
chapter 2

AN: Hello again it's your friendly neiborhood author man yeah, I'm still drunk what you thought that was a joke at the beginning of the last chapter. No, I'm way past tipsy so like I said before don't expect for this to be good I Hope this is coherent enough to understand. If not eat my ass idc :-)

Wait what?

I look around me and find that I am no longer in the warehouse. I'm surrounded by trees taller than anything I've seen I rural Minnesota. The screen in front of me still bright in my mind. I pinch myself and it hurts like hell. Yep, not a dream. what the hell, I didn't die did I? I've read my fair share of reincarnation novels and I don't remember dying. Yet here I am with a floating box in front of me telling me I've awoken a system, a rhythm system at that. what is that even supposed to mean. As if answering the question.

[Rhythm System]

[Your rhythm is recognized by the universe]

[The song in your heart becomes reality]

[Sing/listen to music to expand your ability]

[Current Ability: Song manifestation

Manifest the feeling a song provokes in you]

I read the box in front of me. So does that mean that I have any ability a song provokes in me. Or is it an ability that manifests based on the song? Like if I sing a song about being invincible would that make me invincible, or would it give me the feeling of being invincible?

[The feeling that a song provokes in you is the ability you gain for instance

Song: Look at Me - XXXTENTACION

Ability: gained 10x power boost as the song makes you feel powerful]

My mind was reeling. I could be ten times more powerful? so, if I was able to lift 100lbs would I then be able to lift 1000lbs just by singing the song? Thats kinda broken if you asked me.

[You are not alone]

[You are the first to awaken a system in the apocalypse]

Apocalypse? I was just at work and yet I'm here... wherever here is. I scouted my surroundings to find that I was in the middle of a forest. birds chirping and leaves rustling, yep, I was in the middle of nowhere. How did I even get here? I was bailing cardboard than... I realized that the song I was listening to be the culprit.

[Song Manifestation

Song: Colors - Black Pumas

Ability: Teleportation

You may teleport to where you feel the song takes you i.e. To nature]

That... That is weird, I just get teleported to nature I was reeling. Was my imagination playing tricks on me? I mean maybe, I've always had an overactive imagination. But this was something else entirely.

I thought for a moment. 'I am not alone does that mean that everyone got a system or that me and a few others got one?'

[All {Humans} gained a system based on loves in life for example]

[Perverts: gained a Lust type system]

[Psychopaths: gained Manipulation/Murder type system]




So that means people have a system suited to them. Damn I didn't get an OP system. I didn't get a hero type system just a mundane type. I guess it depends on the type of music I listen to. I wonder what this system has in store for me.


The sound of an explosion shook me to my core. I looked to my right where the sound came from. i knew that I had to go see what the sound was, not because I was a good Samaritan or anything like that I just needed to know where i was and what better way than know what city is going up in flames right now. I began my walk and in a short 20 minutes I broke from the tree line and saw a city in ruins

I had no idea where I was. I knew that I had to be somewhere in California as that is the only place (I can think of) that has redwoods in the us. Not that I'm the final arbitrator in redwoods, but that's the only place I remember.

I walk towards the city that is in flames. after a 40-minute walk into town I see a sign that says 'Welcome to McKinleyville Population 15,177'

I Have no fucking idea where the hell that was in relation to anything in America. (I failed geography sue me) But i could see that the city/town was in ruins buildings were burning and people were running for their lives. running from what I don't know. but I needed information so i walked into the town of McKinleyville.

The citizens seemed to be holdup in their houses. there were a few people still scrambling into buildings or houses. but by the time i was in the town proper I saw what people were running from. I would like to call them Zombies, but they looked too alive to be called zombies. These creatures seemed to be able to communicate to each other and were able to straight up open doors. You may be wondering 'how do you know that they can do this?' well, I watched them do just that.

I watched as these 'Zombies" broke into a poor saps home that forgot to lock the door. The screams from that man will haunt me to the end of time. I tried to stay hidden no matter the cost. I saw what these things do to people. From ripping the flesh from their victims to straight up removing limbs.

Clearly the 'Zombies' where much stronger than a normal person. I don't think anyone could tear the arms off of another person, but I watched as the man was literally torn to pieces. Maybe these things were able to use all of their muscles unlike us. I mean humans are only able to use 40-50 percent of their muscles. (What? I watch a lot of YouTube garbage)

It was time to experiment. I needed to know if these things could be killed in the same way you would expect from 'Zombies'. So, I took the Systems advise and played the song 'Look at me - XXXTentacion on my phone' and I immediately felt the difference. I felt a surge of power like nothing I've felt before. I dashed towards the zombie in question.

I thew a heavy right hook at the head of the creature. to my surprise the head of the creature exploded in a shower of blood and gore.

"Holy shit" i couldn't help but say out loud. I mean I decimated this thing in a single hit. The first thing that came to mind was evolution. I mean I have a system there is no way that these things don't have one. I'm probably just early, I don't want to be confident and die so I'll just assume that these things get stronger

[+5 exp]

The System spoke to me after the creature was turned mist. How much exp do I need to level? Again, the system answered my question.


Ah, that's a lot of kills.