
The Missing Girl The mystery about Redwood High

Nikki_1022 · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

Chapter 12

Sally woke up to an alarm screaming in her ear, tiredly she rolled on to her side"6:02" the clock said with flickering lights. "Why on a Saturday?" she thought annoyed, slowly pulling herself out of bed. She gave a big yawn as she came down the last set of stairs,"Morning, kiddo," her dad's voice said, happily from around the corner."Morning," Sally said.

"You're up early," her dad pointed out.

"mhhhh, my alarm clock went off for some reason," she said with another yawn.

"Must have been the ghost," he said with a chuckle, there was a car honk from outside," I better be on my way," he grabbed he's coat, gave Sally a hug goodbye and closed the front door behind, she could hear his house keys rattling on the way to the car, Sally decided that she might as well go back to bed. She grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen and walked back to the stairs, she quickly jerked her head to the side because she thought she saw a figure standing by the window, but with a closer look she realised there was nothing, Sally went back to her bedroom thinking nothing more of it, climbing back into bed and pulling her sheets up to her chin, she tried to get some more sleep, it was a Saturday after all, but with lots of twist and turns. She looked upto her alarm clock, "6:43"

'I might as well get up,'she thought and rolled out of bed... Once again.