
The Mortal wants to Ascend

Embark on a journey into the heart of chaos; A tale where worlds burn, monstrous forces emerge, and cosmic entities cast their shadows. As chaos unfolds, heroes rise, navigating the unpredictable odyssey ahead. Join our protagonist in this riveting narrative where inner strength and cunning intellect pave the way to triumph over unimaginable challenges. Awakening in a world on the edge, what will you do? I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/344113/fictions

Ian_Diakor · Fantaisie
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19 Chs


Fin, ever curious, ventured to ask the question that lingered in everyone's mind, "You mentioned forming alliances and finding other groups. Where are the rest of your members? You should have a full group of ten."

Leon, with a heavy sigh, admitted, "Half of our group turned out to be enemies, manipulated by the forces within the Academy. We were forced to part ways with them."

Darian, his competitive spirit flaring, exclaimed, "Enemies within your own group? How did that happen?"

Leon, clenching his fists, responded, "The enemy we face has infiltrated the very core of the Academy. They manipulate, deceive, and turn allies against each other. It's a dangerous game, and not everyone survives with their loyalty intact."

Tygus, offering a more straightforward but shocking answer, added, "I left them after they were injured. They were slowing us down, and I couldn't risk our survival for their sake."

Darian, fueled by a sense of camaraderie, retorted, "You left your own companions behind? What kind of leader are you?"

Tygus, unfazed, replied, "A leader who prioritizes survival. In this world, sentimentality can be a weakness. I made a pragmatic decision for the greater good."

Leon, angered by Tygus's cold pragmatism, snapped, "You abandoned your comrades when they needed you the most! We could've found a way to help them!"

Elowen, intrigued by the effectiveness of Tygus's decision, mused, "Sometimes harsh decisions are necessary for survival. In a world filled with deception, sentimentality can lead to downfall."

Lucien, contemplative as always, added, "It's a harsh reality, but in our journey to unravel the mysteries within the Academy, we might have to make similar decisions."

Drake, showing empathy, countered, "But abandoning your own? That seems too brutal, even for survival."

Quillon, known for his kindness, voiced his concern, "Survival is crucial, but we must also consider the moral implications of our choices."

Alars, embodying compassion, quietly remarked, "It's a cruel world. Choices may not always be clear-cut, but leaving behind the injured feels heartless."

As the echoes of disagreement reverberated in the forest, Astor, with an air of authority, decided to steer the conversation toward practical matters. "Enough of this debate for now. We have to focus on our current situation. Our enemies within the Academy won't wait for us to settle our differences."

Darian, still seething, reluctantly nodded in agreement. Lucien, the strategist, interjected, "Astor is right. We need to unite against the common threats we face. Bickering amongst ourselves will only play into the hands of our enemies."

Astor, sensing the tension, took charge of the situation. "Tygus, Leon, for now, you'll be part of our group. We'll assess your skills and loyalty as we move forward. Survival in the Academy demands cooperation."

Tygus, always pragmatic, responded, "I have no qualms about joining forces. Survival is the top priority."

Leon, though still resentful of Tygus's actions, saw the necessity of unity. "We'll prove our worth through actions, not words."

Elowen, ever enigmatic, directed her question to Tygus, "You mentioned being attacked before. By whom?"

Tygus, a glint of caution in his eyes, hesitated before revealing, "We were attacked by shadowy figures, skilled in stealth and assassination. They seemed to have a personal vendetta against us. We barely managed to escape."

Drake, with his earth element, pondered, "Shadowy figures? Could they be connected to the forces manipulating the Academy?"

Quillon, displaying his intuitive nature, chimed in, "Enemies within, shadowy assassins without. The Academy is more intricate than we could've imagined."

Lucien, with a look of determination, declared, "We need to uncover the truth behind these attacks. The more we know, the better equipped we'll be to face the challenges ahead."

Astor, contemplating the unfolding events, concluded, "We move forward together. The Academy's secrets won't unravel themselves. We'll confront our enemies, within and without, and emerge victorious."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest floor, Astor, with an air of seasoned wisdom, addressed the group, "Night is approaching, and with it, the striders will return. We must rest now; tomorrow, our real challenges begin."

Tygus and Leon, still adjusting to the unfamiliarity of the magical world, exchanged glances. Tygus, with a hint of disbelief, questioned, "Monsters in the night? We didn't encounter anything like that."

Leon, curious yet cautious, added, "What are these striders, and why do they pose a threat?"

Astor, taking a moment to explain, responded, "Striders are nocturnal creatures that roam this forest. Their senses are attuned to the essence in living beings. They hunt in packs and can be quite formidable. Tomorrow, we'll face them, and you'll learn to defend yourselves."

Darian, skeptical of the newcomers' abilities, remarked, "Surviving in the Academy requires more than just skill; it demands adaptability and resilience."

Lucien, always calculating, suggested, "Let's rest for now. We'll need our strength for the challenges that lie ahead. Tomorrow will test our mettle."

The group settled into a makeshift camp, surrounded by the towering trees of the magical forest. The air was charged with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. As they lay down to rest, the whispers of the wind and rustling leaves seemed to carry the secrets of the Academy, leaving everyone to contemplate the mysteries yet to unfold.

As Astor observed his companions settling in for the night, his mind delved into the intricacies of the protective arrays woven into their robes. The academy, in its ancient wisdom, had devised a system to shield students from the nocturnal predators, the striders. A clever enchantment that rendered them invisible to the creatures, allowing for undisturbed rest.

However, Astor, with his vast knowledge of the Academy's inner workings, had surreptitiously disabled the protective arrays on his companions' robes. A bold move, born out of a calculated decision to expose them to the dangers of the night. The striders, once oblivious to the presence of potential prey, would now see Astor's group as vulnerable targets.

Why did I disable the protective arrays? he pondered. The answer lay in the pursuit of a greater truth, a truth concealed within the layers of the Academy's secrets. Astor believed that exposing his companions to the striders would serve as a catalyst, pushing them to become stronger.

The knowledge from his past lives whispered fragments of wisdom, nudging him to question the motives of the academy itself. The array, a seemingly benevolent enchantment, might be a mere pawn in a larger game. Astor sensed an undercurrent of manipulation, a force working behind the scenes to orchestrate events.

Is it a test? A trial set forth by the academy to assess our resilience and resourcefulness? Astor contemplated. The intricate dance of alliances and rivalries within the student body hinted at a complex power struggle. He considered the possibility of factions vying for supremacy, each with its own agenda.

Tygus and Leon, the newcomers, added a layer of intrigue to the unfolding narrative. Astor's intuition told him that their arrival was not coincidental. He scrutinized their every move, searching for clues that might unravel the mysteries shrouded in the forest's ancient canopy.

In the stillness of the night, Astor felt a responsibility, a burden borne from the weight of knowledge. His companions, unaware of the wheels turning in his mind, trusted in his leadership. Astor, the protagonist with a hidden past, resolved to navigate the currents of uncertainty and lead his group through the labyrinth of challenges.

As the fire crackled, casting dancing shadows on the faces of his comrades, Astor's eyes held a glint of determination. He would uncover the secrets veiled by the academy's walls, decipher the enigma of the forest, and face the adversaries that lingered in the shadows.