
The most wasteful fruit among pirates

[Not My Novel, I am translating it] Transmigrated into the world of One Piece? Since I'm here, I might as well make the best of it. Became brother of Don Quixote Doflamingo? Well, that's a done deal, can't restart. However, when the young boy discovered that he had consumed the Hito Hito no Mi, he couldn't stay calm anymore....

young_sunlight · Anime et bandes dessinées
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155 Chs

Chapter 11: The Last Force

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With a muffled sound, Rosinante fell heavily on the deck.

"You're too naive,"

"Just the two of you little brats, there's no way you can defeat me."

To be honest, Rosinante and Doflamiongo, who were well-fed and well-rested, were definitely not inferior to the elite sailors on the merchant ship in terms of combat power. After all, ordinary sailors did not have their "rich" experiences, enabling them to escape from the hands of countless armed civilians multiple times.

However, facing a vigilant navigator,

Regardless of luck or their tough bodies, it was not enough to bridge the enormous gap in strength.


Just as Rosinante was getting up, another figure fell next to him, and it was the disheveled Doflamingo.

"You see, I told you, your plan was too dangerous."

Facing the retreating Doflamingo, Rosinante had time to mock him.

"...Is it the time to say this now?"

Doflamingo struggled to get up, one hand clutching a sailor's knife, and the other holding a flintlock pistol, even though he was coughing up blood, he didn't let go of his weapons.


Just as Doflamingo was struggling to get up, his body trembled backward, and blood slowly flowed from his chest.

"No matter what ability you have, you can't use it like this, right?"

Rosinante saw it clearly by the side. The navigator took out the bullet mixed with Seastone powder from his shoulder wound and used his powerful wrist to shoot it as a hidden weapon towards Doflamingo.

Due to the Seastone powder mixed in it, the bullet's main body was not lead but steel!

Even though the "powder" only caused a "skin wound," the exorbitant price of Seastone made it impossible for it to be used as a consumable.

Although the damage caused by the bullet was only at the "flesh wound" level, it was more than enough to suppress an ability user.

At least, as soon as "his legs softened," Doflamingo knelt down!

If it weren't for Rosinante eating the "Silent Fruit" himself, he might have been fooled too.

"Seastone and the sea are the nemeses of Devil Fruit users."

Shaking off the blood on his hands, until he knew what other tricks the opponent's Devil Fruit ability had, using Seastone to suppress the ability was the best strategy.

Next, these two kids were like fish on the chopping block, easy to handle.

"Don't be afraid, Rosinante!"

"I'll protect you!"

Facing the navigator, who was much stronger than the two of them, Doflamingo stood in front of Rosinante with his knife and gun.

"We are men who are going to stand at the top of the world; we won't fall here! Miracles will happen—"


Well, miracles did happen.

Although Doflamingo attributed their multiple miraculous survivals to "miracles," Rosinante knew very well.

Three years ago, when Rosinante, Doflamingo, and their father were hanging on the city wall, waiting to be burned alive by the flames below, a miracle happened!

A year ago, when the three of them were surrounded by armed civilians, about to be chopped into minced meat, another miracle happened!

Even a few months ago, when the denied Doflamingo faced the assassins of the Holy Land, another miracle happened...

All enemies "miraculously" fell unconscious, allowing the two children to escape several life-and-death situations.

However, those were not miracles, but King's Haki!

In the face of life and death crises, Doflamingo would unconsciously activate his King's Haki, stunning the enemies.

That was the reason they were able to survive until now—

"We don't need 'miracles.'"

Rosinante took a step forward, his little hand resting on Doflamingo's shoulder, stopping him from "brewing emotions."

"Mr. Navigator, there are still many people on this ship..."

Not all sailors participated in the three-way melee; some were just honest people trying to make a living, hiding in the cabin, and there were also passengers who paid to board the ship.

"Are you reminding me?"

The refined navigator smiled lightly, and drops of blood fell from his sword.

"Don't worry, after killing you two, I'll thoroughly 'clean up' this ship."

As long as everyone is dead, they can naturally blame everything on the pirates. Once Doflamingo bribes the officials of the kingdom and obtains everyone's inheritance, he can then proudly turn around and become a nobleman!

"Is that so? Then I can rest assured."

Facing the murderous words of the navigator, Rosinante, who stopped Doflamingo, nodded calmly.

"Because from now on, everything we do is 'justice'."


"What nonsense are you talking about—"


The next moment, the puzzled navigator stumbled!

As if hit by an invisible heavy punch on his back, he couldn't help but lunge forward.

