
The Nation Beauty’s Guard

Avianna Queen is a top model and the nation's sweetheart. Having come from a wealthy family, her life can be defined as perfect until tragedy strikes, and she needs a kidney transplant. The search for a donor becomes bleak and despairing and just when all hope is lost, a donor turns up. Lorenzo Cauley comes from a low background and would do anything to save his sick sister. However, he couldn't save his sister and she ended up dying. But that was until he heard a piece of awful news, his sister's kidney was taken secretly. Filled with nothing but anger, Lorenzo would do anything to have his revenge against the Queen's family, even if that means becoming the bodyguard to the nation's beauty. ~~~~~~~~~~ Excerpt: "I'm not a murderer!"She yelled,while staring at the messages right infront of her with trembling hands that held her phone before it was smashed against the wall. At that moment he knew he had to act before she loses her mind and goes crazy. "Anna…"He called, coming out of the dark shadows with a pretentious worried look on his face. Oh! How he loved seeing her in pains. "Enzo ''Avianna went up to him,and engulfed him in a hug,she needed the human contact to keep her in check, and she didn't care that she was getting that from her bodyguard. She didn't care what he would think of that,after all he likes her. Enzo likes her. She too also has a thing for him,and she wasn't afraid to say that anymore. So,she did something he didn't expect by crushing her lips to his soft ones, shocking the both of them. ~~~~~ What would be the beauty's queen's reaction, when she gets to know that her saviour has all llong being the stalker that claim's she's a murderer? Moreover,what would end up being her fate when Enzo is stuck with the choice to choose between avenging his sister's death or his love with the model that had managed to tame his cold heart? #:This is not your regular celebrity love story,this is mind-blowing! Keep your mind,body and soul prepared, Author Pinky has more to tell!

Pinky_Glow · Urbain
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205 Chs

An Unexpected Bombshell.

"So, when do you plan on quitting your modeling job and get ready to take over the company "

Avianna sighed deeply, knowing this family dinner is definitely going to end up badly. She hadn't even eaten one spoonful of her food, when her mom dropped that statement.

The woman is just a troublemaker and a terrible mood spoiler. That question wasn't really necessary at this point in this family dinner, after it's been such a long time for this dinner to be actually happening?. So why did her mom really have to ask that question?.

It is true that Avianna's father doesn't support her much with anything, but he wasn't this mean to her.

She could still remember how her dad reached out to her a couple of times, when she ran away from home, which she's still grateful for. But not her mom!. Her mom is certainly the last person to do that. She would rather have her tongue cut out.

At first, Avianna thought of avoiding the question and ate a spoonful of her meal, but her mom was one hard nut to crack, as she continued asking her questions.

"Avianna when exactly are you quitting this dirty job of yours to take over the company?'' Mrs Avery Queens asked again, while staring right at her daughter fiercely, eyeball to eyeball without even blinking for a second.

Avianna knew at that moment she couldn't avoid the question anymore, knowing fully well her mom isn't going to stop with her pestering questions and wasn't going to back down easily without a challenge from her.

The question really annoyed her, but she chose to keep her temper in check as much as she could, realizing silence is actually the best answer to a fool. She put down the spoon she was holding, to relax her back against her chair in a more comfortable position.

And then turned, observing her father staring at her and giving her an eye signal to avoid her mom. But she isn't going to do that. She's getting tired of her mom trying to talk her out of her job. A job she suffered so desperately and hard to get and later made it successfully, without her mom's help at all.

And how she wants her to quit the same job that she suffered so much to accomplish? And take over the company?. Nope!. That is simply not happening! Not on this planet earth.

So Avianna made it clear and straightforward to her mom.

"Mom" She called, really hating the fact that the woman in front of her was the one who birthed her. "I left home because of a dream that I love and you hated it. The one thing that I ever wanted to do, but you stood against it when I truly needed your support" Avianna stated, which sounded more like she's lamenting about her past caused by the sad tone she's speaking with.

"You almost made me lose hope of making my dreams come true. And that's why I ran away from here just to chase the same dreams" Avianna paused for a moment, a bit relieved that her parents were actually paying attention to her, most especially her mom who's the main reason for her lamenting.

"While I was away from home, you" She pointed at her mom who hissed, rolling her eyes. This sad pathetic story her daughter is quoting, is it supposed to make her feel like a bad mother or something?. She only asked her a simple question, but the girl is just quoting down her entire sad life story.

Avianna ignored the silly faces her mom made and continued her story. "You never for once decided to check up on me, except from dad who helped me out for a bit by sending me money to take care of myself…." She wasn't done with her statement, getting interrupted by her mom who chipped in, directing the question to her husband.

"You were sending her money without letting me know?!" Mrs Avery roared, while her husband cowered in fear. His wife can be really scary, especially when she's mad at something and right now she's pissed off at him.

"It's just..I mean…you know" Mr Stephen stuttered, trying to defend himself , but failed to find the right words to say at this very strict moment. The ferocious glares his wife shot at him was enough to make him shut his trap.

Avianna needed her parent's attention back to her, so she continued. "So what makes you think I will ever quit modeling with all the achievements I have made so far, just to take over your damn company?" Avianna shot the questions to her mom's challenge, shooting her mean glares, whose attention was back on her.

Mrs Avery Queens accepted the challenge and said. "Your story is so pathetic and also stupid at the same time!" She barked. "I gave birth to you and treated you so nicely like every mother does. But how did you repay me?. By turning against me just to fulfill that clumsy slutty job of yours?"

"My job isn't slutty. It's called modeling!" Avianna retorted, getting agitated by her mom calling her job slutty. This woman is really getting her pissed off.

"I don't give a damn what you call it. But all I know is that you will quit that stupid job of yours to take over the company whether you like it or not!" Mrs Avery Queens declared viciously, her eyes burning with fury and her brows furrowed in anger.

Avianna has grown so stubborn and even has the audacity to talk back to her. Is that what her stupid modeling job was teaching her?.

If her mom really wants her to give up a job, she worked hard and later made it without her mom's support or even sponsoring her for once, even though they were so wealthy. Then she's going to try harder than to just exchange words with her.

Getting up from the chair she sat on. Avianna leaned closer to her mom, making sure their eyes were on the same level and whispered. " You are going to have to put that in action rather than just words, if you think I'm ever going to quit my job to take over your damn company . That's never happening, not even in your dreams" A smug smirk curved up at the corner of her lips, observing the look on her mom's face.

She just won in this argument.

"Please let's all calm down and go back to eating" Mr Stephen decided to speak up, after keeping his mouth shut when the argument between his daughter and wife were going on. He had no strength to get himself involved, so he let the females deal with themselves.

"Did you just say calm down?" Mrs Avery Queens asked, getting irked by the fact her husband wasn't even on her side here, but actually trying to make peace reign."These were the exact same words you said to me eighteen years ago, Stephen. When we almost lost this knucklehead, I cried so much not to lose. So please stay out of this, I know what is literally best for her'' She cautioned her husband, who threw his hands up, agreeing to stay out of the argument just like his wife warned.

"Okay, I will" He nodded affirmatively, putting his hands down and going back to eating his food in peace.

Avianna sighed, shaking her head remorsefully for her father who sometimes acted stubborn, but not when his wife decided to be in charge.

Moving her gaze back to her daughter, Mrs Avery let out an evil smile, knowing this statement of hers is surely going to surprise Avianna to the core.

"Since you refuse to quit your job and take over the company, then I want to ask when you plan on letting me and your father know about your child?" Mrs Avery dropped an unexpected bombshell, shocking Avianna to the core, the way she totally expected it to.

Let’s keep on voting this book to the top. I love y’all.

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