
The most is to draw Pingtung

Li Chenan traveled to Ningguo and became an abandoned child who was kicked out of the house! This life experience is really a bit tragic: from the age of three to the age of eleven, he still couldn't memorize the three-character scriptures, and after three years of learning martial arts, he still couldn't get it! If you can't make it into martial arts, you just give up. If you don't do business again, you will lose all your money in three years. He is what the neighbors call a fool, but he also met a bloody divorce. Faced with such an opening, Li Chen'an calmly smiled and recited a poem, but unexpectedly, he caught the eyes of the nobleman, met some strange people and things, and embarked on a magnificent road. "If you ask me about my ideal, I really just want to open a tavern to earn some money and live my life happily." "If you ask me about my current achievements... they forced me to do so." "What I want to tell you is , Behind every successful man, there are many beautiful, sad, wonderful unknown stories."

urian · Eastern
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260 Chs


Shen Qianshan actually looked at the shop in front for quite a long time.

He still has some doubts in his mind at this moment, because those craftsmen said that the layout and decoration of the shop were all designed by the young master of the Li family.

This made him feel a little strange, because those decorations are very strange.

The artisans said that Li Chen'an was going to sell wine——

Is wine so easy to sell?

The most famous wine in Guangling City is Guangling powder brewed by the Huo family.

The Huo family in Guangling has been brewing wine for hundreds of years. Ever since Huo Yao, the former head of the Huo family, brewed Guangling powder 80 years ago, the Huo family has almost occupied the huge wine market in Guangling City.

Huo Xi, the Patriarch of the contemporary Huo Family, is even more formidable. He expanded the scale of Huo's Winery, improved the equipment for brewing wine, and greatly increased the production of Guangling Powder.

Today, Guangling San is not only famous all over the country, but also has entered Yujing City, Kyoto, taking half of the market share from Qujia in Kyoto.

Ruilu is the Qu family's signature. The quality of the wine is slightly better than Guangling San, but the production of Ruilu is limited, and the price is much more expensive than Guangling San.

So there is such a saying in Yujing City - princes, dukes and ministers drink Ruilu, and servants below like Guangling.

After all, there are not many princes and ministers, but there are many officials below the minister.

So in fact, Guangling San has become the most sold wine in Ningguo.

none of them!

In addition, Huo's family is a businessman and the best is an official. From Huo Yao's generation, he has paid special attention to the cultivation of family children. By Huo Xi's generation, many talents have been produced under his family.

There are those who passed the scientific examination and became officials.

There are also those who become officials through donations.

Among them, Huo Baiyang, the eldest son of Huo Xi, is the most dazzling. He is only thirty-six years old now. He was a Jinshi in the third year of Zhaohua.

With the strong background of the official family and the huge profits brought by Guangling San, the Huo family has become a wealthy family in Guangling City.

And the third generation of the Huo family has also begun to emerge. Huo Baiyang's eldest son, Huo Shufan, is already a juren at the 17th year, and he is the head of the three great talents in Guangling. His future is limitless!

Huo Shufan is interested in his daughter Shen Qiaodie, he is his son-in-law!

Compared with Huo Shufan, this Li Chen'an is not even worthy of carrying shoes.

Li Chenan, a fool who can't read books, is actually planning to sell wine now...

Shen Qianshan showed a mocking smile. He shook his head, feeling that he was thinking too much——

Li Chen'an just opened a tavern, so of course he had to go to Huo Ji's shop to buy goods.

It's just that, since he has no advantage in terms of price, why should people spend more money to drink in this tavern?

Wouldn't it be more comfortable to take a bucket of wine from Huo Ji's shop and drink it slowly at home?

So, from Shen Qianshan's point of view, this tavern has closed down before it even opened!

Where is this fool supposed to be in business?

Even if he had a million-dollar family fortune, he would lose it all. No wonder Li Wenhan wanted to drive him out of the house. Fortunately, his daughter hadn't officially married him yet.

Otherwise, that day would be miserable.

