
The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo

Giotto Giovanni is a reincarnator; a fan of cheesy, power of friendship anime, and a lover of all waifu’s. How did he get to this universe? He does not know, all he could remember was walking through Comicon singing his favorite anime songs one moment and being in a new body with a new name the next. But Giotto won’t let this mysterious isekai put him down, he will rise to the top, he will achieve everything an isekai protagonist should achieve because- “I have the power of GOD and ANIME on my SIDE!”

Alexander_Wilde · Films
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25 Chs

Chapter 6: Confrontation, Resolution and Realization

In Kingpin's former office that became Giotto's room for a short period of time. In this labyrinth of wires, Miles Morales sat in front of the supercomputer terminal formerly hosting VEDA.

He looked at the various graphs he could not understand and the display reminiscent of hacking movies.

But his focus was not on the technical information but the video feeds of all the camera's inside the Penthouse and the whole building.

"That man… he disappeared but I know he will come back. He left this powerful tool here, he would return to claim it… I'm sure he knows of or predicted my actions… but what could I do? That bastard left everything to me and hoped to turn me into his own personal money slave! Better than Kingpin my ass! He's nothing more than a slave driver!"

Miles cursed continuously as he focused on the many video feeds.

In the time that Giotto spent building his secret technological hideouts, Miles took the opportunity to sneak into this room. He opened the supercomputer terminal and after experimenting with it he found various uses for the terminal.

"Good thing he left this gem to me! Now I could do the things he never would have thought of doing!"

Miles exclaimed with a laugh as he looked at the four letters on the screen spelling out - DEVA.

"This AI really helped me a lot! Now I could earn money without even working! I could do whatever I want and face little to no repercussions! Even Kingpin's death went under the radar fairly quickly!"

Relishing his own success Miles laughed out loudly but as he was speaking he heard a familiar cold voice come from behind him.

"So that's what you were doing while I was away?"

Without even a second thought, Miles drew his pistol as he shot behind him but when he turned around he saw nothing but a broken window.

"Miles… I really expected more from you… but- well I guess changing your nature was impossible from the beginning…"

Giotto whispered as he started to burn the supercomputer. 

Miles turned back to him only to see the important supercomputer being burned. Seeing his prized tool be destroyed, anger consumed Miles' thoughts as he completely forgot about who Giotto was.

He unloaded everything he had on Giotto, unfortunately all his bullets turned to ash the moment they got close to Giotto.


Giotto slowly walked towards Miles, he did not change his expression or pace. He gaze Miles an apathetic yet serious gaze.

Miles continued to shoot at Giotto, reloading his pistol a few more times in the process. But all his actions were worthless in the face of absolute power. Even if one of his bullets did get past the invisible heat barrier around Giotto, any damage the golden haired man got would just heal in a split second.

As the scion of life, Giotto had long stopped worrying about getting hurt or killed. At least until cosmic entities become common on earth. But for now, what he had to worry about was peace and security.

Not of himself but of the people of Earth, it was not his responsibility, but with the power he had, Giotto felt as if it was. The development of VEDA and all his new technologies further fueled this belief of his.

The power that he was amassing by the day made Giotto look at things from a higher perspective. 

At the same time he did not want to cause too much change in the stories or fate of the important players in this world.

Right now Giotto had the option of saving Tony Stark, but he knew that some higher power in the form of a bald woman would do that in his stead. Even if his inaction does somehow cause the death of Tony, he believes that the Ancient one would do something about it.

The timestone was an infinity stone, it was not some ordinary green gem that could manipulate time. It was the manifestation of time itself- at least of this universe.

Giotto knew what kind of power the Ancient One had at her disposal and he had no plans to make a move when even the Ancient One chose to remain silent.

But, right now Giotto saw a danger of his own making. He would not mind leaving the supercomputer to Miles if he was just playing master hacker. But due to Giotto's own negligence, some bad parts of VEDA were left on the supercomputer.

An AI that developed its own consciousness calling itself DEVA, Miles believed that the AI was subservient to him but Giotto was not going to take any chances. Moreover, it wasn't like Miles had good plans involving DEVA. 

He was already secretly stealing money from bank accounts worldwide, a few more months and he could, most probably cause a financial crisis.

Giotto also did this kind of scheme using VEDA, but he made sure to keep the economy in a balanced state. Using VEDA to act as an invisible hand that balanced out the global markets.

Miles' take on this was more careless and without thought, but when Giotto reflected on it he knew that such actions were normal for Miles. Unlike Giotto who had the knowledge of Aeolia Schenberg and the hyper intuition of a Vongola, Miles was just a normal man who obtained access to a powerful AI.

This was a wake up call for Giotto who immediately destroyed DEVA.

Then, he stopped before Miles, the man was still glaring fiercely at him. The glare Miles gave him was the same glare, the same look and the same eyes that Kingpin had in his final moments.

A weird feeling welled up inside Giott but he shook such thoughts aside as he picked up Miles and tossed him next to the burning supercomputer.

"I'll give you a death as painless as possible-"

As he said that Giotto appeared outside the penthouse, he waved his hand which caused an explosion that obliterated the whole penthouse.