At the same time, blood flowed from his back, instantly dyeing his exquisite vest into a dark red.

"You guys?!"

Turning around abruptly, at the exit leading to the lower cabin, a group of men in casual clothes were holding flintlock pistols of various lengths.

There were burly men with cold sweat on their faces, middle-aged men with pale faces and big bellies, and calm swordsmen with sideburns...

The blue smoke emitting from the barrels of their guns was the source of the previous attacks. What puzzled the navigator was:


Didn't the Devil Fruit user brat with sunglasses have his ability suppressed by the Seastone bullet?

Just as the navigator turned his head due to the attack from behind, two small figures came at him in unison, and two weapons, one on the left and one on the right, stabbed towards him.

Puff, x2

The sound of flesh being pierced rang out, causing the navigator to turn his head again.

Two weapons had stabbed into his lower back from both sides, naturally it was Doflamingo and Rosinante.

"Sorry, the Devil Fruit user is me."

Facing Rosinante's words, the expression on the navigator's face first showed understanding, then turned into a vicious grin!

He never expected that the true "mastermind" was this innocent-looking little boy... But even if he had to die, he would drag him to hell!

Ignoring the multiple bullets in his back and the two knives stabbed into his waist, the navigator turned around abruptly, and the dagger in his hand rose high, thrusting swiftly towards Rosinante!

"Be careful—"

Never imagined that despite suffering such serious injuries, the opponent could still attack his brother, Doflamingo was shocked!

A mysterious aura suddenly rose from his body, an aura that looked down upon all living beings, making them seem like ants. It was enough to evoke fear in every life from the most primitive and instinctive level.

Before this aura, all the willpower, determination, and emotions that were trained after birth seemed incredibly fragile.

King's Haki!


The navigator's face was filled with Rosinante determination even after suffering multiple injuries. He lifted the dagger high and thrust it towards Rosinante at a rapid pace.


Even in such a critical situation, Rosinante calmly warned Doflamingo.

In response, Doflamingo's aura grew even stronger. The King's Haki emanated from him, and a powerful force of intimidation filled the air, making the navigator's eyes widen in shock.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still. The two forces collided, and for a split second, everything around them seemed to fade away.

Then, the navigator's dagger stopped just inches away from Rosinante's neck.

A cold sweat dripped down the navigator's forehead. He could feel the tremendous pressure from Doflamingo's King's Haki, paralyzing his body and mind.

The resolve and determination he had before were now shattered, replaced by fear and uncertainty.

In that moment, Doflamingo's eyes flashed with a touch of sympathy. He knew what the navigator was going through, as he had experienced it himself in the past.

Without a doubt, the navigator's strength was far above theirs, but the power of King's Haki was enough to level the playing field.

Doflamingo slowly retracted his King's Haki, allowing the navigator to stumble backward, his dagger falling from his hand.

"I... I can't believe this... How could a brat like you possess King's Haki?" The navigator's voice trembled, his arrogance and confidence shattered.

"I told you, we are going to stand at the top of the world," Doflamingo said, his voice calm yet firm. "We won't be defeated by the likes of you."

At this moment, a petite figure dressed in pink appeared beside the three of them as if teleporting, and the long knife in her hand landed on the nearby deck.

"Feiran Qi."


With the appearance of the little girl in the pink hood, an arm wielding a dagger flew past the three of them.

With a snap, it landed on the blood-stained deck.

"You brat! What have you done?!"

The navigator, whose right arm had left his body, could no longer maintain his composure. His face twisted with helpless rage!

However, the girl with the pink hood calmly sheathed the long knife at her waist.

"Doflamingo, you incited the slaughter on the 'Plata' by killing a large number of sailors and captains, and declared that you would kill all the civilian passengers..."

After reciting the other's 'crimes,' the little girl turned to face the armless navigator.

"Remember, the person who killed you is called 'Feiran,' the future Rear Admiral of the Navy!"

After saying that, the little girl lightly exhaled the last sentence:

"Feiran Luo."


The sight began to tilt, and a pair of bewildered eyes rolled away.

Doflamingo's head fell on the deck, rolling beside a black cylindrical hat.

The ambitions of the man known as 'Doflamingo' also fell into the pool of blood and turned into bubbles.

Witnessing all this, Doflamingo's eyes widened. Although he knew that the sideburns swordsman and this little girl were powerful, he never expected that they were actually "old acquaintances."


One of the few top female experts in the world of One Piece,

The future candidate for Rear Admiral of the Navy: Code name "Taotu"!

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=> The day of studying in Hogwarts.

=> Marvel: All the famous scenes were exposed by me.


(End of this chapter)