
The Meme Train

Little thing I decide to write for the fun memes, don't take this way too seriously, if you wanna vote, vote then. Just don't act like an ass. Also the book isn't for anyone of a prudish nature, so yeah, if you are then this ain't your cup of tea, hell it's not even tea, it's a full cup of espresso. Oh yeah, the R-18 tag is there for gore, I don't know know how to write good smut, and I don't plan to write smut in this book any given time. ____________________________________________ Take a look at me for example: I died, that was painful. I got chosen to be entertainment for some dude that I never got to even meet. I cheesed the "golden finger" I got and made an entire world go straight to fuck all. Now I'm just casually being the madman that everyone says I am. Oh, and fuck cultivators. I don't like their kind around here. What do you get? Some random kid being a fucking lunatic that's what! Take a read if you want! You'll definitely regret it! (Disclaimer, I own nothing aside from my MC and any OCs I may cook up, the cover was from google, I just searched Thomas the Thermonuclear Bomb and I found Thomas the Thermonuclear Apocalypse, I came looking for copper and I found gold. Also this is a work of fiction, any names that are placed in here are yadda yadda yadda you know the drill, anything in here is coincidental.)

AntiLoliLewding · Anime & Comics
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Time to Work

/Riveria POV/



What was the to hope for anymore? That man killed Ais, Bete, Gareth, almost everyone I know is already dead! What have I done to deserve this Wishe! All of my children are dead!

No, I must take this calmly, if he acts like a villain then he must be as daft as one! Yes, that just might work! I just need the right moment to implement my pla-



/3rd POV/



We cut to Frank as he pulls the trigger on his Glock, forever silencing the poor princess of the High Elves. A truly sorrowful sight, unlike the smile on Frank's face.

(Ah, it's a pity, pretty face like hers could have gotten great things in life but noooo, she decides to fuck it and leave her poor old pops alone, dying, waiting for a sucsesor to his throne.) he says before he drags the body off.

(Albeit I think all he cared about was that some smug asshat could have gotten so that he could call him his "son". But what should I know in politics? I'm just the guy who got unlucky at the wrong time.) he spoke out as he doused the body in some spare Prometheum.

{I started out with good intentions, but ended off killing everyone. Well, life throws a mighty hard curve ball sometimes, can't avoid, just gotta grab and hope it won't burn that hard.} our protagonist thought to himself as he walked away from the flame.

That aside, a very specific person had just witnessed Frank do the deed. A girl with white hair, and short shorts on, with a look of fear on her face.

{That man! H-He just killed that woman!} the girl thought as she noticed that the man was gone. She looked around only for her to see the hulking masked menace right behind her.

(Eep!) she squeaked out as the man squatted down to look at her. (Hey kid,) he said as he flicked her forehead, (don't spy on people like that, it's pretty creepy.)

He then got up and rummaged through his pockets and gave her a bag. (If you know who I am, then it's best if you tell the Guild, you'll get a metric fuck ton of cash for your efforts. Also, take this.) he said as he starts to walk away.

(Y-You shouldn't walk away! You've just killed that woman! You need to answer for your crimes!) she said to Frank as he turned around and backwards. (Better start running to the Guild then kid!) he told her as he then disappeared in a white light.

The girl then looked left and right as she peered through the bag. She then saw that it was filled with a single golden egg. A Jack Bird's golden egg.

The drop was worth so much for its rarity. She then gasped as she then pondered what had just occurred. She, Belle Cranel, had just been given a gift from the dungeon master.

The gift of the promise of money. But she felt something wrong, she felt as if the man was simply playing her for a fool, making use of her to the best that she can do.

But unfortunately, that never happened as she was going (Wahwahwahwahwawawa.) in the area, as she kept holding onto the bag as if it was worth her life.

She then slapped herself as she ran straight for the Guild, not knowing that the information on her hands was going to make her the richest person in the city.



/Frank POV/



Well then, I didn't expect for the kid to be there, though considering that I'm still fifteen, I can't say shit about age. Oh wait! Mental Maturity and all that jazz going on! I almost forgot about that. Though to be fair, she's got pretty good fighting instincts.

Damn though, I never expected for Ereshkigal to be that kind of person. Sure she may be a goddess, but, I'd prefer not to, oh what the fuck am I saying?! She's a beautiful girl, but, goddamn this is fucking difficult to deal with.

No wonder why there as so little fanfictions back in my old life that had semi-decent love arcs, love is a fucking knot that keeps tying itself more and more. But, I do like her though, and she, I guess likes me? This is fucking confusing. I'm just gonna go and cause some chaos to someone now.

(Hey system, open up my status.) I said as the prompt came up in front of my face.


Titles: Transmigrator, Straightforward Loser, Lucky Guy, The Stupid Genius, Domain Master, He Who Controls The Beasts, The Master of the Blind Idiot, The Necessary Evil, The One at Peace, The Radio Demon


[Health]: ∞/∞ (Will Of the HellWalker: Passive [Immortality])


[Luck]: +4,100,332,307


[Stands]: [Silver Chariot: Act II]


[Energy]: [Chakra Manipulation]


[Cards]: [Will Of the HellWalker], [Power of the Pink Omega] , [The Joestar Family Secret Technique: Running the Fuck Away], [Full Control], [Full Transformation], [Master of the Blind Idiot], [Will of the Radio Demon]


Miscellaneous]: [Phone] [Pistol Rounds (9 mm FMJ)] [Stand Arrow] [Rounds (Bolter Ammo)] [Shotgun Rounds] [Bio Force Cells]


(Oh boy, I really never expected so many damned things with me. I bet I'm gonna get something else.) I said to myself as the system then gave another prompt.

