
The Master of Multiverse (Tensura)

After 5 trillion years of peace in the reincarnation world Militia, the universe is about to come to a natural end. As the entire reality is destroyed, the only person who survived this ordeal is Anos Voldigoad, who decided that it was best if he created a new multiverse. However, due to creating this multiverse, which put a lot of strain on his body and depleted his mana dangerously low, he entered a deep sleep for about 20,000 years to recover. What would happen when he wakes up in this new world and goes on an adventure with a certain slime in a certain forest? There is only one way to know. Read and follow Anos on his new journey. I do not own any of the characters. It is just a fanfic that I thought would be so much fun, and I didn't find any stories similar to this one. Notice: This will be a slow-update story. I am also thinking of starting a YouTube channel. From April 2022, that is. ------------------------ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd9gI1GVR5O1orwDG7WNemg

PhantomNoobster69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: The Armed Nation of Dwargon

~~~~~ Anos' POV ~~~~~

I was currently sitting on my throne while Veldora was sitting beside me reading manga on a chair that I made. The goblins and the direwolves were gathered around me and waiting for me to start speaking.

"Alright, let me start with the introductions. My name is Anos Voldigoad and this here beside me is my friend Veldora." I said at which almost all goblins and direwolves showed a shocked faces. But before anyone else could speak it was Veldora who started shouting.

"Yes, It is just as Anos said, I am the mighty storm dragon Veldora, Kuhahaha," he said before once again going back to read his book. With that, all the people in the village started whispering things amongst themselves. Veldora sure is troublesome, I guess, I'll just leave him in my pocket dimension for some time.

"Yo, Veldora why don't you go and stay in my pocket dimension? You can have anything that your heart desires there. I will call you back here once I have built a solid nation." I said while looking at Veldora. If he remains in this village, things will be troublesome and the people will be scared of him for now. So, let's just isolate him for some time.

"You mean I can even watch this anime thing in the pocket dimension?" Veldora asked with stars in his eyes.

"Yeah, like I said. You can watch anime, read manga or eat delicious Cuisine." I said at which Veldora nodded his head vigorously, so I sent him to my newly built pocket dimension and asked VotW to look after Veldora's demands. With that dealt with, I looked back at the goblins only to see them staring at me with awe.

"Nee, Anos-sama was that truly Storm Dragon Veldora-sama?" a short goblin with a tennis ball-shaped nose asked.

"Yeah, that was the storm dragon, he was suppressing his aura so you guys weren't able to tell," I answered the goblin's question.

"So, what is Anos-sama?" another goblin with a red cloth on his head asked.

"This me? I am a Demon," I answered nonchalantly.

So, to start with the foundation of a nation. I should start with stabilizing the village first. This is an amusing thing that I got myself into, it will be fun to build a nation from scratch. If I want to, I could have done it with my powers in a second, but that would beat the purpose of having fun.

"Alright guys listen up, firstly I will give you guys names, and then we can discuss things later on," I said while clapping my hands to get the attention of the goblins and the direwolves, all of their faces showed that they were on could nine to get names. Well, I mean it is rare for weak monsters to have a name and a name also increases your power, so it's not a surprise that they are overjoyed.

"But Lord Anos, is it wise to name all of us at once?" the elder asked in his feeble tone.

"Fuma. Do you think this me does not have enough magicules?" I was amused that the elder would consider me this weak.

I was only going to give them enough magicules so that they can evolve a bit, otherwise, I would have a village of catastrophe-rank monsters. The goblins would evolve to hobgoblins and goblinas, while the direwolves would evolve to storm wolves. With that, I named them all.