This marriage certificate must be taken back today, otherwise even the Shen family may be implicated by him.

Shen Qianshan walked to the gazebo in the corner of the yard.

There was a warm smile on that chubby face.

"Nephew, how are you doing recently?"

Li Chenan also had a smile on his face.

"Uncle, please sit down... Uncle is here to retrieve the marriage certificate, right?"

Shen Qianshan did not expect that Li Chen'an would go straight to the point. This is very good and saves a lot of hypocrisy.

"Ah, this... the little girl has no virtue, so she is really not worthy of my nephew. Uncle thinks that this twisted melon is not sweet, let alone delay my nephew from marrying a better wife to have a better future, so ..."

Of course, these words smacked of sarcasm. Shen Qianshan thought that Li Chenan couldn't understand the meaning, because this fool didn't know the ways of the world, so he would feel that he had lowered his figure.

Li Chen'an interrupted Shen Qianshan's words, because it's not his character to be chirping.

"A daughter is really not good enough for me."

Shen Qianshan was startled, and saw Li Chenan took out the red wedding book from his arms and placed it on the table.

For the sake of the marriage letter, Shen Qianshan didn't care about Li Chenan's words, so he laughed, "My nephew is open-minded, thank you uncle!"

He stretched out his hand to get the marriage certificate, but unexpectedly, Li Chenan pressed on the marriage certificate, "Wait a minute!"

His hands froze in the air, and he asked suspiciously: "What's the meaning of this, my nephew? Uncle thought that since the two hate each other, it's better to break up."

Li Chen'an nodded, "What uncle said is very true. My nephew thinks that since this matter is going to break up, there should be no debts... I can return your marriage certificate but I can't make you owe me, I have to let uncle Take back this marriage certificate with peace of mind, and let Qianyuan find another husband-in-law with dignity and guilt, so..."

Li Chen'an smiled at Shen Qianshan, and three words jumped out between his brows and eyes: You know!

Shen Qianshan was stunned for three breaths. Firstly, he didn't expect Li Chenan to speak these words very naturally and fluently, not as stupid as before.

The second is that he only understood what Li Chenan meant during the three breaths——

This kid actually knows how to beat around the bush?

Don't owe each other?

He returned the marriage certificate. The Shen family did owe him a favor, so how should he repay the debt?

Shen Qianshan also laughed, "There are only two of us, uncle and nephew, please make a price!"

Li Chenan raised a finger.

"One thousand taels of silver?"

This price is a bit high, but it's worth it for my daughter to get out of this trap. Shen Qianshan was about to say a deal, but Li Chenan shook his head unexpectedly.

"Ten thousand taels? This...my nephew, isn't that the way for a lion to open his mouth?"

"No, your daughter is worth a hundred taels of silver!"

The smile on Shen Qianshan's face faded in an instant, but it piled up again in a blink of an eye. He is a shrewd businessman, and he decided to bear with it for the time being even if his daughter was humiliated by this guy before he got the marriage certificate.

Wait until her daughter regains her freedom.

Wait for her daughter to marry Huo Shufan.

The third room of the Li family is not welcomed by the other two rooms. If they want to use the Huo family's hands to tidy up Li Chen'an's two rooms, there will be no reaction.

"make a deal!"

"Uncle is refreshing!"

Shen Qianshan took out a silver note of one hundred taels, and Li Chenan pushed the marriage certificate over.

After Shen Qianshan got the marriage certificate, a stone fell from his heart.

Li Chen'an took the one hundred taels of silver, and everything in the tavern can proceed smoothly.

This is a win-win situation.

Shen Qianshan put the marriage letter into his arms, and without saying a word, he stood up and glanced at Li Chenan, his eyes full of disdain.

Li Chen'an raised his eyebrows indifferently.

"Uncle, I'm going to brew wine. How about selling your food to me at a lower price?"

Shen Qianshan has already walked out of the gazebo, thinking what kind of wine can you make?

Can it be better than Guangling San?

He turned his head and glanced at Li Chen'an: "My Shen family's food will not be sold to dogs!"

