
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime et bandes dessinées
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325 Chs

Big Mood

/Loki Familia (or what's left of them, haha gottem)/



Loki was livid beyond help. Almost all of her children either buggered off or died painfully and disgracefully by the hands of the dungeon master Frank.

And to add insult to injury, there were sounds coming from the walls. That was very terrifying for her to hear, until she remembered what was in the locked room.

She checked on it and saw that the entire door was on the floor, and its hinges were flung straight into the fucking wall. A stone fucking wall! Her frustration would have been legendary of not for the fear of her life coming in first.

A monster was alive the same halls that she lived in. That she slept in, that she fuc- okay we're getting off topic now. Simply put, she was both scared and pissed, pissed in the sense that she hated the guy's guts and all of the shit that he did to her.

But the matter was still the one in her home, so she called up the Ganesha Familia. Ganesha gave his condolences to Loki, who definitely looked worse for wear. She had eyebags and she seemed to have lost even more weight, making her seem malnourished.

She said that none of that mattered as long as the monster was dead in her home, she would give a "donation". Her Familia was broke, she was head deep in debt, and she was still making this kinds of deals.

Thankfully, Ganesha being as he is, sad that there would be no costs required since it was the least that he could do for her. And so he sent Shakti to go and kill the creature, but as she was about to go inside, he whispered in her ear to try and take the creature alive.

Shakti of course refused Ganesha but he made her see his personal reason to do so. It was a creature that had injured a Level 6 to be point where the adventurer was nearly dead.

If she didn't capture it, then they would at least buy the corpse off of Loki's hands. They were another Familia after all, they need money as well. And this thing was a possible gold mine.

So in the really tall building Shakti went, as she tried to sniff out the beast, but to her surprise, she couldn't get a trail on it. It was as if it knew that if it was found it would be either die, or be forever enslaved.

So she tried harder, setting up little teeny weenie traps all around the building, meanwhile Loki needed to stay in someplace else for the night. As Ganesha was about to offer her sanctuary at his place, a very specific person came in.

And it was another god no less, or more specifically, a goddess. One with silver hair and as long makeup as possible.

She looked right at her and frowned, first her children died and they couldn't get their bodies, now she had a monster in her own home. And as she thoughts things couldn't get worse, Freya came.

But there was something off about her, her charming smile was nowhere to be seen, and her smile looked empty. But her eyes, the very eyes that helped take the other gods' children away. Her eyes were blank, and it wasn't a good look on her.

(Hello again Loki, it seems that you're in a bit of trouble. I would like to give my sincerest condolences, your children truly had some great prospects, but alas, a beast took them.) she said to Loki as a smile adorned her face.

The smile was odd in the most obviously menacing way. But unfortunately the other idi- I meant god, Ganesha, don't catch jackshit since he was constantly spewing more shit about how great he was.

Loki however, was an experienced goddess of trickery, lies, and deceit, and she knew for a fact that something is definitely up with Freya, since she was being sincere. Yes, Freya of all people, was being sincere.

Loki felt a new kind of headache trying to claw through her cranium so she just nodded her head to Freya's words. She didn't know what was up with the goddess but she'll do her best to know what is it.

(Well, I'm going to go and find myself an inn for the time being. I'm probably gonna have to whore myself out for a room and a meal but I'd rather suck a cock than die in here.) Loki said as she simply walked out of the Twilight Manor.

She still felt the stinging phantom pains of knowing that everything that you've worked for was destroyed by a man who controls monsters. {I will have my revenge, Frank.} she promised to herself and Frank as she walked the cold streets.



/Frank POV/



Hallo, how are you guys doing today? Honestly speaking I am feeling pretty fucked after dealing with a fucking coin flip. Man, I feel like a douchebag. Well, I'll just shove that feeling to the back of my heart until it claws its way back out.

Now, it appears that I've been sleeping for so long that it seems that Ereshkigal has decided to use my body as a sort of hug pillow. I'm having two thoughts here:

Thought Numero Uno is that this is petty fucking cute, but I don't wanna get a boner. Thankfully I have [Full Control], which as you all know works fucking wonders for me.

Thought Numero Dos is that I could, you know, assault her. I'M JOKING ABOUT THAT, THAT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING. You know, unless they're bitches like Malty from Shield Hero. Then they deserve a hundred-thousandth of the pain that her victims had experienced.

So yah, that's a good thought to myself that I'm probably never gonna let all of that out at all. Yes, I think have brain damage. No, I'm not gonna go to a fucking psychiatrist.

Anyways though, she has this cute expression to her even though she may be drooling on my left arm right now. And before you think, she was biting my arm. Yep, a goddess, biting her child's arm. That's funny ngl.

