet. They looked around and realized they landed in the throne room. They looked at the throne and none other than Poseidon was sitting there.

Poseidon slowly stood up and stepped towards the kids. Soban was too scared to move. When Poseidon was inches away from them Soban closed his eyes.

"What happened to my eyes, I can't see!" Poseidon yelled and held his eyes.

Soban opened his eyes and looked at Diad and Tesalee. Both of them shook their heads in confusion. Poseidon rubbed his eyes continuously and howled in forced agony.

"I cannot fight so I cannot stop anyone from escaping, oh the horror!" Poseidon yelled.

Soban smiled and figured out what Poseidon was doing. Soban raised his arm and another funnel of wind was created.

"Thank you," Soban whispered before he lifted off.

They flew through the hole they made and made their way back down the mountain. Poseidon chuckled as they left.

"Good luck, brat," he said.

Soban saw a plume of dust erupt at the base of the mountain. He pointed to it to alert his friends of the event.

"That must be where Achilles and Hercules are," Tesalee said.

To the left of them the Colchian Dragon was battling with Aeneas. The Colchian Dragon wasn't a match for the demi god but he tried to the best of his abilities to release his pent up rage on Aeneas. Giant streams of fire were blasted all around the area as the Colchian Dragon grew angrier.

"Hybrid, we can't take both of them on at the same time and your brother is too far out, what should we do?" Diad asked nervously.