"You businessman... you can't become a master!"

"When did you learn how to sharpen your teeth? It's your tavern...but it will be closed within a month!"

"What if it doesn't close down for a month?"

This is not what Li Chenan said.

These words came from behind Shen Qianshan.

When Shen Qianshan turned around, he saw a man and three women walking in.

They passed by Shen Qianshan, and Shen Qianshan was stunned for a moment. The girl who spoke just now seems to have seen it before. She...she seems to be the third lady of Zhongli Mansion!

How did she come to this dilapidated place?

Listening to what she said... It seems that she wants to stand up for Li Chen'an!

When did this idiot lean against this big tree in Zhongli Mansion?

In just a moment, Shen Qianshan thought a lot. He quickly bowed and said, "Hello, Miss San."

Zhongli Ruoshui turned his head and raised his eyebrows, "You know me?"

"Return to Miss San, Xiaomin Shen Qianshan."

"Oh, Qiaodie's father...then you go, remember not to speak ill of this tavern in the future!"

Shen Qianshan was slightly startled with his bowed body, "The villain knows."

He exited the small yard, walked out of the small shop, stood in front of the small shop door for a while, and sorted things out roughly, only to suddenly realize that this fool today is completely different from before.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. What he was surprised by was the third lady of Zhongli Mansion, why would she condescend to come to this tavern?

When she entered the small courtyard, Li Chenan sat in the pavilion without moving.

Who gave him the courage?

You have to ask your daughter about this!

Shen Qianshan left in confusion, and Li Chen'an in the small courtyard looked at the handsome young man with a wry smile.

He had already heard about the results of the literary meeting on the third day of March, and there was no leader, which meant that at least one poem was comparable to his own "Butterfly Love Flower".

This handsome young man didn't get the leader, did he come to him to get back the hundred taels of silver?

"Brother, there is an unwritten rule in the eyes of us business people."

Ning Chuchu was startled: "What rules?"

"Honesty and trustworthiness, clear price, sold... will not be returned!"

"..." Ning Chuchu was stunned for three breaths before she could react. She laughed, almost revealing her daughter's posture, but just like that, Li Chenan's heart tightened suddenly——

Could this handsome young man be a eunuch?

Such a girl!

There is no hair on the mouth.

The voice was shrill.

Well, not even an Adam's apple.

What is this if it's not a eunuch?

It's from the palace!

It's a pity that such a handsome young man was forced into the palace by his life... In his previous life, those people who were said to be physically handicapped were a little perverted in their hearts.

Then you have to be more careful in dealing with it.

It's best to keep it at arm's length!

Ning Chuchu never expected that Li Chenan would treat her as an eunuch in the palace. She was about to speak, but unexpectedly Li Chenan stood up suddenly.

"Everyone... There is no tea in the humble house, and the wine will only be available after two days."

"I'm really busy and don't have time to chat with you here, so please come back, I have to go out."

When Zhongli Ruoshui heard this, he felt a little anxious, "Hey, hey, no matter how urgent you are, don't be in a hurry."

Li Chen'an smiled apologetically, stepped out of the pavilion, "But I really have a lot of things to do."

He remembered Shen Qianshan's respect for this woman just now, and called her the third lady. This third lady was with the eunuch in the palace... She must be the daughter of a nobleman.

"Seeing that it's almost noon, the humble house has nothing to entertain you. Two days later, my tavern will open and welcome you to join me."


He just walked out like this.

When I got to the door, I suddenly remembered that this was my shop.

He looked back, but the little father-in-law and the big beauty didn't come out. Shrugging his shoulders, he headed towards West City.

You have to buy back all the grain and koji needed for wine making.

There is already wine koji in this world, let's try this koji first, if you can't make good wine, you have to make your own koji.

Some troubles.

The main reason is that it takes a long time.

That chick is so beautiful. If she had the character of her previous life, she would definitely try her best to get her.

But in this life...

If you're not from the same road, if you don't bury a grave, don't cause unnecessary trouble.