
chapter 29

I couldn't understand what language they were speaking, so I decided to go back through the portal.

this time I was prepared for when my heart to stop so I had to position my hand over my heart to kick-start it again.

this time I sat up outside of the dungeon of broken portals and I looked around and saw nobody.

anyways I disappeared and reappeared inside the vels castle. however, when I tried to go to the top of the tower I was lost and ended up in the kitchen.

this definitely wasn't my fault and someone had something to do with it. when I turned around I ran breast first into vel.

"you're finally back," she said looking down at me.

"Yup, I'm back for good. now we can go on our honeymoon," I said holding out my hand.

"yes... I suppose our wedding will be held soon... how does tomorrow sound," she said taking my hand.

"so who's designing our wedding," I asked as we walked through the halls.

"surprisingly Nero was more than willing to take the time to prepare everything," vel told me.

"Does this mean I can get my own throne," I asked full of hope?

"no, you just have to sit on my lap," my hope was diminishing, but when I heard the last part I was getting excited.

"even better," I said.

"of course, you would," vel said as rolled her eyes.


"your holiness," cannon fodder said kneeling down.


"it appears that the necromancer has learned forbidden sorcery and has broken through our line of defense at the dungeon of broken portals and entered it," cannon fodder informed him.

"dang it," the pope said biting his nails nervously.

"Should I put a kill on-site order on her," cannon fodder asked.

"yes, tell them that whoever kills the necromancer will be made a noble and have 4000 platinum coins," the pope dismissed.

"Understood," the cannon fodder said before leaving.

"start transportation of subject 1 to her location and take her out, and collect her blood," the pope said to the man hiding in the shadows.

"Understood," the man said disappearing into the shadows.

"where the hell is she."


our protagonist meanwhile was getting so lost in the castle that she just found a bed and slept.

Nero meanwhile was writing crazy stories between our protagonist and vel and Conoleth was beside her making stories too.

their stories included what would happen after the marriage and even into the far future.

one story with us about quitting adventures and becoming farmers, and another was about me being kidnapped by aliens and vel had to travel the universe to get me back.

their creativity surely did wonders. if only they were that determined to plan the actual wedding that they said they would do.

they were however doing exactly that. they were both writing books, and doing the planning.

the wedding planner was simply unique but very interesting, to say the least.

(I have no idea what a good wedding would look like, so you can imagine it.)

the people who were invited to the marriage were mainly high-end people.

vel invited some of her friends and I, who was friendless invited no one.

sad I know but not like I had many friends back home.

when I woke up in the morning I went to the bathroom and showered, then I did my daily necessities.

Nero was helping me with my dress and telling me how I was going to be happy and how marriage was going to be about exploring my partner.

however the way she said that made it sound weird, and I wasn't going to trust it.

"Now come on let's go to the alter," Nero said before I realized something.

"I forgot my mom," I said running through the halls with my dress up so it wouldn't get dirty.

"Isn't she in a different world," Conoleth asked.

"she'll find a way."


find a way she did. she legit got so lost that even jay was surprised of this fact and let her cross over to the old world.

however, she put up an illusion of her so the public doesn't see a horned girl running through the streets and only saw a girl with a wedding dress running through it.

Athena burst through the door scaring the hell out of her mom and tossing her dad halfway through the house.

"mom I'm getting married," was all Athena said as she picked her up and was teleported back to the wedding.

"told you she will," Nero said dress in hand as she put the dress on my mom.

"what's going on," my mom screamed alerting the audience.

"your daughter is getting married," Nero said and my mom passed out.

"Think we did too much," I ask.

"Nah, she'll wake up in ... 3,2,1," and true to Conoleth's words she woke up.

"Alice," she said before throwing me into a hug.

"hello mother," I said patting her on the back.

"I just had a crazy dream that you were getting married," she sighed.

"it was true," I said as she pulled back and looked me in the eye, and saw how serious I was.

"Oh," she said surprised as she was in a state of shock.

"take her to her seat," I said to Conoleth.

"with pleasure," she said as she lead her to her chair.

a bell rang above us signifying that the wedding was about to start in 3 minutes.

"Okay okay I can do this," I said getting jumpy.

"calm down otherwise you will dirty your dress," Nero said holding onto me.

"your right," I said as the door opened.

Nero interlocked our hands and we walked down the aisle.

I saw many races, demi-humans, demons, foxes, and others, and my crying mother, who unfortunately was the second smallest person here.

I swallowed my courage and finished walking towards the altar to my beautiful wife who stood there.

Nero let go of my hand and stood behind me as I stood in Infront of Nero as she held my hands.

"We are all gathered here today..."

"do you Queen Velverosa take Athena lux to be your wife," the priest asked.

"I do," vel nodded.

"do you Athena lux take Queen Velverosa to be your wife," the priest asked me.

"I do," I said.

"then before we continue does anyone have any objections before we proceed," the priest asked.

all of a sudden the door was ripped off its hinges and a woman about the height of 5'8 appeared angry.

"I object," the woman said.



Nah she's Ganna ruin the marriage.