
The New Shirou

A guy with a complicated past saves a little girl while giving up his own life. She was more important than he could have ever imagined. He is then given a second chance in his favorite anime world. ............................................................................................ Just going to post a warning here. My MC is going to be way to OP and not have any trouble. He is also going to have a harem. If you do not like either of those do not read. ............................................................................................ Fate Stay Night is not owned by me and is owned by Type Moon ............................................................................................ The image is from u/Thefifalegend21 on Reddit

Peace12345 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Prologue: Second Chance

Noah Silver was a man who had managed to do the impossible on numerous occasions over his forty years of life. He had learned twenty different languages to such a degree that he sounded like they are his native tongue. He had numerous degrees in various subjects and was one of the richest men alive. The medical society had hailed him as the greatest doctor to have ever lived and he had developed multiple advancements in medical science. His body had been trained to the peak of what a human could achieve. No martial art could not be mastered by him and no weapon was impossible for him to master as well. He was the definition of a perfect person, but he had a secret that no one knew. He was also the worlds greatest assassin. No target had ever escaped him and none were safe from him if he decided to kill them. Though even someone like him had to have a hobby and his was to watch anime and read manga's.


Noah: "Well that was my last job in this business." He said while walking away from where his latest mark had just died from a heart attack, leaving no evidence that it had been artificially induced. The man he had just killed was one of the biggest arms dealers in the world and had been planning to sell a new chemical weapon to a terrorist group. If the deal had gone through millions may have died. "Forty yeas old and I can finally retire now that I have cleaned up most of the big shot trash all around the world. I can finally kickback and enjoy some of the anime I have been missing out on." He thought as he stood on the sidewalk waiting for the crosswalk light to change. As he was waiting he saw a little girl run out into the street after her ball. He also saw a truck speeding towards her and his body acted before he could think. He ran forward and shoved her out of the way but the truck hit him full on and he blacked out.


???: "Wake up child." Said an angelic voice.

Noah: "Ugh. What happened to me?" He asked as he sat up and looked around himself. What he saw surprised him. There was nothing but white everywhere. He then turned around to look where the voice had come from only to see the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.

???: "You died. This is a place where souls go before moving on. I am the goddess of reincarnation and my name is Heliana. I have come to thank you and give you a second chance." She said while smiling gently at him.

Noah: "Thank me? I am pretty sure that I never did anything to earn your thanks." He said while frowning slightly. This seemed a little to strange for him to just accept and not believe there is some kind of catch.

Heliana: "Do you remember the little girl you saved?" She asked him as she looked at him with a warm gaze.

Noah: "Kind of. My body moved on its own at the time and I did not really think through my actions." He said and then let out a tired sigh. "Does you thanking me and my second chance come from saving her?" He asked as he looked at her.

Heliana: "It partly has to do with that. I personally am grateful to you for saving her since she is my daughter and ran off to the human world to play without telling me and you saved her. For that alone I would give you a new life and allow you any power you wanted. But another part of it has to do with the ridiculous amount of positive Karma you have gained over the years. You have killed a lot of bad men who would have ruined the world and your advancements in the medical filed have saved countless lives. So you could say I am just giving you extra benefits." She said as her smile got bigger.

Noah: "What are those extra benefits?" He asked in a curious tone of voice.

Heliana: "Usually when someone gets reincarnated or transmigrated they have a limit to what they can ask for and sometimes they do not even get to keep their memories.While you still have a limit that limit only applies to absolutely ridiculous requests like asking to be a god. You can ask for a lot more than a normal person could. Also people are usually limited in what they can ask by the amount of Karma they have. You do not have to worry about that since the amount you got when you saved my daughter is enough to last you through several lifetimes." She said in a happy tone of voice.

Noah: "I see. That sounds really nice. You mentioned transmigration when you were explaining to me. Does that mean I can choose that instead of reincarnation?" He asked after he absorbed everything she just told him.

Heliana: "Yes you can but the transmigration will be into someone else's body just after they died. Any damage they had will be restored and you will essentially be given their life. You can choose if you want to get their memories up to that point as well." She said in a serious tone of voice. "With Karma you can choose who you transmigrate into just like you can choose who you are born as with reincarnation."

Noah: "Then I choose to transmigrate into Shirou Emiya right before he wakes up in the hospital after the fire. I want to retain all my current skills and memories and I want a photographic memory so I can recall everything with crystal clarity from my memories." He said after thinking about his choices for a few minutes.

Heliana: "All that is easy. What else do you want. Do you want his memories up to that point as well?" She said after she listened to what he wanted.

Noah: "No I do not want his memories. But I do want all his abilities from all versions of him including his reality marble but I want it to be stronger so that I can make perfect copies instead of weaker ones. I also want it to be able to use any noble phantasm instead of just weapon ones. Also please fill it with all of them beforehand so that I do not have to find them on my own. Shirou had crappy magecraft so make me a genius in that and give me one hundred circuits of the highest quality. Oh and just to make sure I never run out of Prana give me a magic core that regenerates any Prana used instantly." He said after thinking about all the things he would need to make him the strongest in that world.

Heliana: "Those will all make you very dangerous but nowhere near the strongest in that world. Plus there are some things you want to change from the story-line right? So what do you need for that?" She asked while smiling. This reminded Noah that there were still a few things he needed.

Noah: "Can you give me something that makes me able to remove any foreign substance from the body and repair any damage to said body? I would also like my body to be able to constantly get stronger so that through training I can reach the levels of the strongest servants. Make my regeneration abilities the highest in that world. Also make it so that I can pull out servants from the throne and sever their ties so they can live a new life and not go back until they die again. Throw in the highest level of Eternal Arms Mastery and all weapons mastery and I should have everything I need." He said after thinking about all the things he might need or want to live life to the fullest in that world.

Heliana: "Wow that is quite the list. But since I want you to live this life the way you want to I will grant all those wishes. Good luck in your new life." She said as he started to fade out. "I wonder if I should have told him that even if he just used his Karma getting all of those would have been possible since it Only makes him rally strong in that world. I also threw in another two blessings for him that he will learn of once he wakes up. I gave him the ability to purify any curses and eternal youth for himself and anyone he chooses to give it to. He will still grow up until his body reaches its ideal form but then he will stop ageing and the same thing will happen for anyone he gives it to. I did not give him immortality because he might get tired of living and want to pass on and with true immortality he will not be able to and he will not be able to enjoy fighting if he does not need to worry about his life. Even though his regeneration is a major cheat for that world he can still die. Well good luck with your new life Noah." She thought as she watched where he had faded out.

Just a random thought that popped into my head. Will write it every now and then. Also before people complain about him being broken I already said right in the description I was going to do this and I wanted him to just be having fun in this world and change some things I hated in the fate series.

Peace12345creators' thoughts