
The MARVELous Harry Potter

In the aftermath of the epic battle against Voldemort, Harry Potter finds himself thrust into a whole new world—the Marvel Universe. Graduation was meant to mark a new beginning, but fate had other plans. Now, armed with his magical prowess and an unwavering resolve forged through years of adversity, Harry joins forces with Earth's mightiest heroes, the Avengers. Harry must grapple with the challenges of adapting to this new reality while staying true to his own principles. Harry's journey unfolds, intertwining magic and technology, as he learns that heroism knows no boundaries—even across universes. Prepare for a spellbinding adventure where the wizarding world collides with the Marvel Universe, where magic meets technology, and where Harry Potter steps into a new role—as an Avenger. {this story was basically abandoned and i decided to adapt this story in my own writing style and a lot more help from chatbot. Story is more or less the same as abandoned one so i will try to progress this story as much as possible. It's name is same on fanficton.net.}

whitethief274 · Films
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35 Chs


On the helicarrier, Director Fury maintained a vigilant watch over the unfolding chaos through SHIELD's advanced monitoring systems. The sheer devastation caused by the relentless alien invaders left a knot of worry in his stomach. The knowledge that even more formidable armies might exist out there tempted him to consider surrender, yet giving up was never an option for Fury. If he was going down, he'd do so fighting.

Despite the grim circumstances, Fury found a glimmer of hope. The Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, were showcasing their strength against the overwhelming onslaught. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, perhaps the less overtly powerful members, held their own, dispatching enemy soldiers with precision. Thor and Hulk, the powerhouses of the team, wreaked havoc and struck fear into the hearts of their adversaries.

Fury observed with satisfaction that Tony Stark and Captain America had set aside their differences to collaborate effectively. Stark even seemed content to let Cap take the lead, a surprising development in their dynamic.

Adding to the spectacle was another team known as the 'Fantastic Four.' True to their name, they lived up to expectations, proving to be a fantastic addition to the defense effort. Fury had anticipated their involvement, considering this was also their city, having them as a Plan B in case the Avengers fell short.

Then there was the enigmatic duo of Harry and his assistant. The latter, devoid of overt powers, was a mystery, yet her impact on the battlefield surpassed even SHIELD's top agents, Natasha and Barton. However, the real revelation was Harry himself. Concealing his true capabilities, he emerged as the most powerful Avenger in the battle. Harry's magical abilities showcased a versatility that left Fury astounded. Despite not being a seasoned fighter, Harry possessed an innate battle sense, making him as formidable as any prodigy. From defeating Loki to aiding Hulk against two behemoths, Harry's contributions were nothing short of extraordinary.

Nick Fury found relief in not making an enemy out of Harry. However, the looming concern was General Ross and his astonishing red transformation. What truly baffled Fury was the fact that Ross hadn't lost his sense of reasoning amid the monstrous change. If creating Hulks was a possibility, Fury now had his sights set on something even more versatile.

"Sir," Maria Hill's voice cut through the tension as she approached Fury. "The council is on; they want to speak to you."

"Damn," Fury muttered softly, realizing that this meeting was unlikely to bring good news.

Meanwhile, Tony Stark faced a different kind of trouble. Barton's warning reached him as he skillfully shot down Chitauri chariots with well-aimed arrows.

"Stark, you've got a few strays sniffing your tail," Barton reported.

"Oh, you mean those things that are firing at me? Thanks, Barton, I don't think I would have noticed if not for you," Stark replied sarcastically. Dodging another blast, he fired back and took out a chariot before turning a corner, causing the pursuing chariots to crash into a building. "Oh, shoot."

Stark's dilemma took an unexpected turn when a group of ten chariots closed in on him. In a moment of desperation, a red beam sliced through the chaos, eliminating one of the Chitauri chariot pilots.

"Thanks, Gandalf," Tony exclaimed.

"No problem, tinman," Harry responded with a smirk before apparating to Natasha's side, leaving Stark to handle the remaining threats. The battle continued, and the surprising alliance between wizards and Avengers seemed to be holding its ground, at least for the time being.

(On the Helicarrier)

"Sir! We've got a bird in motion!" Hill's voice rang out in urgent alarm as her eyes focused on a jet preparing for takeoff. "Anyone on the deck?! We've got a rogue bird! We need to shut it down, repeat, shut it down! Takeoff is not authorized!"

Maria Hill couldn't comprehend what was happening. She had overheard Fury heatedly arguing with the council earlier, vehemently opposing the launch of a nuclear strike to stop the alien invasion. The mere thought of sacrificing New York to save it left her horrified.

Now, against Fury's explicit refusal, they were sending the destructive payload anyway. A surge of disbelief and frustration coursed through her. The council had blatantly disregarded Fury's judgment, jeopardizing not just the city but countless lives.

She swiveled around, searching for Fury, only to find he had disappeared. Quickly checking the camera feed, Hill's eyes widened as she saw Fury sprinting towards the launch bay, armed with a rocket launcher. In a daring move, he aimed and fired, successfully taking down the first jet. However, the second one managed to escape.

"Damn it," she cursed under her breath, capturing the collective tension and chaos that unfolded in that critical moment.


"Captain!" Fury's urgent voice blared through Steve's earpiece. "We have a missile heading straight for the city, it's going to blow!"

"What?! Damn it!" Steve cursed, realizing the gravity of the situation. They were perilously close to resolving the entire ordeal, only to face a new and imminent threat.

