
The Master Of Monster

In a dark and dangerous world, a man wakes up to find himself transformed into a rabbit. He is alone, confused, and afraid. He does not know who he is or how he came to be here. The man sets out on a journey to find his way in this new world. He soon discovers that he is not the only one who has been transformed. There are many other creatures in this world who have been cursed, and they are all being hunted by a powerful enemy. The man must use his newfound powers to survive in this dangerous world. He must also find a way to break the curse and return to his true form.

mohamedqamar · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

The grace

Underneath the golden sun, I trained tirelessly, striving to master the flowing currents of grace. My eyes closed, I danced among the ethereal currents, weaving a tapestry of movement that both blocked Lina's relentless attacks and propelled me through the air with newfound agility. Her blows landed with stinging force, but my resolve remained unshaken.

"You learn quickly " Lina praised, her voice echoing through the tranquil air. "I have not seen such talent in a long time. But do not be overconfident. Grace is a powerful force, but it is also a fickle mistress. Those who wield it without respect are doomed to fall."

Her words lingered in my mind as I continued to train, my body and mind working in perfect harmony. I sensed the potential of grace to take on myriad forms, to become a shield, a weapon, or a tool of creation. But for now, I focused on the basics, mastering the fundamental movements that would allow me to harness its power.

Hours passed as I trained, my body drenched in sweat and my muscles aching with exhaustion. But my spirit remained strong, fueled by my determination to master grace and all its secrets.

Finally, as the sun began its descent, Lina called a halt to the training. I collapsed on the ground, my body spent but my mind exhilarated. Lina stood over me, her eyes shimmering with admiration.

As I drifted off to sleep, I could hear Lina repeating some words, but my exhaustion prevented me from comprehending them. The day's training had been grueling, but it had also been incredibly rewarding. I had learned so much about grace, and I could feel my power growing with each passing moment.

I wondered what Lina had been saying. Was it a secret about grace? A warning about the dangers that lay ahead? Or perhaps simply a simple goodnight? I would never know, for the words had been lost to the embrace of sleep.

But even in my dreams, I could feel the power of grace coursing through my veins.

I awoke to Lina's voice, my eyes adjusting to the darkness of the cave. The faces of grace danced around me, their ethereal glow illuminating the chamber.

"There's something I didn't tell you yesterday," Lina said, her voice hesitant.

I turned to face her, my heart pounding in anticipation. "What is it?" I asked.

She took a deep breath. "Yesterday, when you read the language on the walls, you said, 'master of the Monsters.'"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Actually," she said, "I know something about the master of Monsters."

My breath caught in my throat. "Tell me," I whispered.

"There is a legend that speaks of a time when the beasts of the world were united under the banner of a single master ," she said. "He was a creature of immense power and ferocity, and he led his legions to victory against humanity in a devastating war. But after his death, the monster tribes dispersed, and no single king has risen to unite them since."

She paused, her eyes searching mine. "That's all I know," she said. "

Lina's light slap on my palm startled me out of my thoughts. her voice laced with amusement. "I told you I'd return the favor for reading those words on the wall."

I smiled at her, my heart pounding with excitement. We were finally on the same page, partners in this quest to uncover the secrets of the cave.

"But now is no time for idle chatter," Lina said, her tone turning serious. "We must act."

She said, now I will tell you why I need someone with me in this place.

In order to pass from this place, someone must press the button. When he does, the iron gate will open. But let go of his hand and the gate will stop. So one person must press the button and the other person must pass through the gate. There is another button on the other side that the person who will pass will press. So that the gate does not close until the first person passes.

My heart pounded in my chest as Lina explained the situation. I knew that this was a test of trust and teamwork. If we failed, we would be trapped in this cave forever.

I took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm with you," I said.

Lina smiled. "Good," she said. "Now, let's go."

Lina's words echoed in my mind, sending a chill down my spine. "You are the one who will press the button and I will be the one who will pass through the door," she said. "But you must be careful, for the moment you press the button, a volley of arrows will launch from the darkness towards you."

I swallowed hard, my palms damp with sweat. I knew that this was a test of my courage and determination. If I failed, Lina would be trapped, and I would be to blame.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward. My hand reached out and pressed the button.

Instantly, a shower of arrows erupted from the darkness, whizzing past my head with deadly precision. I ducked and weaved, my heart pounding in my chest.

One arrow was headed straight for my heart. I reacted instinctively, twisting my body to the side. The arrow pierced my shoulder, but I was alive.

I continued to dodge the arrows, my mind racing. I had to find a way to avoid them.

I noticed that the arrows were coming from different directions. I focused on the arrows coming from my right side and ducked under them. Then I focused on the arrows coming from my left side and jumped over them.

 my movements swift and graceful. I was like a shadow, weaving through the hail of arrows.

Lina watched me in amazement, her eyes wide with admiration.

Lina moved quickly and passed to the other side with a graceful leap. Then I pressed the button, and she said, "Move quickly!"

I turned to run, but the arrows were already coming towards me. I felt the energy of grace coursing through my veins, and I called out to it, "Slow down time!"

The world around me slowed to a crawl. I could see the arrows moving in slow motion, their sharp tips gleaming in the torchlight. I dodged and weaved, my movements precise and calculated.

But there was one arrow that I couldn't avoid. It was a flaming arrow, and it was heading straight for my heart. I closed my eyes and braced myself for impact.