
The mythics

Auteur: shadow_2820
Fantasy Romance
Actuel · 181 Affichage
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What is The mythics

Lisez le roman The mythics écrit par l'auteur shadow_2820 publié sur WebNovel. ...


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No Man's Land

Read the rest on GoodNovel.Com, this where the story's newest episodes will be published from now on. Here is the link to the story on Goodnovel: https://www.goodnovel.com/book/31000046007-620583 Go there to read episode 5 and more episodes that are not published on this site! :D RedBeeSAndAmber2's Real Name is Treasure Marie Denise Jackson and I am her, I collaborated with GOD A.K.A. Jesus Christ To help me write this book. They grew up in a cult community that as a culture killed Russians, Bonnie, Donald and Dr. Markus are Russians. This is because 1000 years ago there was a war and before the war Russians used to oppress the black people so the black people rose up, some good Russians helped the black people rise up and for a time after the black people won the war and got into rule they made laws to stop the oppression and things got calmer and people were arrested for racism. One day, 1000 years later, a black ruler was dying so he gave his crown to his nephew who hated Russians and the nephew turned black people against the Russians and created a whole culture of hating the Russians, this started tensions between the two races and literally got babies killed, mixed people were killed along with their Russian parents, black people who made babies with them would be kicked out of the community that used to be Christians and the nephew's son started a culture of killing Russians 1 time a month on the 13th day of the month. _________________________________________________________________________ This story is copyrighted. (Copr. ©) The copyright symbol, or copyright sign, ©, is the symbol used in copyright notices for works other than sound recordings. The use of the symbol is described by the Universal Copyright Convention. Copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. ... This means that the original creators of products and anyone they give authorization to are the only ones with the exclusive right to reproduce the work.

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