
The Mistake Bride

"I have a boyfriend sir" she looked up at him timidly. " Well I did not say anything about being committed" he hissed already annoyed. He dragged her by the arm and pulled her into the church. Before she could process it all, she was already married to him. Then it hit her that she was married to a stranger. He boyfriend would kill her when he finds out. The stranger looked down at her on the alter " It wasn't that bad, was it?

Teniola_Akinyemi · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

 Nima was worried about what Elias wanted to tell her. She knew she wasn't supposed to be cold towards him but he has also been like that towards her.

 It took a while before she summoned up the courage to walk up to the room. She didn't take a proper look at the room but it smelled nice. She noticed Elias was on his phone with someone. She wondered maybe this is the end of the marriage.

 "Took you long enough" He stated and sat on the couch. The light in the room was dim. "Yeah" she was bothered, her voice was shaky. All that was on her mind now was that he was probably going lash out on her.

  "You know this is supposed to be a real marriage in the eyes of people" he crossed his leg and adjusted, patting the couch so she would sit next to him. "Yes i know. I am really sorry for how i have been behaving this days" She didn't move an inch from where she was standing. '

  "A lot has been going on through my head" she stated. She was starting to behave like she used to but there was still shakiness in her tone. "You aren't a saint yourself" This time she moved close to him. "What do you mean?" Elias looked at her wondering where the shy little girl went to. 

 "You haven't been a good husband to me literally" She sat down next to him. "What?" he said to her then felt her place her hand on his lap. "We don't even know each other that much."

 He doesn't know where she got the courage to do what she is doing but two can play the game, he thought. He retaliated her touch. "What do you want to know about me?" Now it was her turn to be shocked.

  He laid his palm on her thigh and was moving it upwards. "Hmmm.." she was lost. She stared at his eyes as he moved closer to her. Suddenly the air around them as thick. Elias moved his hands to her chin and pulled her closer. She was ready for what it is to come but Elias had other plans.

 "Don't play with fire of else you would get burnt" he whispered in her ear. Nima shivered. She wondered how she would be in the same room with him without misbehaving. "Go and rest. Your cheeks are burning red" She blushed even more.

 "I am heading out to the bar" she couldn't speak but she nodded. Nima stood up and walked around around with nothing on her mind but Elias. She smiled at the thought of him kissing her. "I'm I ready for this" she asked a loud. She walked to the bedroom, turned on the light and sat on the bed. 

  The bed was fluffy. She bounced on it and giggled, she couldn't admire the room the way she wanted cause she was tired. She went into to the bedroom.

 "Sir, what would you like to drink?" the waiter asked him, the bar was close to the swimming pool but he needed to be out of the room so he could breathe. That girl was poison, if only she knew how she made him feel. "Whiskey" before he could look up the waiter was gone.

 She was already in his head too much. He doesn't want this to go any further, she wasn't even his type to begin with. He began to battle with his thought. "Here" the waiter dropped his drink. He passed a bill to the waiter. "Keep the change".

 Maybe the honeymoon was a wrong idea. "Asanki" Elias looked up. Who knew him here? He groaned when he saw the person calling him. He knew he wasn't up for this. Mr Adams, his father associate. "How are you?" 

 The man walked over with a young girl in his arms. "Your father told me you were having your honeymoon here" his voice sounded like he was trying to impress Elias. "How are you enjoying your stay?" Mr Adams asked as he took a seat next to him. 

 "We just got here not quiet long ago" Elias was trying to make it obvious that he didn't want to have a conversation with him at the moment. "Where is your bride?" This was why he wanted a hotel where no one knew him or his father.

 "She is up" short replies is one thing Elias knows how to give. "Is this your wife?" Elias asked in an attempted to irritate the man. Elias knew this wasn't his wife. "This is my girlfriend Tomi" Tomi who has been giving Elias seductive eye glances was happy to be introduced to Elias. "Hi" Elias nodded at her. 

 "I would love to be excused" Elias got up. "There's going to be a party at the ballroom tomorrow evening okay" The man said to him and he simply nodded. He knew Mr Adams had a hotel but he didn't know it was this one. 

 Mr Adams is his father's friend and associate. He also has a share in their company, the man is just a complicated old man who is promiscuous. As he approached the room, he prayed she was asleep already so he could call Shawn.

Opening the room, he saw she was already asleep. He walked over to the bed and fell down not wanting to take off his cloth. He was tired beyond words, he picked up his phone and dialed Shawn's number but the call wasn't going through so he gave up.

 He turned to Nima, he kept staring at her. Indeed she was beautiful, if she stayed under the sun more than she should this week she would be more tanned than she currently is now. He was tempted to touch her skin but turned his back to her. The attraction he felt towards was getting too much at this point.

 He got up and went to get water. He wondered why he couldn't sleep, tomorrow they would bring their things up to the suite. Maybe he should book a movie date for them tomorrow. He then thought against it what if she doesn't like watching movie. 

 He went back to the bed and started searching for what to do on honeymoon. "Gosh, what I'm i doing?" he dropped the phone and laid down.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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