
The most wasteful fruit among pirates

[Not My Novel, I am translating it] Transmigrated into the world of One Piece? Since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it. Became brother of Don Quixote Doflamingo? Well, that's a done deal, can't restart. However, when the young boy discovered that he had consumed the Hito Hito no Mi, he couldn't stay calm anymore....

young_sunlight · Anime et bandes dessinées
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155 Chs

Chapter 98: Boiling Oil Fire

The New World, which usually dominated the headlines, had its thunder stolen by the Four Blues!

The Vinsmoke family, who were supposed to only exist in "comics," suddenly appeared in the eyes of the world.

In just half a month, the situation in the North Sea erupted like a whirlpool, attracting the attention of the Four Great Seas and even the Grand Line.

At this moment, most people realized that:

"Blackwater Security Company," "Risk Control Organization," "Titan Security Consulting Group"... These renowned security groups in the North Sea were all subsidiaries of the Vinsmoke family!

These security companies were silently spread throughout most of the countries in the North Sea. While providing security services to merchants, nobles, and even royalty, they also formed a vast network.

They controlled the exchange of intelligence between numerous countries!

Meanwhile, the Vinsmoke family also gathered numerous experts such as the "Gun Cavalry Pirates," the "Blazing Commerce Association," and the recently rising "Donquixote Family."

With experts leading the way and elite soldiers following closely, they stormed cities and territories like a tsunami!

In just half a month, they captured over a dozen non-affiliated countries, and nearly half of the North Sea fell under the control of the Vinsmoke family.

Their glory was unparalleled!

The startled North Sea nations who had come to their senses panicked and appealed to the Navy for help.

However, the answer they received was: The World Government's affiliated countries attacking non-affiliated countries is an act of "justice."

Vinsmoke Judge wasn't foolish; he had long established connections with the "upper echelons," allowing him to receive the world government's tacit approval. As long as they didn't attack affiliated countries, the Navy wouldn't intervene.


"Clang, clang, clang~"

"Fill them up, fill them up!"

"Drink up, why aren't you drinking?!"

As night fell, a multitude of warships gathered near the Rujuwan Kingdom on an island.

A grand banquet was taking place in the city at the center of the island. Compared to the low-key "engagement ceremony" half a month ago, the current banquet had nearly a hundred thousand participants. The sounds of people and the lively atmosphere illuminated the entire city.

Sea merchants, pirates, bounty hunters, and even nobles who took advantage of the situation... People of all kinds could find their "place" here.

They could sit on the outskirts of the city, feasting and carousing; or they could occupy a building in the city to enjoy their company; or they could be invited to the square in front of the lord's mansion to engage in trade;

Or perhaps:

"Hahaha, everyone, raise your cups!"

In the mansion, a flushed Vinsmoke Judge raised his wine glass, and the people in the hall also lifted their glasses in response, giving him face.

"Drink together, Your Royal Highness the Prince!"

"No, it should be Your Majesty the King..."

"With Judge-sama's capabilities, the unification of the North Sea is within sight—"

"Hahaha, don't be formal, everyone, make sure to enjoy yourselves."

Vinsmoke Judge, who was used to carrying himself with the demeanor of royalty, also seldom "mingled with the common people." He continuously clinked glasses with many powerful figures, causing his wife, Queen Sora, beside him to smile somewhat forcedly.

Her prince was drunk,

Intoxicated by the wine called "power."


"From now on, the entire North Sea will know of the Vinsmoke family."

The hall was full of powerful figures trying to "please" the future King of the North Sea. Only two tables managed to remain composed.

Doflamingo slightly swayed his wine glass, his gaze piercing through his sunglasses. His mouth curled up with a trace of disdain.

They were nothing more than weaklings who only knew how to attach themselves to the powerful!

One day, the Donquixote family would stand at the center of such banquets, enjoying the flattery of other powerful figures.

"The entire North Sea will know? That's hard to say—"

Next to him, Rosinante shook his head. Although the Vinsmoke coalition had swept through the North Sea as if they were invincible, it was merely superficial:

On one hand, they had only attacked small and medium non-affiliated countries.

The strengths of these affiliated countries varied greatly, and the strongest individuals among them were at most worth 50 million in bounties, around the level of Jora before.

Such strength could handle ordinary pirates without a problem, but when facing the fiercely loyal elite clone soldiers of the Vinsmoke family combined with the besieging tactics of Rosinante and other experts, their fate was nothing but defeat.

Now, only four countries remained, and they were truly hard nuts to crack!

On the other hand, everyone present believed that the Vinsmoke family had a bright future, except for Rosinante, who knew otherwise.

The Vinsmoke family would fail, and it would be a disastrous failure!

Otherwise, it couldn't explain why, over twenty years later in the "future," the people of the entire North Sea believed that the Vinsmoke family were nothing more than characters in "comics."

Even though the Vinsmoke family still possessed the boasting "Slaying Four Emperors" painting, no one knew about it!

This could only prove that the World Government had taken action to erase that history.

"The Vinsmoke family will fail," Rosinante spread his "Silent Barrier" and reminded the others. His mind raced as he fabricated reasons.

"With the inflated mindset of Vinsmoke Judge, he is likely to target the affiliated countries as well."

"At that point, the Navy will definitely not sit idly by."

"Once the Marines send an Admiral or even a Vice Admiral, all the advantages that the Vinsmoke family has gained will be as fragile as buildings on the beach, instantly crumbling away!"

