
The Mighty Traveler

When a man wakes up to his world destroyed and left alone, he is met with a voice asking for his wishes. But how can one think realizing you are alone, your home gone, your life erased and your expectations vanished. Paul Egon Esteban, a man from earth that has been able to unite all nations and started to develop into the space faring age around the middle of the 21st century. Is a patient of a rare disease that has no cure currently has been placed into a state of the art research facility that would place him and many other of people with similar situations into cryostasis sleep until cures for their sickness had been discovered. But one day he was awoken suddenly as his cryopod has lost all functionality with only a tattered nurse droid taking care of him. Confused, Dizzy and totally Discombobulated, Paul walked out only to find the facility he has been on is now decrepit and destroyed. It wasn't until checking the droid did he find out he was now in the last years of the 22nd century nearly entering the 23rd. Shocked and scared he tried going out of the place only to find out a dry wasteland that was Earth. Mind blanked and shocked, he trudged the land as he realized he was all alone. A former city full of wonder and people turned to dust. It wasn't until his dazed state lingered for a bit did he get a few seconds of semblance of the thing in his eyes. {Was that all you wished for?} Not understanding what it was and why it was there, Paul agreed on something he forgot that he wanted. Light swallowed him and now took him into another world for another chance in life. (A/N: I transferred my fanfic here because the one where I first posted it was a reused dropped novel, which means the setting of the book is still a novel so I might get flagged for copyright or something. So I transferred the whole thing as well as editing the stuff that I might find correcting or adding details.)

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Films
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106 Chs

Chp. 69 Doggo safe, Johnny Happy...

[Troll World]


"As you can see John, Helen will be in this state for a few months so you'll have to arrange her funeral back at home. I prepared a dummy that looks like her but worry not it is not a real human, but it is biodegradable. And here's the result of the examination…" Paul took a long paper that showed the results of Helen's scans. Paul just gave her a diluted SSS(Super Soldier Serum) which is a weaker version of Captain America's serum but it is enough for Helen's body to gain an immune system that could fight back her disease.


She was now in a pod full of nutrient solution as she floated there with life support attached to her. This was because Paul did not want her to feel the pain that follows the transformation so he had to gradually apply the serum while she is in this state.


John was a bit knowledgeable so he somewhat understood that the situation of Helen was improving. He sat down and sighed in relief as he felt real hope of his wife finally getting cure.


"So does this mean I am in your debt?" John looked at Paul who he had known for a few years yet somehow there are still a lot of things he had not seen that was showed by him.


"Pretty much, anyways I also plan to have you get this treatment to but that would wait for me to finish yours so I would have to send you back to arrange the funeral." Paul fiddled with a few things in the computer to ensure Helen is a stable state.


"Okay, but how do I get back?" John said as he patted his pants since there were creases from the game they played earlier.


"I think I can show you that myself." Marcus arrived on time as he came in smiling towards John who seemed confused at the familiar young face.


"What? Can't remember me anymore Jonathan? Of all the times I spent teaching you…" Marcus smiled as he opened his arms to give John a hug but suddenly a knife came out as he attacked john out of nowhere.


John reacting swiftly dodged and picked up a scalpel to fight back in a close quarter knife fight. He and Marcus bobbed and weaved as they stabbed each other at the moment.


Paul gave them a side eye but ignored them as he returned to watching the reaction of Helen's body towards the SSS. John was confused as he was being overpowered but he held on as something clicked on his mind.


"Marcus?!" John exclaimed as he saw the smiled of his former mentor widen as he said his name.


"John! Hahaha finally you recognize me!" Marcus stopped his assault as he dropped his knife and gave the confused John Wick a hug.


"H-how?" John gave Marcus a hug as well but soon pushed the blonde haired smiling man to look at him properly.


"Same thing that is happening to your wife, come let me show you how to get back to your place. I really wanted to meet you since I got my youth back again hahaha…" Marcus was happy as he felt that John was successful in things that many of them in their world wanted.


That night John lay in his bed relaxed as he finally felt that Helen was safe, but even them her arrangements arrived as well as Paul's. That week he hosted a funeral as many attended from his wife's side, it was also the day after her dummy was buried that a parcel arrived in front of his house.


John had been relaxed lately as he woke up the day after his 'wife' got buried. It was 6am he wandered around the house that seemed empty without her but he is hopeful as she seemed to be getting better.


He did feel a bit sad that he had to do the act of watching a dummy get a flat line. He thought about what would he have really felt if it was really his wife that died that day.


Marcus did visit during the funeral and he was wearing a disguise, his old wrinkled face. It was just to show a bit of normalcy to the other people watching, since they knew the closeness of John with Marcus.


Though recently the guy seemed to have been a bit active these days but they did not find it weird because in their knowledge he was hired by a guy that owned a lot of businesses.


