
The Next Realm Over

After eons of fighting, an unknown force banished all gods and beings with supernatural powers to a new realm, the Next Realm Over. Any descendants of gods were also affected. The Next Realm Over, the new realm of the gods, had massive cities housing all gods and their descendants. Each major god group had their own land. In all god societies, there was one absolute rule, no breeding with other factions. Most followed the rule, but a select few didn’t. The ones born from two gods of different origins were either born a demigod of one side or born with no powers at all. That was the case until Set, God of Storms, and Hecate, Goddess of Magic and the moon met and had a son, Soban the hybrid.

Billy_Bags · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Dungeon I

Soban was thrown into a dark pit with dead trees littering the area. He attempted to use his power to get out but no magic or weapons worked. He quickly shifted to his more comfortable Egyptian form. Slowly he sat down and clutched his knees. Tears welled up in his eyes but he quickly wiped them away. To his horror, he heard a loud growl somewhere in the darkness. He stood up and raised his hands to fight.

"Calm down, boy, he will not attack. He is nothing but a puppy," a man said.

"Who's there?" Soban said.

"An old fool," the voice responded.

Soban gathered some sticks together and attempted to create a fire. It took him ten minutes to realize he couldn't do it. The Colchian dragon blew a little puff of fire and the sticks Soban gathered lit up. The room illuminated and hundreds of people were locked in cages. Soban saw a small wolf in a cage with an old man. The man waved with a smile on his face. Soban picked up a burning stick and used it as a torch. He walked over to the man and sat in front of the cage.

"What are you people doing here? Why are you imprisoned?" Soban asked.

"We are the Norse gods, our kingdom was destroyed by the Greek god-"

"Ares," Soban interrupted.

"Yes, how did you know?" the old man asked.

"He's my master," Soban said with hesitation.

"Interesting, you will be strong if trained by that guy," the old man said with a short laugh.

"I won't have a chance to be strong, I'm being executed next week," Soban said somberly.

"We will all be executed tomorrow," the man said.

Soban was silent, his sadness began overwhelming him.

"I'll get out of here before my time comes, I know it. I'm the ultimate trickster of either land," Soban said, more to himself than the man.

"Trickster, eh?" the man said.

"Yup!" Soban said proudly.

"I'm probably the greatest trickster of all time. A word of advice, tricks will only get you so far," the man said.

The wolf pup next to him walked up to the bars of the cage, curiously looking at the young Egyptians' dark energy. Soban reached his hand in and began petting the wolf pup.

"You are a trickster too?" Soban said in awe.

"During the rest of my time here we should exchange some of our greatest tricks," the old man said.

"Sure, that should be fun," Soban said.

For hours the man and Soban laughed at each other's stories. Soban played with the wolf pup while they talked. The whole time, Soban forgot he was in his Egyptian form. When he realized it he decided to not hide his identity any longer.

"I have a great trick to show you, old man," Soban said.

Soban hopped up and activated his Greek form.

"Ta-da!" Soban said.

Every god in the room turned their heads and stared at Soban. They all murmured to each other and Soban began to get nervous.

"Could it really be?" the old man said.

"Boy," another voice said, this one female.

Soban turned and faced her. She was locked in a cage by herself and had hair covering her face.

"Yes?" Soban asked.

"My name is Eir, mother of Shuno," she said.

"Shuno? The previous hybrid?" Soban asked.

"Yes. He was the greatest god of his time, until he was hunted down by the Olympians, Hindu gods and the rest of my traitorous family," Eir explained.

"How did he die?" Soban asked.

"He isn't dead."

"What happened to him?"

"Once Hercules delivered the final blow he was so injured that he had to sacrifice his power to remain alive. After that he was unjustly cast out of the Norse lands by our elders," she said.

"Where is he now?" Soban asked.

"No one has seen him in ten thousand years; rumors say he lives in the Land in Between," Eir said.

Soban knew that area, the Juggler was from there. Maybe he knew where Shuno was. He sat back down and continued playing with the wolf puppy.

"Old man, what is this wolf's name?" Soban asked.

"His name is Fenrir and he is very precious to me," the man replied.

"This is my pet, the Colchian Dragon," Soban said, pointing at his neck.

"Wow, you captured that beast? You really do have potential," the old man said, amazed.

"Boy, if you escape, seek out my son, he will give you the ability to get revenge for our death," Eir said.

"I have no interest in your revenge, sorry, but I will take down Ra and maybe Zeus," Soban said.

Eir nodded, turned, laid down and went to sleep. Soban felt a little tired so he decided to nap for a while.

Hours passed and Soban was awoken with a loud bang. The gates above the hole opened and men were laughing. Soban got up quickly and rubbed his eyes. The old man got up and waved Soban over. Soban approached the cage and the old man stood up.

"It's time for us to go, good luck in escaping," the old man said.

Soban nodded and took a step back.

"Wait!" the old man said.

Soban stopped and the old man grabbed the cage bars. He bent them slightly with the last of his power and pushed the wolf pup Fenrir through.

"Don't let him die, use your tricks to hide him, Soban," the old man said.

"I will protect him, I swear," Soban said.

Fenrir whined as Soban picked him up and took him away. The old man bent the bars back to their normal position and fell down. Soban placed Fenrir against the wall and sat down in front of him, concealing him crudely.

"Your day has come, Norse worms," a guard said.

One by one each cage was opened and each god was taken out. The whole process took an hour and Soban struggled to keep Fenrir quiet. Once a guard left with the last prisoner Soban let Fenrir go. He ran to the cage where the old man used to be and curled up. Soban walked up to him and started to pet him.