[Host, it is suggested that you take your time with thi-] {TAKE MY TIME MY ASS! I'M GOING THROUGH CRIPPLING BOREDOM HERE! The city with that asshole Ares is an easy fucking target! Not to mention that if I killed Kali back in Daedalus all of the Kali Familia are genuinely fucked beyond hope, since, you know, they live in a super deadly fucking island remember that?!) I shouted my frustration at the system as it took all the abuse like a champ.

God this poor thing needs a raise. [I see host, I will abide with your judgement for the time being, but please take caution, you truly have no idea how powerful some beings are here in this reality.] it said to me as the prompt vanished.

Now that I think about it, there were no real differences with this reality from the canon one aside from Kali being part of Evilus, Bell and that flying fuck Hermes being gender-bent, and me existing here, and killing off so many people.

Was I just paranoid? Or is all that I have done justified? Or am I just an idiot who caused pain and suffering to so many people that it made me into a villain? Bah, fuck that I'll have fun!

Now! I just remembered about that fucking cripple! I better finish off the job, you know, so that the rest of the gods would know what's gonna happen if you fuck with me.



/Skip Over to about a couple dozen meters from the Hermes Familia home/



(Well then, time to cause some more chaos.) I said to myself as I sighed, this was going to be sad, but I guess I could spare a couple people who were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Now, I donned on my Foundation mask, and pulled out my Glock. Now, things were going to be a tad bit messy. I then quickly purchased a single thermite grenade, it's gonna be fun when there's a burning piece of metal melting your gate down.

(Howdy do partners!) I said as I got really close up to the gate, instead of it being a gate with holes on it, they instead changed it for a very heavy looking metal one. Not like it'll matter when a thermite is going right into it.

(Why hello there girls! I didn't expect for adorable girls like you guarding this gate?) I said as Daphne and Cassandra were confused at what I was talking about.

(I want you to listen to me,) I whispered through the salsa as they then put their ears to it, (I'm probably going to kill a bunch of people here right now, so I'd appreciate it if you'd just open the door, if not, I'm gonna have to use something to burn it down.

One of the girls, whom I believe was named Daphne, answered back at me. (What do you want? From us that is.) I was facepalming in front of the gate, and thankfully it wasn't showing.

(Okay, just hear me out, I need both of you to go to a specific Familia. It's called the Hestia Familia, currently, if I'm correct, there's only a single girl as their sole Captain and member, the goddess there is nice and she won't betray or hurt you.) I said to them as I primed the thermite.

I was about to pull the pin when she answered yes. I then told her to step very far away from the gate. And I pulled the pin, turned my other hand into claws, cut a hole through the gate, and stuffed the thermite in the hole.

I ran back a couple meters as it blew up and started to melt the damned gate right in front of my eyes. Oh boy, I think I may have fucked up. As the gate completely melted down right in front of me.

Okay, I didn't expect the fucking gate to completely melt! I thought I bought a normal thermite but it turns out it was a really fucking strong one. Like, tungsten melter strong.

I mentally shrugged at it and took out my Glock yet again. Time for some fucking fun bitches!

I walked through to hole and saw an entire fighting line in front of me. Oh boy, I should probably pull out the Bolter for this one. And pull it out I do, as I the used my left hand for it. Thankfully, I was able to pull off [Full Transformation] to account for the recoil.

And boy ohohoho boy did it work like a charm! A large chunk of them and the land was blasted off. Man the damn thing looks like a terrorist atta- oh wait! I am technically a terrorist to them!

(Hey fuckheads! How you like the flames and the gore! Hahahahahahaha) I laughed straight into their faces as dozens of them ran straight for me. Yep, this ain't gonna work.

Two of them were jumping at me from above, one was trying to pull a backstab, and three were holding shields infront of me. This is gonna be amazing! Cue epic music my good author.

(A/N: Fine, but next time do this yourself.)

(Robot Rock- Daft Punk)

I tapped my foot to the beat as I dodged the backstabber and quickly shot a bullet into his head. As I thought the guy was able to block it, but I'm very sure none of them would be able to see me use him as a meat shield for the two jumpers.

The two in the air saw who they were about to hit and tried to pull back but I shot a Bolter round at one of them. The bullet was definitely super-sonic, since it hit the one guy and blew up. Not only did the guy get killed, the sonic blasts catches up and rattled the other jumper's skeleton, before getting caught in the explosion.

That was a fairly gorey kill, I like it when things get gorey. I then aimed for the three shieldbearers, not with my gun, but with the body of their ally. Their shield had spikes on them you see, and they didn't seem to be the strong type, so I simply yeeted the poor stabber at them.

I'm pretty sure the guy screamed like a girl before dying but oh well, no real losses for me! Aside from losing a piece of my sanity everytime I hear their screams.

(Oh well! I'll deal with that sooner or later) I said as the three shield stooges tumbled forward since the poor poor guy hit lower. Then I did the honorable thin and shot the middle one with a Bolter round, needless to say they're very much dead.

So I reholster my guns and look at the remaining gang left alive. I cracked my neck and continued with my work. Let's just say, that the courtyard was looking more bloody than ever.

2053 words, yep, this is a family friendly book, and you probably shouldn't let your family know, cuz, surprises and shit. Anywas and as always, I'll see you guys, on the dark side of the moon! Peace!

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