Although the Vinsmoke coalition seemed unstoppable now, they would be instantly suppressed when facing true experts.

"So, we need to start considering an exit strategy."

"Hehehe, since Rosinante has said so—"

Doflamingo turned his head to look at Trafalgar Law.

"Trafalgar Law, sell our spoils of war to others."

"Convert them into Beli, gold, and weapons as quickly as possible, and transport them to Sabaody Archipelago. Even if we take a loss, it doesn't matter!"

"Alright, Doflamingo."

Trafalgar Law nodded. In the family, he was in charge of negotiations and procurement.

"Diamante, keep an eye on those independent strong figures. Get closer to them and recruit mid-level combatants for our family."

"Leave it to me, Doflamingo!"

When it came to serious matters, Diamante's expression turned serious. There was no room for casual interactions like "give and take."

"Jora, maintain contact with other nobles. If the Navy makes a move, they should receive the news ahead of time."

After the Vinsmoke family began conquering the North Sea, not every place was resisting. Many shrewd nobles had also switched allegiances and joined the coalition.

This was one of the reasons for the growing size of this army.

"Understood," Jora nodded. She was well-versed in social interactions among the upper echelons. Although she didn't like it, she would naturally take it seriously for the sake of the family and her homeland.


Doflamingo turned to look at the dining Pica and Vergo, who were engrossed in eating and drinking, each holding a huge slice of pizza.

"Enjoy the banquet! Hehehehe~~"

"Maintain a certain level of vigilance,"

"Be wary of poisoning, assassination, and the like."

Rosinante added, although it was unlikely, he didn't want to see family members getting hurt not on the battlefield, but at the banquet.

"Miss, this is the conversation between them."

At another table that managed to maintain composure, there naturally sat the members of the "Hachibukai Water Army."

The people of the Flower Country of the West Blue carried an innate sense of dignity deep in their bones, preferring tranquility over movement. Coupled with the reputation of the "Roaring Wind," few dared to approach and disturb them.

"Interesting, interesting."

The young lady, Linglong, clapped her folding fan slowly and smiled faintly.

"Plan for defeat before victory, and you can fight a hundred battles without danger."

Although she didn't know why Rosinante believed the "Vinsmoke family" would face defeat, she felt a inexplicable trust in this young man who had defeated her and was also an "strategist" for the Donquixote family.

"Let's make our preparations as well,"

"Have the ships carrying weapons set sail immediately."

"At the same time, sell all our recent gains and exchange them for Beli and gold."

After speaking, the young woman turned to the slender middle-aged man next to her. This man was tall and slender, wearing a round-collared robe with golden shoulder guards made of upturned beast leather on either side of his shoulders. He had dark, mute metallic wristguards on his arms.

He squinted his eyes slightly, his lips curved downward at the corners with a beard hanging down on both sides. There were three strands of beard, forming a trio. A torn scar adorned his left cheek, and a dragon-shaped tattoo rested behind his shaved scalp on the right side.

Under the leadership of the captain of the "Hachibukai Water Army":

"The Whip of the West Sea," Howling Wind!

A notorious pirate with a bounty of 980 million Berries.

"Uncle Howling Wind, if a strong Navy enemy appears, immediately lead everyone to retreat."

Although the "Hachibukai Water Army" was essentially the navy of the Flower Country, for the sake of convenience, they maintained the identity of "pirates" to the outside world. Even their family members and captains had bounties on their heads.

"Yes, Miss Linglong."

Xiaofeng, with his three strands of long beard, bowed to the young woman. Despite being far stronger than Linglong, his status was reversed.

"Well then, let's enjoy the banquet as well."

Putting down her folding fan, the young woman raised her wine glass with both hands.

"Everyone, please."


After drinking their wine gracefully, everyone picked up their forks and began to enjoy the delicacies.

The next day,

Flags fluttered and signals changed, while Den Den Mushi buzzed with activity.

A massive number of warships, armed merchant ships, and even pirate ships hoisted their anchors and set sail!

The sea breeze gently carried these sizable vessels out of the harbor, their white sails scattered like stars, and their pitch-black gunports exuded a stern dignity. They congregated and dispersed, with no fewer than a thousand warships forming a sea of four converging currents.

Rosinante and the others led one of the routes. After the battles during this period, the reputation of the "Donquixote family" began to spread in the North Sea. Coupled with their earlier performance in the arena, no one dared to oppose them.

Linglong led another route. With the "Whip of the West Sea," Howling Wind, of the Hachibukai Water Army, overseeing their operations, there was even less opposition. Those assigned to her route were ecstatic, practically ready to "win while lying down."

The head of the Vinsmoke family, a true powerhouse who had fought in the New World, commanded yet another route. From his face that seemed to resemble a reincarnation of a governor, Rosinante guessed that he was the "original" of many clone soldiers.

And Vinsmoke Judge himself led the last route. Clad in black battle attire and wielding a high-tech large-caliber gun, he stood proudly on a castle, about to realize his ancestors' dream: returning triumphantly to their homeland!

Across the vast North Sea, countless ambitious sailors stood at the ship's bow, their sheathed blades thirsting for blood! Money, women, fame, Devil Fruits... Only the victors could enjoy everything.

The Battle of the Four Nations in the North Sea begins—

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=> The day of studying in Hogwarts.

=> Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me.


(End of this chapter)