
Chapter one

AN: hello this is the author I am writing a story while I am drunk so don't expect this to be very good, I get creative when I'm Roasty and toasty (that's what I call being drunk) so look forward to the incoherent ramblings of a drunk man with nothing better to do then sit here and write. I will only say this once keep your negative shit to yourselves I'm not here for your approval just to put my writhing into form. sure, I could just write in notes or some shit, but I don't give a rat's ass, and this is where I want to put my ramblings.

"KYLE!" my manager yelled across the floor. I turned my head and was greeted the angry face of one of the most annoying people I have the displeasure of working with, Nancy. Nancy is an old decrepit lady that I have no idea how she became the manager of a warehouse as I've never seen her lift more than 10 pounds. She has had it out for me since I've started. maybe Shes just racist I mean she is as old as dirt so I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't like me just because I was African American.

"Yes Nancy" I spoke calmly as I know that even if I give her sarcasm I'll be written up for insubordination. Her eyes shone with a vengeful glint. I knew immediately that this was going to be shitty.

"Bailers jammed go and fix it" she spoke with a smug tone walking towards me. I frowned as it's not my job to fix anything in this damn place. My job is to mark the pallets and put them on the trailer for shipping.

"I'm sorry Nancy you know as well as I do that that is not my job" again I spoke in a calm and concise tone. no need for another write up, next one is termination so I tried my best to make sure that she can't get me for some bullshit.

"Well Kayla told me to get YOU specifically, so if you don't want to be fired, I suggest you do as you are told" her smile didn't waver in the slightest. I sighed; Kayla was the Floor supervisor so if it's her I guess it's alright. I mean Kalay is a dime. Cute face little waist and a big behind. I got off my forklift and followed Nancy to the bailer in question. Looking at the bailer in question i could see almost immediately that whoever was filling it filled it too full. Not a super uncommon thing but this was another level.

"Who was filling this?" I looked to Nancy with a raised brow. I mean holy shit; it says right on the machine don't fill past this point. and yet I'm looking at a bailer that is literally filled to the brim. Some people have no common sense.

"Alex" Nancy said with a frown. that one word was all I needed to know. How that man hasn't been fired I do not know. He is incompetent, stupid, and lazy. it's no wonder nothing gets done when that guy is working.

"Alright give me a few minutes and I'll get right to it just let Kayla know that everyone will have to use the one on the other one until I can get to it" this was not high on the priority list I still had 11 pallets to put on the truck before noon. The look on Nancy's face told me that she was not going to let me go so easily.

"No" she started "you will do it right now, Kayla asked for you to do it so you will" I nodded, sometimes you have to do things you don't want to or have no time for even if you don't want to.

"Alright" I sighed; I wish I could just tell her to shove it, but the job is just too important, and the money is too good to pass up. looking at the bailer I scratched my head wondering how I was going to fix this.

I could hear the bailers motor squeaking. I quickly unplugged it and began my maintenance. Even though we have maintenance people that get paid like 2 dollars more an hour than me they never get called for this shit. in the time it took me to just pull the cardboard to the level a bail could be made, I could have put at least 4 pallets onto the truck. I mean there is 3 maintenance people and only one forklift driver(me). so why did Kayla ask me to do this?

I put the ties on the new bail and begin the process of moving it from the machine to the lot in which the bails go. Plugging the machine back in I let the upper press move back into the ready position before taking the bail to the lot.

The warehouse is fairly large so walking with a pallet jack from one side to the other takes a couple of minutes. I look around me and realize that there is no one around. so, I pull my headphones out and place them in. I press play on my phone (I know I'm not supposed to have it on the floor, sue me) and listen my favorite song.

"I woke up to the morning sky first" I sang as I placed the pallet with the other bails. "Baby blue just like we rehearsed" I couldn't contain my voice this song is just too good I mean I got to belt out these lyrics, not that anyone was around to hear it. I spun on my feet as the music went through me.

"When I get up off this ground, I shake leaves back down to the brown brown brown Gound till I'm clean" the warehouse around me began to shift as I sang. The massive rows of pallets were replaced by tall trees and grass. My imagination taking hold of me as I dance though the trees.

"Then I walked where I'll be shaded by the trees" My Mind's eye showed me a beautiful field of grass. "By a meadow of green. For about a mile" Then I was transported to my hometown.

"I'm headed to town town town. In style" My clothes seemed to change to a fancy suit (Think Armani) I was in the middle of the road dancing and singing. my body feeling the rhythm. The air around me seemed to vibrate with the rhythm of my singing. I didn't even notice with my eyes closed, the cars around me honking and swerving to avoid me.

"With all my favorite colors. All my favorite colors" I closed my eyes and sang to my heart's content. not noticing my surroundings changing to purple and red. "My sisters and my brothers all my favorite colors"

"a Good day to be. a good day for me. A good day you see." My singing reaching a new level of excitement. eyes still closed i danced and walked towards what I believed was my forklift.

"Now take me to the other side. Where the bitty blue birds fly." I opened my eyes to find a forest around me birds above chirping happily.

"And Gray clouds, or white walls, or blue skies. We gon fly, feel alright" I found myself in the air birds around me and i couldn't help but let myself fall into the music.

"The least i can say, I anticipate a homecoming parade as we renegade, in the morning right on" as i felt the air on my face i still felt like the music was flowing though me. when suddenly i was back on the ground walking again though a forest of massive redwoods.

"My sisters and my brothers, see em like no other, all my favorite colors" I can't help myself but to sing the beautiful song bumping in my earphones.

"A good day to be, a good day for me, a good day you see" I closed my eyes again feeling the music in my headphones.

As the song ended i opened my eyes again only to find myself no longer in the warehouse and in the middle of a massive redwood forest. I was very confused as I knew very well that there were no redwoods in Minnesota my home state. The air around me was warm, and the trees were still green. Odd considering it was fall.

[congratulations] a blue box appeared in front of me.

[You have awakened the Rhythm system] The blue box changed, and a new message appeared.

[The end is nigh]

[For being the first to awaken you have earned a reward]

[Choose a rare reward]

[1. Blade of the everlasting song]

[2. Voice of the heavens]

[3. lyrics of all things]

I was very confused at this. Where was I? What is happening? Am I going insane? Then i thought back to all the apocalypse novels I read. 'Fuck' I thought as I read the boxes. I guess this is the apocalypse. I guess I have to choose a reward"