
Settling in

Taylor's POV

Uncle when will we reach the college I'm tried and I need to rest I said to my uncle who had apparently been driving in the woods for more than 8 hrs he just rolled his eyes and acted like I said nothing, me and my uncle hasnt actually be quite close he hasn't always been like this but after his wife died he just changed, I started living with him when I turned 15 around the time my parents died in a terrible car accident, it was nice for him to take me in at least unlike the others, anyways we just reached the school and my uncle was helping me unload my my boxes from the car then he said Tay I'm sorry for the way I always treated you I mean I blamed you for amost everything and it wasn't fair on your side I just want us to start afresh not as uncle and niece but as father and daughter I smiled and then gave him the tightest hug ever and we both laughed, we walked towards the reception then he said look at my baby all grown up now in University you never truly know the worth of something till u loose it, Uncle you didn't loose me I said then he made me promise to vist him always I promised then we hugged for the last time and he left, I entered into the reception and saw a girl about my age talking to the receptionist, though the place was crowded I managed to squeeze my self through and got to the receptionist, she was still attending to the girl then she turned to me and asked how may I help you young lady, I'm a fresher ma'am then she turned to the other girl and told her to take me to room 106 then she gave me some books, a tour guide and the rule book I told her thank you then followed the girl, hi my name is Luna as in the moon what's your name she asked in a rush I told her Taylor then she started tell me about the school and the people I should avoid, we finally reached my room and I guess I was staying alone unlike the rest of the students anyways I told Luna thanks she nodded and let me settle in for the night.