(Author's note: They have the same name as canon to avoid confusion)

After naming my new subordinates, I distributed them into groups for hunting, security, and overseeing the village. I also made Rigurd the village elder, but goblins lack most of the skills needed for survival.

They can't hunt on their own, they need the help of storm wolves to hunt. They do not cook their food, they don't have any proper clothes and they do not know how to build houses. Yare Yare, what a troublesome bunch I have picked, but this in itself is a challenge.

All my subordinates have evolved after three days of naming them. Currently, I had gathered everyone to inform them of some rules and regulations. I was sitting on my throne while Rigurd was standing behind me and Ranga was sitting beside my throne.

"Alright everyone, Today I gathered you all to inform you of a few rules that you should follow. Firstly, I hate destitution, so make sure everyone is well-fed and has a proper place to live. Secondly, I will not allow any malice amongst you. Lastly, I do not take kindly to my subordinates turning their backs on me. As long as you are loyal to me I will even fight off a God to protect you. Also, make sure you don't belittle other races." I said all I had to say in one go.

"Nee, what does destitution mean?" After listening to my speech, Gobta asked.

"Simply put, it means poverty," I answered Gobta.

"Lord Anos, what do you mean by not belittling other races?" Rigur asked.

"Well, you guys have gotten stronger haven't you? What I mean is that you should not let it get to your head and push weaker races around. One day they might very well evolve and get stronger than you and retaliate. I also like peaceful times so as to speak," I answered nonchalantly.

With that, the meeting was adjourned and everyone went back to what they were doing. I also had a lot of matters to deal with.

Currently, I was seeing one of the better houses that they have built, but it collapsed on itself within half a minute.

"How embarrassing," Rigurd muttered.

"Yare Yare, you call this a house?" I said.

"We're sorry Lord Anos, but we never learned these kinds of things," Rigurd said while rubbing his head. Well, it was true, there was no one to teach them architecture in the middle of a forest.

'Where would I get the best artisans?' I asked the VotW.

[In the Armed nation of Dwargon] it answered to the point.

"Fuma, Alright guys I will be going to the Armed Nation of Dwargon to get some good artisans," I said to Rigurd and the group that is overseeing the village that was currently gathered with me to watch this flimsy house.

"So, shall we prepare an escort group for you, my lord?" asked Rigurd.

"Nah, don't bother. I'll be fine on my own," I said waving my hand.

It has been about a week since I named these guys and all of them have evolved by now. I had paired a goblin with a storm wolf since their numbers were equal. The thing that these guys lack are skills, so I will be going to Dwargon to get skilled people to teach them. I could teach them myself but I want to explore this land as well so this is a good excuse to get to see Dwargon.

With that, all the people of the village gathered at the entrance to see me go. I am going to travel on Ranga just to enjoy some scenery. So, after telling everyone that I will be fine, I departed on Ranga.

It has been a very long time since I traveled in such a fashion, but it is relaxing and soothing. In my previous Universe, I always traveled with the teleport magic <Gatom> so most of the time I never got to enjoy the beauty of nature and the fun of traveling.

We were traveling north along the Ameld river.

It only took Ranga three days to reach the Armed Nation of Dwargon, where it would have taken two months if a person was to walk this length. Ranga is fast for this world's standard that is. If I was to walk casually, I would have reached here in half an hour or so but this is not the time for that, speaking of Ranga, I did have an interesting talk with him yesterday.

