
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Oriental
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260 Chs

Zhongli Ruoshui's Idea

The sun is in the sky.

The backyard of the small shop at the east end of Erjingou did not have a few rays of sunshine because of the cover of the big banyan tree.

In the gazebo in the backyard was a table of rice noodles from Shiheju.

Ning Chuchu, Zhongli Ruoshui, Kaiyang and Zhiyuan were sitting at this stone table.

Zhongli Ruoshui looked at the delicacies on this table and didn't have much appetite.

A patch of sunlight fell from among the leaves of the banyan tree and fell playfully on her face.

There was no displeasure on her face, but a strong smile——

"He really wants to make wine!"

They visited the front shop and the backyard, and asked the craftsmen a few words, only to find out that it was true that he said he wanted to open a tavern.

Ning Chuchu is not optimistic about this. She and Shen Qianshan have quite the same views:

"Actually, if you make an ordinary wine, it will cost tens of pennies a catty. The profit is extremely thin, and his place is too small, so there must not be much output, and the profit...worrying."

"Hee hee," Zhongli Ruoshui didn't take it seriously, and the third young lady who was born with a golden spoon in her mouth said lightly, "It doesn't matter if you make money or not!"

"It doesn't matter even if you lose everything!"

"Grandma said that the most important thing in a person's life is the mood."

"Since he likes it, he can do it. If he gets tired of it one day... I bought thousands of acres of land at the foot of Peach Blossom Mountain, three miles north of the city, and built a villa."

"If he doesn't want to make wine anymore, if he likes to be clean, we can live in that villa!"

The young girl's heart is full of spring, her eyes are full of anticipation. With her hands on her chin, she seems to have seen that wonderful scene: "When you open the door, you can see Taohuaxi. He is sitting in the peach blossom pavilion holding a book. A qin or a jug of wine... If he comes up with a good song, I will ask the merchants to compose a song and sing it to him."

The girl leaned over and looked at Ning Chuchu, with undisguised longing in her eyes, and full of expectations on her face: "This is how to raise eyebrows together, harp and harp, how good it is!"

Ning Chuchu looked at Zhongli Ruoshui and forced a smile: "Well, it's really good."

She is the fourth princess of Ningguo. She is about the same age as Zhongli Ruoshui. Zhongli Ruoshui can pursue her happiness happily, but it is absolutely impossible for her who was born in Tian's family.

Ning Chuchu restrained her mind, put away those worries, and gave Zhongli Ruoshui a knife with her backhand: "But he still doesn't know who you are, even if he knows who you are, have you ever thought about your identity in Zhongli's mansion? Will it scare him?"

"In case, I mean in case he is humble in heart, after all, he has always been a humble person before. I am afraid that he will find it difficult to look directly at you, and may even run away because of your initiative... The gap in your identities is too great, Have you thought about it? He is very likely to stay away after knowing your identity."

Zhongli Ruoshui was taken aback for a moment, she really hadn't thought about it!

She herself is a rich man.

She has the wealth that others can't get after several lifetimes of hard work.

She thought that under such favorable conditions, if Li Chenan knew about it, he would agree without hesitation, because then he would not have to struggle in his whole life.

Just like the countless students in that literary meeting.

"I always feel that he is different from other teenagers. Maybe your wealth...is not what he likes!"

"In this world, after all, there are some people who don't like soft food. Otherwise, why didn't he attend your literary meeting?"

A basin of cold water was poured on Zhongli Ruoshui's head.

She was smart and instantly understood the meaning of Ning Chuchu's words - Li Chen'an should not be treated like an ordinary person!

She was a little nervous, "Then what should I do?"

"I think you should stay away from him for the time being. Even if you want to get close, don't reveal your heart, let alone reveal your identity. You have to let him accept you slowly until he likes you, not Zhongli Mansion behind you!"

"Oh," Zhongli Ruoshui suddenly realized. She rolled her eyeballs and thought about it: "Then I will stage a heroic rescue of the beauty... He is the hero and I am the beauty!"

"In this way, I can justifiably come to this tavern to see him often with the grace of saving my life, and I have a good reason to spend more time in this tavern..."

"Yes, that's it, just like my grandma took down my grandpa!"

Ning Chuchu was stunned.

Zhongli Ruoshui's grandfather, Zhonglipo, has had a wife all his life.

This wife is not a famous lady, but she has written a legend in Ningguo!

Her name is Fan Taohua,

She is a master of rivers and lakes, and now she is one of the three great masters of Ningguo.

When she was pursuing Zhong Lipo, she played herself as a weak woman. Even after getting married, Zhong Lipo didn't know how powerful his wife was for a long time.

It wasn't until the thirteenth year of Jingtai that Huihe in the southwest of Ningguo launched a war against Ningguo, and captured Dazhen Pass in three months. When the news came back, the government and the public were shocked.

At that time, Huaihua General Zhong Lipo, who was only 23 years old, was ordered by the emperor to go to war, and Fan Taohua accompanied the army.

After two months of fighting Zhonglipo and Huihe at the Great Earthquake Pass, they were still unable to break through. Fan Taohua led a thousand guards from Zhonglipo to attack the Great Earthquake Pass at night, subduing the Great Earthquake Pass in one fell swoop. Zhonglipo's army drove straight in and attacked Huihe back thousands of miles.

This is nothing, what really makes Huihe despair is that Fan Taohua, with a thousand soldiers, ran for thousands of miles, captured Huihe king Liaoye Kezu alive, Huihe surrendered, and the new Huihe king Chizan Gampo paid tribute to Ningguo, and he is still a vassal of Ningguo.

