
The Moonlit Curse

You don't get to choose your family! Your family doesn't choose you either. Bring born cursed to spend every full moon as a beast wasn't my choice. I'm different from the others. I turn randomly without the full moon. My family is proud of the curse and heritage known as werewolf and are excited that I turn more frequently. I want out! society only believes we are a story for entertainment and wouldn't accept me if they knew the truth. I will find out what really makes us turn and break the curse forever.

Justin_Mokriakow · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Unexplainable and Unexpected

Everyone was in shock. What could have happened? Examining the body it's easy to see he was attacked and ripped apart by a large animal. But marks riddled what was left of the body.

"We were gone less than five minutes!" Shouted Jacob. "Did any of you see what happened?"

Everyone just shook their heads. Nobody saw anything. Running inside and getting some guns and flashlights the families searched all around and found nothing. They decided it was best to go inside and lock everything up in case whatever it was attacked again.


Last night, the night after the full moon, Asher was still in the loft. He had cried himself to sleep all alone. Rolling in his sleep he fell off of the loft onto a drum spike aerator. A drum spike Aerator is used to Aerate lawns so they grow, in this case the spikes pierced his body multiple time. He didn't feel any pain and he passed instantly. His heart stopped, but his mind was free.

Swirling into the sky, Ashers consciousness saw the beauty of the world and space.

"This is for the best" Asher said

A voice out of nowhere, deep and loud like thunder erupted.

"A descendant of my own flesh dares give up so easily?"

Ashers consciousness shriveled in on itself.

"Who said that" he cried.

A face of a large black wolf with one green and one blue eyes appeared in front of Asher. Slowly it transformed into the face of a man. The features of his face looked eerily similar to Asher, just older.

"I am the one who gave your family that curse! We are separated by a thousand generations, but your blood still belongs to me. Now wake up and fulfill what I have called you to do!".

Immediately, Asher woke up in his own body. He was laying on top of the spikes, but they hadn't pierced him. He tried to stand, but found himself starting to change.

"This can't be, there's not a full moon!" he mumbled, but it didn't matter. Within a moment Asher was a large black wolf. He quickly ran to the lake. He was fast. Faster than he'd seen the others he was sure. Looking at his reflection he realized the wolf he'd seen in whatever that dream was was staring back at him. He didn't want to think about it, so he decided to just go enjoy his form and freedom. Running all over he soon got hungry. Asher caught his first prey this night. A large buck. he expected it to be difficult, but soon realized he was larger and after than the deer. Being so hungry Asher ate almost every part of the deer. It was delicious. He thought he'd hate it because it was raw, but being in this form it was delicious.

he ran to a nearby stream and drank from the water.

This is the best, I want to stay like this forever, he thought. Running and running just having the time of his life. Asher jumped out of the treeline and got struck by a semi truck.