"I can close it!" Harry's determined voice echoed through the communication devices. "Does everyone copy? I'm with Natasha, and I'm ready to close the portal."

"Do it!" Tony swiftly responded, positioned alongside Barton who was busy neutralizing Chitauri soldiers behind him.

"No! Don't do it!" Steve retorted.

"What!? Steve, we can end this!" Tony argued.

"No! We've got a missile coming, and it's going to detonate. I have no idea how to deal with it, except maybe by sending it into the portal. The problem is, how can we do that?" Steve addressed the team, his mind racing for a solution.

"Well, Captain, I've got a not-so-great idea, and I think I can handle this," Tony chimed in, contemplating the potential consequences.

"Stark," Steve's concerned voice queried, knowing fully well that Tony is not self-sacrificing type of guy, "Are you certain about your idea?"

"Maybe," Stark replied, a tinge of uncertainty in his voice. "But we've got no other option, though." The stakes were high, and the team found themselves at a critical juncture with no room for error.

"Then do it," Steve said, not fully comprehending Stark's daring plan. Even as the words left Steve's lips, Tony was already soaring toward the missile, redirecting its deadly path towards the looming portal. "Full power, JARVIS," he commanded, flying alongside the missile with determined precision"Are you sure, sir? I think this is the most reckless thing you've attempted to date," queried JARVIS, the AI's concern echoing through the armored suit.

"Just do it. I don't think hesitating is an option anymore," Tony responded with unwavering resolve.

Confusion etched Harry's face as he observed the unexpected turn of events. He questioned Tony, "What are you doing?" his voice reflecting the puzzle the situation had become, just as he was about to seal the portal.

"Well, I am hugging a nuclear bomb, I think," Tony chuckled, an unsettling sense of humor in the face of impending danger. Harry, grappling with the severity of the situation, tried to find a way to salvage it. "Will you be able to come back safe and sound through the portal?" he asked, desperately searching for a glimmer of hope.

"To be honest, I don't think I'm gonna make it back. This suit is not built for space surfing, and I'm almost out of fuel. So, I just want to say I really liked this team, and tell Pepper I said I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass all the time, and I—" The sound of the connection abruptly cut off, leaving Harry in a state of disbelief.


"What!? TONY! Just leave that damn missile to the portal, and I will save you, you HEAR ME!" Harry exclaimed, his determination to rescue Tony evident in his voice. As the stakes reached a critical point, Harry prepared to do what he always did—save others, no matter the cost.

Tony shot into the portal, his thrusters roaring at full power in a desperate attempt to gain as much distance as possible. However, the energy reservoir of his armor was nearly depleted, leaving him unable to venture too far. Exhaustion seeped through both his armored suit and weary body as he struggled to maintain control. The nuclear missile continued on its way, hurtling towards the Chitauri's mother ship, obliterating it into a fiery spectacle.

Just as victory seemed within reach, Tony succumbed to unconsciousness due to the lack of oxygen, plummeting uncontrollably back towards the Earth through the closing portal.

On the battlefield, the Chitauri forces suddenly crumpled, their soldiers and leviathans collapsing as if their puppet strings had been severed. Everyone, thinking it was a sign of triumph, erupted in cheers. However, the elation waned when they noticed Tony was still missing.

Even Harry, caught up in the moment, held Loki's scepter – accidentally mistaking it for his elder wand – in his grip, ready to sever the connection to the portal. Anxiety gripped him as he observed the absence of Tony.

In a daring move, Harry opted to try a spell he wasn't entirely confident about. Closing his eyes and focusing, he exclaimed, "Accio Iron Man's armor!" A typical spell that, under normal circumstances, wouldn't have worked from such a distance. However, with the scepter's energy merging with Harry's magical abilities, it added a new dimension to the spell. The scepter glowed intensely, forming a protective bubble of energy that swiftly transported Tony toward Harry at remarkable speed. Just when it seemed the bubble might crash, it gently descended, safely placing Tony on the ground. Immediately after, Harry severed the connection with the portal.

The assembled group anxiously examined Tony's unconscious form. Richard, noticing the fluctuating arc reactor, checked Tony's pulse and urgently declared, "He needs immediate shock therapy. His pulse is weak."

Thor stepped forward, pressing his hammer to Tony's chest, releasing a controlled electric pulse. Tony's eyes shot open with a jolt.

"Please, tell me no one gave me CPR," Tony quipped, coughing.

"In fact, Hulk did," Harry replied with a smirk.

Laughter broke out, a welcome relief after the tough battle. As everyone celebrated the outcome and the fact that they made it out alive from the whole ordeal, a loud spaceship voice echoed through the street, dampening their joyful mood. A round spaceship flew low, heading towards the awakened and unrestrained figure of the Chitauri army's behemoth, Cull Obsidian.

Standing proudly in front of the assembled team, Cull Obsidian, with a deep voice, declared, "You might have won this battle. You should consider it an honor to prevail over Thanos' army. But remember my words; it's only a momentary victory. Soon, Father will come for the stones. When he does, that smile on your faces won't endure. This battle was just a glimpse of his power. Sooner or later, this planet, like others, will bow to his might." With that, he turned around and boarded the ship, and with a thunderous shockwave, his spacecraft took off, wreaking havoc across New York City.

The Invisible Woman erected a force field around the team to shield them from the shockwave's aftermath, and Harry also did a shield spell for extra safety.

A heavy silence hung in the air as the words of their adversary echoed in their minds. The team realized that this was merely the opening chapter of a significant challenge yet to unfold.



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