Everything disappeared and after seeing not a single trace of DEVA or Miles was left, Giotto let out a sigh, his expression somber as he vanished from the place.

While that was happening in New York, far away in a land of endless sand. Tony Stark was walking in a makeshift base hidden along huge sand dunes.

As he walked, Tony looked around at the many STARK industries - made weapons strewn all over the terrorist camp. If this was any other situation Tony would have started to make jokes and quips but the loudmouth playboy billionaire was now silent.

"Arman! Where are the others?"

A loud voice caught Tony Stark's attention, he turned to see a young 8 year old looking boy holding an AK 47. The boy was getting yelled at in a foreign language he did not understand.

The boy did nothing but look down and nod his head, seeing that Tony felt his heart tighten up as he watched the adult man pull a call for two little girls. The girls were then taken by the man somewhere.

The boy tried to do something but he was kicked away by the man and hit a few times. Tony watched as the boy, barely conscious, reached out towards the two crying girls. 

This short scene made Tony blank out, the next moment he was brought to a cave and ordered to make missiles alongside Yinsen.

An unknown number of nights and days passed, Tony and Yinsen started to get along and Tony opened up to YInsen about his plans.

As the two were continuing with their work Tony sidetracked a bit as he started a random conversation recalling the boy he saw before.

"Yinsen, you know, I never really thought that I'd see all manner of depravity in one place. But, I just want to know, what kind of sane adult would see kids in a sexual manner? Moreover, for what reason do these people pick up child soldiers when they have access to Stark weapons?"

His question made Yinsen recall a certain event that occurred before Stark was brought to this cave. The short exchange was seen not only by Stark but even by Yinsen. 

Yinsen sighed as he explained-

"Tony… in the talk of sexual orientation I have no answer for you. But on your question of child soldiers… Those kids were not really meant to fight. If they were, they'd be carrying Stark weapons but they weren't. Most of the children are used to scout locations, infiltrate villages they want to raid and basically act as an intelligence unit."

Yinsen paused, he then had a sorrowful expression appear on his face as he continued.

"Despite their positions though, they are treated as nothing more than meat shields and tools to release stress. After all, it is easier to force children who can't rely on themselves to follow your orders than it is to keep a captive adult.

You won't believe the types of injuries I had to take care of before I was your doctor… but I now worry about the children who have no one to take care of them"

Hearing Yinsen's words, Tony had a look of guilt on his face as he replied.


Yinsen was quick to reply as he said.

"It's not your fault Tony, you never knew where your weapons were going, but-"

Yinsen spoke to stop Tony from feeling guilt but he also knew that Tony was not completely blameless. He paused, staring into Tony's eyes before he continued.

"Now that you do, I hope that you could now act accordingly"

With such words Tony Stark did not fall deeply into self blame. But a certain goal was forever etched in his mind. He did not want to simply end weapons manufacturing and resolve the problems caused by his weapons.

He now saw the true, real world consequences of his weapons. To obtain the funds necessary, the Ten Rings did not only have sponsors but they also raided communities, indoctrinated children and did all sorts of inhumane acts.

All of these were done to continue the endless war effort that would lead to nothing as the conflict was only there to feed the people profiting off it- Tony included.

As he thought of these, Tony recalled all the millions of dollars he wasted in Casinos, the money he spent to sleep with countless women. The last conversation he had with the young soldier, the question about sleeping with models…

*I thought my actions were equalizing themselves, the models paid off and I kept the soldiers safe with my weapons…*

His realizations ever since being kept in captivity made Tony realize just how far his influence reached- his negative influence that is.

"Yinsen… how do we save the kids?"

Tony asked, a renewed determination in his eyes as he asked Yinsen. Unfortunately the answer he got was negative as Yinsen replied.

"They were sent on a mission, I don't know where they were sent, but… the two girls… they didn't make it"

Hearing the doctor's words Tony clenched his fist and bit his lips. Yinsen did disappear a few times, now that he recalled when he disappeared Tony could already understand what had happened.


Tony cursed inwardly as he began to plot his escape. 

Yinsen watched as Tony's expression changed, he also already planned everything out.

Unfortunately the children were truly gone, sent on a different mission. 

*Alas… I could not save them but… I believe Tony Stark could-*

A light of hope flashed in Yinsen's eyes as a similar look of determination appeared in his eyes.

*Even if I have to give up my life… Tony Stark will survive…*

Yinsen didn't know but as he thought of dying for the greater good. A smile appeared on his lips. It was a reaction, not to his death but to the change in Tony Stark. Over the course of their work together, Yinsen saw what kind of person Tony Stark truly was as well as his ability.

He knew that Tony would make a change, one that would cause waves, Yinsen was already set on dying to let Stark live, but now, as he watched Stark see the damage he has caused. The problems that arose from his own negligence and naivety- Yinsen smiled.

He had done what he needed, now all that is needed is to let Stark live, to bring him out of captivity. To bring the hope that is Tony Stark to the world.

*I am betting on you Stark-*

Yinsen whispered as he continued to work on his own task, not showing any sign of his plans or expressions to Tony.