
The moguls class

"You're super smart,I'm super smart. Be with me." Abe says, glowering at her presumptuous behaviour "Not a chance!"Fleur responds without second thought. Hateful person! "What should I do for you to be with me?"he asks with an indulgent look. "Dearest Abe, fly to the moon and bring me a piece of moon rock." she says with a side smirk. "My dear,our unfriendly neighbors won't allow it." he answers, knowing it's possible but difficult. "Then forget I exist!" she retorts back with finality -------- When the world's in danger, it's up to Fleur and Abe to set things straight and lead humanity to be a better tomorrow. But,can they? The each have their own differences and clashing personalities but have to set them aside to defeat the invaders. Can they? For Abe,she's an overly eccentric sociopath who only cares for her loved ones. He wonders if she can truly risk it all for the world. For Fleur, he's just another narcissistic play boy who only cares for his looks and girls. If he can't get out of her pants,how is he going to save the world?! They can't set aside their differences but can save the world,hopefully?!

inoe_lisa · Fantaisie
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148 Chs

chapter 122

Jensen 's eyes flew open, heart pounding hard and fast in his chest as he sat up straight. The dream had felt so real. He glanced at the clock; 3:34 am. It was still a few hours until sunrise, and if it hadn't been for the noise coming from downstairs Jensen would have fallen back asleep. But now he's wide awake, and he feels like there's no point lying back down when sleep might not come this time. After a couple seconds of staring at his bedroom ceiling and then the closet where his clothes usually are, he stands and heads towards the bathroom. As soon as he gets out, he's changed into a pair of jeans and an old, faded white tshirt. Then he makes his way downstairs.

He finds his mum who has just gotten off her night shift duty looking all weary and tired. She smiles when she sees him and pulls him close in for a hug. For one second they're both silent before she says softly,

"You okay kiddo?"