~~~~~ Flashback to Yesterday ~~~~~

Currently, Ranga is taking a break and having some meat to replenish his energy. It has been a day since we departed from the village. As I watched Ranga, a question suddenly popped into my head.

"Hey Ranga, aren't you thinking of taking revenge on me since I killed your father?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I did think about it, but, Master, you not only spared us after defeating my father in battle, but you also gave us a name. I have only gratitude towards you, and no resentment at all," Ranga told his true feelings.

"Fuma is that so. Well Ranga, if you want I will revive your father. What do you think?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Ranga for a few seconds looked shocked at my ability to revive the dead, but when he calmed down and thought only one answer came to his mind.

"Even if you did that My Lord, my father's pride won't allow him to stay silent, he will come after you again and again until he dies. So, I think it is for the best to let him rest in peace," Ranga said after minutes of thinking.

~~~~~ End of Flashback ~~~~~

Currently, I was looking at the main entrance for the Armed Nation of Dwargon from a cliff a distance away. There were people lined up at the entrance who were getting checked before they entered Dwargon. I could just teleport in Dwargon and save a lot of time by skipping the entrance line but I was currently trying to enjoy things naturally and so teleporting there was a no-go.

"Hey Ranga, you can change your size, right? So, get a little smaller so that you can come with me," I asked while getting off the back of Ranga.

"Understood master," Ranga replied. Just like that, he became the size comparable to that of a normal dog of 'Earth'. So, we walked to the entry of Dwargon and stepped in the line for entry, but only about two minutes later there was a group who came to mess with Ranga. Yare Yare, what do I do with these people?

"Hey look guys there's a direwolf, it can fetch us a good price in the adventurer's guild," the presumable leader of the group said.

"Yeah, Dwargon may be a neutral group but we are not currently in Dwargon so there shouldn't be a problem," replied a member in response to the leader.

"Master, what should I do?" Ranga asked me but it seems to have surprised the thug-like adventurers that a direwolf was able to talk.

"Hou, well boys we got a big catch. This monster can even talk, let's sell it on the black market." The leader of the group decided.

Yare Yare, I had decided to not use my powers in these travels, but that doesn't seem like the case now.

"Alright dimwits listen up, I am in a good mood currently so if you decide to back off now then you won't suffer," I said while turning to these thugs.

"Huh, what can you do you punk? You're just a 16-year-old kid." The leader of the group said.

Indeed, I do keep my appearance to that of a 16-year-old because I like it, but let's take care of these guts first.

"I have the best treatment for guys like you. You want to make money by selling my subordinate right. So, let me give you a curse that whatever currency or valuable metal that you touch will all turn to dust," I said while pointing my finger at the leader where a tiny magic circle formed and then disappeared. Seeing me do this, the leader felt something change in his body so he tried to remove some gold coins from his pocket but all that came out was dust. Seeing this he asked his companions to give him some money so that he could confirm it and alas it was true. After this, he just looked at me defiantly and roared in anger.

"I'll kill you for doing this to me," he said and ordered his party to charge with him. I had also ordered Ranga to stay out of this fight. These people had already caused a commotion and most of the people were backing away from our location.

Their group tried to attack me but it was all too trivial for me to even feel a thing and I just waved my hand and sent those guys flying from the wind pressure.

But because of the commotion, the guards were running in my direction to see what was going on and just arrested Ranga and me because we were the only ones left from the fighting group and since I didn't want to cause any more commotion, I just followed them without resistance. As we were walking, I told Ranga to rest in my shadow because of the trouble it was causing. I then had to explain the entire incident to a commander called Kaido who was not rude at all.

"So, in the end, the party that was responsible for the trouble was already taken care of. Man, this is troublesome," Kaido said while sighing. Just as he said that some guards entered the room in a hurry.

"Sir Kaido, Garm and his brothers are badly wounded when they returned from magic ore extraction and we don't have any potion on us. If this goes on all three of them might die," a soldier said in hurry.

"What?! I can't let them die! Those guys are like family to me," Kaido exclaimed and started thinking of a solution but none came to his head until,

"Yo Kaido, let me help you. I have some potion on me," I said to kaido who was busy thinking. I did in fact developed this potion when I was bored once. This potion has the same ability as the highest-grade healing magic <Ei Sheal> which can heal spiritual damage, physical damage, and mental damage and it also replenishes all your energy. I had a lot of those stored in my outerversal dimension and so I retrieved four tubes of them.

"Here, it is called elixir," I said while handing the four tubes with golden liquid in them. Kaido looked at me suspiciously for a bit before taking them. I only helped Kaido because I knew he would try to repay me later and that way I can ask him for some skilled artisans that live here. Now I only have to wait for him to return, and just like that, I chatted with the VotW for about an hour. However, it was just too much like Shin Regalia, so I was the only one talking and the VotW was only agreeing. Though, VotW did show some signs of emotions.

"Hey VotW, how strong is this Gazel Dwargo?" I asked curiously.

[He is the strongest Dwarf alive, with a disaster ranking of Disaster] VotW informed me. Just then Kiado returned with three people in toe.

"Thanks, Mr, for giving me those potions," Kaido thanked me and opened the cell while the three people who were saved by me also came to thank me personally.