The late emperor was overjoyed, he granted Zhongli Po the title of Marquis of Dingguo, led the General of Hussars, and followed Yipin.

At the same time, the first emperor issued another imperial decree, conferring Fan Taohua the first-rank wife, half a rank higher than Zhong Lipo.

This is a model of the value of husbands and wives in the modern history of Ningguo!

This is also the reason why although Zhongli Mansion is not the Duke of the State, its status is faintly comparable to the Duke of the State.

Zhongli Ruoshui grew up in Dingguohou's Mansion in Kyoto since she was a child, and was deeply influenced by her grandmother Fan Taohua. She could not practice martial arts due to physical reasons, but she had the unruly charm of her grandmother in her bones.

So she doesn't have any notion of being in the same family. She dares to recruit a son-in-law with words, and dares to pursue the happiness she wants openly.

Now Zhongli Ruoshui wants to imitate her grandma and take Li Chenan down...

Zhongli Ruoshui is not Fan Taohua, and Li Chenan is not Zhonglipo.

So even if Zhongli Ruoshui succeeds, they won't be able to perform another legendary story, but they can still have a beautiful marriage.

"This matter... is feasible, but how to do it well without leaving any traces still needs to be considered in the long run."

In the small courtyard of the tavern, Zhongli Ruoshui and Ning Chuchu had a discussion, laughing secretly from time to time, thinking of Li Chenan's idea.

At this moment, Li Chen'an also had lunch in a small shop outside, and then went to the West Market. He really couldn't buy food in the Shen's shop.

Of course, there are quite a lot of grain shops in West Market, and the Shen family doesn't have the ability to monopolize the entire grain market.

Li Chen'an came to a small grain shop and looked up. On the small flag in front of the door were written four crooked characters: Li Ji Grain Shop.

The one surnamed Li walked in. The shop was very deserted, and there was no one behind the counter.

"The shopkeeper, the shopkeeper...!"

Li Chenan yelled at the back, and a rough voice came from the backyard: "Here, come, guest officer, wait a moment."

After a while, a person came out from the backyard, and Li Chen'an was startled——

This is an extremely tall and strong man!

He was wearing a patched green cloth jacket, and his two arms were thicker than Li Chenan's calves.

He stood in front of the counter, opened his mouth wide and smiled foolishly, "Guest officer, what do you want to buy?"

Li Chen'an had to raise his head slightly to see his face.

"How much is a bucket of rice?"

"How much does the guest officer want?"

"...I want ten dou of rice, fifty dou of wheat, and ten dou of red grain. Is there any corn?"

The big man showed a naive smile again, this is a big deal!

"What is corn?"

"Oh, forget it if you don't have any. You can give me a price for these three types of food."

"On the market, high-quality rice costs 60 yuan a bucket, medium rice 50 yuan, and brown rice 30 yuan. I... I only have medium rice and brown rice here."

"A bucket of wheat is thirty-five yuan, and a bucket of red grain is thirty-five yuan. This is the price,"

The big man felt a little uneasy. He leaned over and asked in a small way, "My lord, is this price satisfactory?"

To be honest, this price is almost negligible compared to the selling price of the wine he brews. Li Chenan didn't take this matter to heart, "Okay, I want Chinese rice, so figure out how much it is."

The big guy was full of joy, "Thank you, my lord!"

He fiddled with the abacus extremely clumsily, but it turned out that he was not good at it. He made a few mistakes in his calculations, and beads of sweat came out of his forehead in anxiety.

"Here, young master, wait a minute. My mother is usually the one who settles the accounts. Yesterday, my mother was ill and recuperating in the backyard. I'll go and ask her how much money she should have."

Li Chenan grinned, took a tael of silver from his bosom and handed it to the big man, "You can ask later, I'll leave you an address, I want quite a lot of this food in the future... As for the specific amount over ten It took about half a month to find out, "

Li Chenan took the brush on the counter and wrote down the address, "The business is for a long time. If you are honest, I can buy the food I need at your shop."

"Okay, okay, thank you son for taking care of a certain business."

Li Chen'an handed the note to the big guy, and asked, "What's the shopkeeper's name?"

"The cheap name is Li Xiaohua."


This name ruined Xiao Hua!

"Oh, how old are you?"

"Master Hui, I just turned twenty."

Li Chen'an was taken aback immediately, this guy looks a little anxious.

"Hey, he looks old, mainly because he has been in the army for five years."

"Ever served in the army?"

"My family is poor, and I eat a lot. I couldn't feed my family, so I went to the northern frontier army."

"I made some small contributions in the army, and got a little money when I was discharged, so I came here to open this grain shop."

"Is the business okay?"

"This..." Li Xiaohua showed a look of disappointment on her face, "To tell you the truth, business is not very good, and I want to wait for my mother to recover and go to the dental clinic to see if there are any family members who need nursing homes... I don't have any other skills, just, hehe, just fighting is okay."

A thought flashed through Li Chenan's mind.

If the tavern's business is done well, I'm afraid there will be local hooligans to make trouble. If this guy is guarding...

"You will help me deliver the food in the future. If the business really can't continue, come and help me."

Li Xiaohua was overjoyed immediately, he quickly bowed his hands, but then said with some worry: "Young master, the villain is really good to eat! I'm afraid the son will dislike it. Besides...the only relative in the villain's family is my mother, the villain You can't leave your mother behind."

How much more can I eat?

This guy is good, very filial, and his mother is not afraid that he will not work hard.

"It's okay, if you think it over, we can have a chat."