
Chapter 32: I have become a menace!!

A few days later Kevin was in his apartment, holding the news with a pale face. His phone was exploding with calls and messages...

'How did my secret identity get leaked??!' Kevin stared at the paper in fear. He had worked so hard to keep his identity as Kevin, as normal as possible.

But now his face is all over the world.

"World Renowned Author, CK Rollings real identity revealed!" The paper said with a picture of Kevin walking out of Reddot.

"Kevin B. Collins, small town boy, who came to the big city to make waves. A never before seen genius in the literacy world. Creating world favourites such as The Harry Potter Series, Lord of the rings series, Da Vinci Code, The alchemist, the Narnia series. The fault in our stars, Fifty shades of grey, 1984, The hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy,/…/"

Luckily for Kevin, his fame died down very fast, only a week after his identity was leaked, another news was leaked. A celebrity had cheated, and that news then overshadowed the former.

Kevin stood on the roof of one of the tallest buildings in New York.

He secretly looked around for cameras but he didn't find one even with his x-ray vision.

"So how do you like it? It's nice isn't it?" a realtor said.

"Yes I like it, And you said that I can you send a list of food items that I want to the reception and then get the food directly to my door?" Kevin asked.

"Yes, you don't have to waste your time with buying food Mr. CK er.. I mean Mr. Collins" He laughed confidently.

"And I get my own private elevator directly to my room?" Kevin asked.

"Yes, these apartments are highly secretive and private. You could technically create your own meth lab here and no one would know." The realtor laughed.

The criteria for his apartment that Kevin had given this famous realtor is that the house/Apartment should be very private with no cameras. He should be able to leave it or go to it without anyone knowing.

"You know how popular my books are so I have to be extremely careful with my privacy!" Kevin explained.

"Yes Mr. Collins. Even though I can't go into specifics, I help lots of high profile people keep their whereabouts safe and sound. I can't go into details but I even knew a guy who was a Mafia boss, kept bringing people to his apartment and beating them up for fun. No one knew except for those he wanted to know, he never got caught because the privacy is so good, if you have the money you can do anything." He said.

As Kevin looked at him, the realtor laughed and said. "Ocourse I'm joking, the point I'm trying to make is, even if you had slaves in here, no one would know." The realtor said winking....

'Should I let Superman visit this guy later?" Kevin couldn't help but to think

"This is the bedroom, look at the quality of these wardrobes, it can hold at least fifty dead bodies! And it would not let any smell come out." The realtor said. Noticing Kevin's once again weird face, he laughed and said that he was joking.

"This toilet has the power to even flush whole body parts!" He said trying to promote the apartment even more.

"This table is clean enough to sniff the white stuff from it directly!"

"This kitchen can cook human meat and make it taste like the best gourmet food."

This bedroom can keep a harem!"

"This tv is so big it can help you compensate for other things!"

This lamp is so bright, you can torture people with it!"

"This view is so good you can spy on hot ladies!"

"The windows are only see through from the insides so you could be creating a bomb in your apartment, while enjoying the view and no one would know." The realtor said standing in front of the windows, speaking as if he was talking about the breakfast he had this morning.

Kevin bought the apartment, feeling very dizzy. This relator had a very eccentric... overflowing personality.

Looking around his new place, he wasn't so sure what to feel. He had always wanted to live an ordinary life.

"I went to school, I got friends, worked in

a farm, I experienced the average life, but now, I'm 19 already and a world famous author, I guess I should experience that as well." Kevin said to himself, in some ways trying to find peace in how his life had changed.

He had used his X-ray vision and found nothing out of the ordinary.

It was a nice place, expensive but he could afford it.

Outside of the Reddot building, was a gigantic line in front of a stall that had been put up there.

Kevin was sitting in the stall, signing books.

It had been a few weeks since his identity had come out, since then he actually did a few interviews and book signings.

Suddenly a man stepped forward, he had a hoodie on, sunglasses hiding his eyes and a scarf hiding his mouth and nose.

"Could I get your autograph for this book." A muffled voice said as the man handed a book with the letters "the fault in our stars by CK."

Kevin took the book and opened one of the first pages.

"To who?" He asked as he wrote, not getting an answer he looked up. He saw the man slightly pushing down his scarf and bringing up his glasses.

'Tony Stark!!!?'

Tony put on his glasses and headscarf again, it wouldn't be a good look on him to be found here.

"Thank you, you made me believe in love again, please keep this a secret!" Tony said as he took his signed book and escaped.

Kevin just sat there, mind blown.

the next person stepped forwards, seeing Kevin in a daze ignoring her she felt slightly offended.

"I kne'it, the city boys only daydreamin all day innit? This is why my Superman is the only good man left in this city, the city I tellya'! As soon as you saw me your mind wandered, but you can only look, touchen' is for superman only I tellya' Karens my name I tellya'."

Seeing as he was still in a daze she s

really felt offended.

"This is madness, madness I tellya'!" She shouted.

Suddenly an earthquake shook New York, everyone started to get afraid and panic.


I suddenly feel like being a menace... Should I ?.... Yes I should

"Darkseid is already in marvel. The creator of Thanos jumped ships, went to DC and recreated his Thanos character as Darkseid. If you look at their comic counterparts you'll see the similarities.

Moon Knight / Batman

Hawkeye / Green Arrow

Namor / Aquaman

Deadpool / Deathstroke

Black Cat / Catwoman

Doctor Strange / Doctor Fate

Vision / Red Tornado

Professor X / Niles Caulder

Red Hood / Winter Soldier

Swamp Thing / Man Thing

Elongated Man / Mr. Fantastic

Green Lantern / Nova

Hulk / doomsday"

Superman / Hyperion / Sentry

Most heroes after Superman copied him in some way. And it is confirmed that even Thor was a response from marvel to create their own Superman.

Hulk was also inspired by Superman, Captain marvel as well. Captain America as well.

Of Course they won't just make exact copies so they put twists to it. Most of these are confirmed by the Authors to be inspired by Superman, look it up!

Deny me, hate me, but if I don't speak the truth, who will.

Are you angry? Are you so mad that you can't help but to write a comment? DO IT! I WELCOME IT MWAHAHAHHAHAHAH

Here's something else that will grind your gears!

Captain marvel at her peak could kill superman with one punch.

Marvel is only popular because of the Netflix daredevil show.

She-Hulk show is marvels best work.

Tony stark is a copy of batman

Batman likes young boys.


No wait! Don't give me bad reviews I take back everything I said.... sorry about that 😅👻