Currently, I was eating a meal in a restaurant. Kaido was giving me a treat. I had ordered two plates of mushroom gratin while Kaido was eating bread and soup.

"Say Kaido, can you show me some skilled artisans that I can hire?" I asked while eating.

"Oh, you want some good artisans. Then I know just the place," he said while drinking a mug of beer. With that, I enjoyed the mushroom gratin and slept in for the night.

The next day Kaido and I were going to a very skilled artisan that he wants me to meet. So, we arrived at the blacksmith shop.

"Bro, are you there?" Kaido asked while entering the shop.

"Hey, Kaido. Give me a second," the man hammering the red hot iron said.

Kaido meanwhile introduced him as his older brother Kaijin. There were also Garm and his brothers that I had saved with my potion yesterday. Kaijin also thanked me for it.

"So, what are you here for?" he asked while looking at me. Then I proceeded to explain how in my village there is nobody who knows how to build a house or make clothes and that I needed some people to come and teach them.

"I'm sorry but I'm pretty backed up at the moment. Thanks to the impossible order a certain numbskull minister put in." Kaijin however seems to have his problems to deal with.

So, according to Kaijin, this minister named Vest said that they might be going to war and so he needed 20 longswords by the end of a week. Kaijin was also short on materials and had only made one sword so far.

"So, if you had 20 long swords then you can come to my village to help my people?" I asked as if it was but a simple matter while the rest of them looked at me dumbly.

"But for that to happen, I would need more magic ore, and even if I could get it. It would still take two weeks for me to finish it." Kaijin said with a sigh.

"Fuma. I think you didn't hear my question clearly so I will repeat it. Will you come to our village to teach your craft if I finished those 20 longswords," I said confidently.

Kaijin who was by this point thinking that was just bluffing accepted my deal. He gave the long sword that was already made by him as a reference. The structure was so easy to make that I did it within seconds. I had created 18 exact replicas of this sword with the creation magic <Iris>. These 19 swords were unique grade weapons. In the last sword, I mixed gold in the magisteel to make an orichalcum sword which became one of the highest tier legendary garage weapons.

"All of them are the same as the long sword that I had created, but this should be impossible," Kaijin said while looking at the swords in a daze.

"Are you blind old man?" I said while picking up a sing sword out of the 20 long swords and giving it to him.

"No way.... is this the rumored metal orichalcum. But that was just some fantasy metal, how can this be?!" Kaijin looked too shocked to speak any further. He asked me many times if it was alright to give this legendary grade equipment away. I was just giving this weapon because it would definitely catch the attention of their king, that way maybe he won't be hostile towards me.

"Alright as promised I and my friends will come to your village to teach your people our craft," Kaijin said while sighing.

Anyway, I just spent the remaining of my day roaming around Dwargon and looking at all the stuff. By night Kaijin and his friends have invited me to some kind of bar for a celebration part. At first, I kept declining but when Garm said that there was even a person who can do fortune-telling, I just couldn't resist it anymore.

I had also already told Kaijin and his friends that I was a demon so the issue of being underage does not concern me. Though some may think that I am in the wrong place, well that's their problem to deal with.

Though I am doubtful whether the fortune-telling will even work on me or not, that is why I am going to this place called 'Butterflies of the Night' and they said that elves were running that place.

Entering this bar, I first had to confirm to everyone that I was indeed older than 18 after which the elves started serving us drinks while the rest of the elves were sitting with us and chatting.

"So, are you guys from Sarion?" I asked while looking at the elves.

"No, Anos-san, we come from the Republic of Ulgreisia," said a chocolate-skinned elf who was wearing a red dress.

"Well, I heard about someone who was quite good at fortune-telling, is that person present here," I asked while looking at the chocolate-skinned elf who I am guessing is the fortune teller.

"Yes, that would be me. Would you like to see my skills?" she asked while smiling pridefully to which I just nodded in affirmation and drank the remaining fruit wine.

She brought out a crystal ball and tried seeing my destined one when suddenly the crystal shined brightly before shattering into pieces.

"Well, I thought that would have happened," I said while looking at all the people who were staring at me dumbfoundedly. After that incident, we got back to chatting and I was currently hearing about the kind of land that Ulgreisia was.

This was when some haughty-looking man entered the bar and started arguing with kaijin. This guy seemed to be Minister Vesta and he was currently facing the shocking reality that Kaijin had already submitted his twenty long swords. Trying to convert the embarrassing situation around he addressed me.

"I am more concerned about why a kid is drinking wine. Why are you in this bar in the first place?" he asked me, yet I silently drank my wine not paying him any mind which seems to have infuriated him.

"Know your place kid," he said while pouring a mug of fruit wine on me. Yare Yare, does this guy have a death wish? Well, I'll just forgive him this time out of the greatness of my heart and due to his ignorance.


Sorry I wasn't posting any chapters for a few days. My broadband had betrayed me and was not working. I was almost dead for one week without any internet. So, I will try to post another chapter today if possible, but don't get your hopes high.

Anyways, let me know what you all think.

Remember spread Love, not Hate.

With that Author-Kun is signing off.

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I might upload a chapter before 12 am today. I have writeen it half by now so let's see if I am able to finsih it or not before 12 a.m.


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