So I did what any good natured child would do, I slowly got up and put her back on the bed with a blanket on her. Yeah, I'm nice sometimes, it gets boring being evil. So I did the normal chores, such as the cleaning and cooking for breakfast.

Now that I mentioned it, I forgot that we- oh yeah that happened yesterday. Well then, I'm going to try and get all of the cringe out of my system one way or another. The way being literally vomiting my breakfast out after I eat.

Does it make you uncomfortable? Good! You should be you horny dogs. I decided to make her a sort-of special breakfast today. I decided to make her some eggs on toast.

First things first, I got a nice looking slice of bread and cut out a decently size hole in it. Then I grabbed three eggs to prepare. I preheat a cast iron pan and then wait for it just up a little before I place the butter.

Then after doing that, I let the butter melt. When it's nice and liquid, I place the bread in the pan. I flip it a couple times to get that fucking butter all over it. After which I then leave it on one side and grabbed the three eggs.

From what that vendor said, these eggs had more yolk in then than usual. I like myself some yolk alright. I crack them all and let the eggs stay in the hole made in the bread. Oh yeah I can smell that shit from here.

Are you guys hungry? Do it yourselves you little shits, I do this cuz I want to. Anyways, I let the eggs get a nice, crisp, and crunchy underbelly. Goddamn, that's looking mighty fine.

I then added some salt to the eggs that had recently cooked whites, and a golden fucking yolk inside of it. Oh yeah, it's all coming together now. I took it out and set it up on a plate with a knife and fork.

I then look into the room and Ereshkigal was sitting on the bed looking mad at me. What the fuck did I do wrong now? (Is there something bothering you Ereshkigal?) I asked her nicely.

And guess what, she just gets up the bed, nearly buck naked and sits on the chair looking at the eggs. Oh boy, this is gonna be a fun day today alright.

She looks down at her meal and by the heavenly powers of the Dao of Bullshit, her stomach grumbles and she blushes. Author, you done good on this one right here.

(A/N: Shut the fuck up you impotent dipshit, if I wasn't so worries about my fucking studies I would have been doing other shit right now.)

Hey hey hey, no need for the toxicity here. We have a woman here who's chowing down on some eggs on toast. Have some decency.

(A/N: Decency my ass, you killed people before, I haven't asshat.)

Bah, pish posh, potato tomato same fucking thing, I really didn't give a shit man. She's happy with my cooking and I find that gratifying.

Well then, after that nice detonation of the fourth wall I then cleaned up her plate and thought that I should cook for myself. I mean, I have some okay-ish recipes in my head, but I'll just have the same as hers.

Except it's the cheaper one where you don't cut a hole in the middle or cook it in butter. Just fry eggs, and toast bread. All in a day's work bitches.

I was about to have a shower when all of a sudden she pushed me aside and ran straight into the bathroom. I was about to ask why she went in until I heard grunting sounds.

Did I fuck the recipe up? Was her stomach not able to handle it? Am I destined to be a virgin forever? All of these questions, yet there isn't a single answer. But what I do know, is that I am here now, and I live for the now. Not for the past anymore.

I am here, and I plan to enjoy myself to the best of my abilities. (Ereshkigal! If you need a towel just tell me, you left yours when you went inside.) I said to her as I then took a seat. Yep, this wasn't half bad. Although there are some things that could be down to make this better, but I'm lazy.

Anywho, I just stare at the ceiling, waiting for her to leave the bathroom when suddenly I heard a thud inside. {Oh shit.} I thought as I ran straight into the bathroom and saw her just massaging her head.

Thankfully for her, her butt took most of the impact. If it were anywhere else, I'm fairly sure that it would have either killed her or cripple her. (Eresh!) I said with concern as I lifted her up to the bed, despite her wearing her birthday suit.

She then notices that she was naked, and I believed her to be about to scream out when she saw the concern in my eyes.

Goddamn, this woman is a fair bit more rational than usual. Whatever's gotten into her must be doing her both good and bad. I then grabbed her towel and covered her up.

(*sighs in relief* Ereshkigal-sama, just why were you on the floor?). I asked her as she fidgeted in front of me. (Whatever it may be, I suggest you take more caution this time around.) I said as she then nods to me sheepishly.

I need to go and clean that place up, the molds must be making things slipperier than usual. So I simply told her to sit down as I grabbed my cleaning materials.

*Twenty Minutes Later*

Well then, that wasn't half-bad. Sure my hands may be slowly corroding from the shit that I used to clean the place but damn it sparkles better than diamonds now. Now she can bathe in pe-

(Franku-san, could you umm, take a bath with me?) she asked me as my mind went blank again.