But after all the guest have left John's house did the thing Helen prepared arrive. It was a cure little dog named Daisy, Paul had been monitoring Helen's state from time to time but he also came out in public since his identity is a neurosurgeon so he does go operate on real people getting a lot of money as well.


John meanwhile spent the next day same as ever as he took Daisy with him to gas up his car. But it was there John met a young man that tried to by his car from him.


But John ignored the kid as in his mind it was just a son of a rich man that was spoiled in getting everything he wants. Yet John forgot about it as he brought his car to a nearby air strip to let his heart out driving the machine.


He drifted tight turns as well as making close moments where his car might just hit the trucks that were parked in the air strip.


Just as he finished he went back home where he had his dinner and the dog Daisy sticking close to John. It wasn't until about 1:40 Am, early in the morning did John wake up as Daisy seemed to be a bit agitated.


"You need to go?" John asked as he thought that dog just wanted to take a leak. But as he was downstairs he was met with two masked individuals, still a bit confused he was hit by a bat on the back of his head.


John was disoriented as he felt the world turn while he was suddenly kicked and beaten up by the intruders. But he was still conscious enough to hear them talking Russian.


They broke the things in his house but what John dreaded was when the leader ordered his goon to make Daisy shut up. John was dizzy and weak as the blow to his head seemed to be too much.


He watched as the guy kicked Daisy making the dog faint, but this alerted someone. Paul looked up as he was in the laboratory watching over Helen, he felt the marker he placed on the puppy was disturbed.


He teleported back into his house but did not directly go into John as he watched what was happening. He was stunned seeing what happening in the movie was now happening in front of him, but his eyes were drawn to the puppy whose life was ebbing away.


Paul put his full focus in making the dog survive as he held its organs and heart intact to be operated. He then thought he should interfere but there he felt the rage within John blaze making Paul stop.


He knew that John had now marked this moment into memory, so he just waited as he kept the dog alive. He watched as the kid took off his mask and punched John unconscious.


Then they went and stole his car while leaving John and Daisy for dead thinking that this will not bite them back later. There Paul saw a tear jerking scene as Daisy tried to get up and walk towards the unconscious John after the thugs left.


Paul arrived there bringing a medical kit with him, he arrived near the dog's side and calmed it down as it whimpered in Pain.


"Shh, don't worry now. I'll take care of your human okay, now rest well as I treat you…" Paul went full focus as he brought the cute puppy daisy slowly as he made the kitchen table an operating room.


He sterilized and made everything he can do to stabilize the situation of the cute puppy.


"How barbaric to treat such a good puppy like this… okay don't worry I'll help John too." Paul was also slowly healing the broken parts of Daisy making the dog relax as it now felt safe seeing Paul seemed to also care for its human.


"Ughh…" John groaned on the side as he was getting up slowly. His eyes were looking around and it locked on the blood stains that were trailed towards him.


"Don't worry, I got Daisy here…" Paul's voice sounded out making John look towards the kitchen, he stood up groggily as his body still felt pain. Then he walked towards where Paul was and saw him taking care of Daisy.


"Lucky I arrived on time, poor thing wanted to comfort you in its last moments. Good thing I have the necessary tools in my house, she's stable for now and will live but who would do such a thing to a cute puppy?" Paul talked like he does not know what happened and lamented on who would dare hurt such a good boi.


"Will she live?" John asked as he weakly stood there watching the gift his wife left for him.


"She'll live, but she might have gone if I had not arrived on time John. Who did this John? Who stole from you?" Paul asked seriously as he looked at John Wick.


John was silent as he just went and lied in the sofa as his mind slipped into sleep. Paul just shook his head as he knew that John suffered a terrible blow to the head, he just had to focus on Daisy for now because he knew John was sturdier than how he looks.


After making the last test he could he felt that it was now safe to leave Daisy as she is. So Paul went to check on the sleeping John and scanned his trauma, he crushed up the blood clots in his veins and arteries as well as heal back the broken bones a bit.


Then he called for Marcus to bring a RV that was equipped with more medical equipment so he can bring Daisy back to the Lab for the puppy to heal.


John later woke up the morning as he felt a bit better but then he looked around. There he found a note on the kitchen table that Paul left saying he'll have to watch Daisy's situation for now and that he'll have to settle his affairs a bit.


John then went to clean the floor as he found the blood to be bothering him, he was thoughtful as he scrubbed the blood of the ground. He thought if Paul was not here then he might have lost his wife as well as the gift she left for him.


This made John sharpen his eyes, he then looked around his house and found his car was missing. He changed his clothes then went to the nearest shop he knew that can handle things like this related to stolen cars.


Things went almost as the movie did, Aurelio slapped Theon Greyj-oops… Iosef, John Wick asks who took the car, Viggo calls to Aurelio and said Oh, Viggo beats up Iosef, John takes his guns and suit out but with assist from Paul by giving him a skin suit that is bullet proof.


