

Chris-"So how do you like the place."

Nadura-"Well for starters this place is huge. I really like the decorations you put up and the flowers.If you don't mind me asking how do you keep the flowers alive I thought only undead things could survive here."

Chris-"Perks of being a son to the God that rules this place. So do you want to go check out the place where you're going to up shop."

Nadura-"For sure let's go." He led him into the house which was beautiful and I saw a couple of his hellhounds."

Chris-"Here it is. I made sure my maids and butlers clear this place out so you would have as much room as possible to do whatever you need to."

Nadura-"This is more than enough room. I just need to start organizing on my notes and other stuff before the crew comes."

Chris-"Allright I'll get out of your hair if you need some help just holler."

Nadura-"All right Chris I will." She said seductively. I walked up to Chris going on my tippy toes. Wrapping my arms around his neck. "Thank you Chris honestly for everything you done so far."

Chris-"It nothing.He said Shyly while looking to the side nervously."

Nadura-"You need to give yourself more credit big man." As she lean up to kiss his cheek.

Chris-I was staring her slightly blushing. I put my arms around her waste. My arms were trembling like crazy."Nadura I."

Nadura-I jump up locking my legs around his waste kissing him.After a few moments of kissing we both stop to catch my breath."Chris I want you now." I said whispering in his ear."

Chris-"When she said that I felt Goosebumps go around my whole body."Are are you sure." I said stuttering.

Nadura-I used all my might to push him to the floor. I lean up to his face."Yes Chris I want you right now."

Chris-As soon as she said that I grab her and turned her on her back."Let's do this dollface.(name change) "As I took off my shirt.

Nadura-"Yes sir yes."

Half a hour later

Chris-I was panting trying to catch my breath. "God dam doll face."

Nadura-"Was it good."

Chris-"Was it good woman you know the answer to that. It was fucking amazing. Pardon my language."

Nadura-"I'm glad. I said while cuddling up with him.

Chris-"We should get dressed dollface. Before the others come."

Nadura-I groaned. "Fine."

Chris-We both got up dressing up quickly."Umm Nadura."


Chris-"After this Invasion thing is over. Do you want to go on a date." I said nervously

Nadura-"I apologize Chris. I am still not familiar with a lot of what the words mean."

Chris-"Oh yeah sorry I forgot you only been here for 3 days. A date is well is a romantic gesture to take a person out to the movie, to eat dinner at a restaurant and etc."

Nadura-"Ah so it's pretty much a emelials. I would love to go on this date with you."

Chris-"Nice." I felt a vibration move to the ground. "The group's here."

Raphael-"Thanks to Blair we got all that intricate suft you needed."

Nadura-"Good good let's get to work everybody."

Sarah-I walked up to Chris tapping on his shoulder.

Chris-"What Sarah."

Sarah-"You and Nadura did it. Didnt you." she said whispering.

Chris-"Shut up Sarah."

Sarah-"Ha ha ha you totally did. You guys just had that look. It all good man I won't say nothing." She said while grinning.

Chris-I rolled my eyes. "Funny. Now go help Nadura.

Sarah-"Ok ok I will. Are you not helping?"

Chris-"I will later but my father requested I go see him. Just tell the others I had to go to a meeting with my dad." I snapped my fingers teleporting away.

Hades-"Hello son. It's been while.

Chris-"Sorry about that dad. I been bit busy in the world of the living."

Hades-"I know. You should come visit more son."

Chris-"I promise I'll come over more often. So what did you need to talk about with me."

Hades-"It Dillon."

Chris-"What he do this time." As I sighed.

Hades-"He's in prison on the planet of Xaras for sleeping with the princess."

Chris-"Ok so let him. He need to learn not to do stupid shit."

Hades-"I would usually agree with you but he's being put to death for it and we need you to go break him out."

Chris-"No. He can get himself out of the situation I'm tired does putting myself at risk when he's always going to mess up again anyways."

Hades-"Look I know how you feel but please my son. You know us Gods can't interfere with Mortals anymore."

Chris-"Still no dad im done."

Hades-"Please son if not for him for me


Chris-"Fine dad but this is the last time." As he teleported out of there.