Viggo sends henchmen to kill John in his house and ended up with twelve dinner reservations. Police sees dead body, police ignores dead body, John Wick greets police and people clean dead bodies.


John goes to the continental, Viggo tries to hire Marcus but he was absent this time, Miss Perkins was hired by Paul to kill a corrupt politician in Brazil so she's out of the equation, why? Paul likes the perky butt it seems.


So third rate assassins take the job, John talks to Winston, Giana D'Antonio calls Ares back while Cassian kills Santino, Cassian throws marker away, John goes to Red Circle, Kills many.


John then gets attacked in the Continental, Marcus helps John in the shadows, John gets next place name, Harry still lives after babysitting assassins, John attacks church, Paul steals money and gold, John burns ledgers and blackmail material.


Viggo gets angry, John attacks Viggo, John did not get captured because Marcus is helping, Viggo gives up Iosef, John goes to Iosef, Iosef pees himself, John Kills Iosef while Viggo is alive and crying.


Everything really changed as Marcus did not get attacked by Viggo since he was not at home to be hired at all. He was hiding helping John in the Shadows, Paul got a lot of info on how to blackmail lots of rich people. Gained half a hundred million of pocket money.


Started charity cause he felt like it, but Viggo was angry so he attacked the doctor that healed John, Doctor lived but was saved by Winston, John took it personally, John angry again so John go for Viggo.


John kill noisy assistant of Viggo, Viggo and John fight, Knife is able to wound John, John breaks Viggo arms and John wins the fight. But John was tired and went to staple some of his wounds, John sees Pitbull, John takes cute pitty and Paul names it cupcake.


John is tired and Paul is rich while giving cute Pit Bull a bath, this was all that happened in the span of few days. Daisy is saved but it'll take a while for her to run again so the Cupcake was the current emotional support for John.


This event made the world aware John still has what it takes and it made those doing something bad about him hesitate. They did not want to be the next target, yet Paul was having the greatest time of his life.


Marcus who now works in the dark was able to secure Ares, Giana thankful of getting informed of Santino holding a marker of John was able to get her authority as the new Head of the Camorra for her to stand down.


Though she is loyal to Santino, Giana being the head was able to get her relinquished of her duties by offering her a way out. She said that the one that informed her wanted her, and it will make her officially out of this world they are in.


Though for Gianna and Ares it talked about getting off the influence of the table. Gianna was skeptical as there is rarely anyone that could be able to leave from the table's machinations but she gave Ares an irresistible offer.


So she left leaving Santino at the mercy of his sister, Gianna did not want to leave a chance for Santino to use the Marker. Especially hearing what recently happened to Viggo Tarasov, and it seems John was not totally finished as he went on to find his car.


John's fame again reignited and old friends of his were smiling hearing of their brother's exploits. It was just then they received an invitation that confused them, but the signature of Marcus as well as John was enough for them to take this seriously.


[Two weeks later]


John was looking at himself in the mirror thinking that he has become totally younger and much more stronger, he was with Marcus earlier in a specialized Gym where both of them benched about two thousand pounds of weights.


He can feel the compact power within his body and now he looked better than when he was in his prime. He had been visiting Helen lately as she seemed to be nearing her treatment completion.


Paul said to him that because he was healthier and could take on pain he gave John a full blast treatment on one day making John experience a lot of Pain which was not a foreign feeling.


Putting on his clothes he went towards a large room where a few guest Paul invited had arrived. They had been brought here specially by Paul using complex paths to confuse them.


Especially the blind sensitive guy who was humming along like a happy man as he is being led by a young girl, it was his daughter that he did not get to meet personally. Somehow Paul was able to spirit away the girl and had her meet him here in this hotel that Paul owned.


This was something he bought for eight million using blackmailed money from criminal organizations. It was built on the Indonesian Archipelago, a private Island by the edge of the country which was near Singapore and the Philippines.


Here he had brought them using the Shuttle tunnels he built all over the world. He now has property on every continent and with every major country.


It was not a large party but here Paul had called in the ones he is interested in. Ares, Miss Perkins, Caine and his daughter Mia, Koji and his daughter Akira, Sofia as well as her daughter and her dogs, Marcus and finally John.


"I must say John, I would not have come here if your name was not in the invitation. Care to tell me why are we here?" Sofia was the current manager of the Continental Casablanca, she had a marker given to John so she cannot refuse his invitation.


"Wait, before that. Have you always been this young looking John?" Koji said as he looked John up and down as he brought his daughter with him on his side.


"N-now that you mention it yeah… care to share your skin care routine John?" Miss Perkins sipped her Champagne as she looked at John.


She had thought of taking Viggo's bounty on John but she got hired before with an exclusive mission worth four million so Viggos two did not seem attractive to her.