
The Marvel Multiverses Vongola Primo

Giotto Giovanni is a reincarnator; a fan of cheesy, power of friendship anime, and a lover of all waifu’s. How did he get to this universe? He does not know, all he could remember was walking through Comicon singing his favorite anime songs one moment and being in a new body with a new name the next. But Giotto won’t let this mysterious isekai put him down, he will rise to the top, he will achieve everything an isekai protagonist should achieve because- “I have the power of GOD and ANIME on my SIDE!”

Alexander_Wilde · Films
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19 Chs

Chapter 15: Assemble, Celestial Being

[A/N: This will be a long chapter, also I'm sorry for the extreme rush, again I want to emphasize, I wanted to expand the actions of Emma and her crew but I guess those things could be slowly revealed during some flashbacks. I already did the skippy part. Now I need to add the final piece to Celestial being and I promise to go for action in the next chapter… although I honestly can't see anything action-y going on at this point in the MCU… save for some Tony Stark shenanigans… anyways~ here's the chappy. 

P.S. The Vongola Famiglia will not be built instantly, if you have not yet realized, the power of Dying will flames was… well I made it too OP, sooooo- well you'll see how versatile it is hahahaha]

Enveloped by green light, Giotto and the five leaders of Celestial Enterprises felt their body lost connection to gravity as they disappeared from Emma's office.

As the green light disappeared and the five women were shocked to see that the scenery around them changed. From the office with glass walls overlooking Manhattan, they were now in an office with a similar layout but instead of Manhattan it was overlooking a large industrial complex.

What was even more shocking was the scenery that surrounded said complex.

All four of Emma's sisters stood up and rushed to the windows as they looked out at the vast city below them.

There were towering buildings and various white drones flying around. It was like a futuristic utopia but what was even more shocking was the sky.

Instead of a clear blue sky what they saw was a ceiling, with huge white lights that lit up the whole area.

As the four women were staring dumbly at the scene before them, Emma walked up to the window and gave a cursory glance at the city below before speaking.

"You expanded it further?"

Her question quickly took the attention of the four women as they stared at Giotto with astonished looks plastered all over their faces. Giotto turned to them and gave them a smile before returning his gaze to Emma. 

He did not immediately speak, instead he came next to her and held her hand tightly before answering. [A/N: I already wrote a sex scene but… it took great courage to write this! Unfiltered, public HAND HOLDING!]

"Well, VEDA did some calculations and what I thought was a random dig turned out to be a mine that directly targeted various veins of metals and precious minerals. Then if that wasn't enough, VEDA used those materials to quickly mass produce factories, processing plants, and all things to improve efficiency, and further expand his dig… right now- well the bots have hit the upper mantle and I gotta be honest, I never expected to find such precious gems there…"

As he spoke, Giotto then took out a diamond encrusted necklace and quickly placed it on Emma's neck.

His actions were smooth and after putting the necklace on Emma he immediately grabbed her hand again as he hugged her from behind.

The four women seeing this were both shocked and confused. After all, despite Giotto's actions being weird and superbly clingy, Emma did not push him away and just let him do whatever.

On the other hand, Felicia had a different look in her eyes as she stared at Giotto, she did not focus on the diamond necklace and instead on his actions. Specifically she took notice of how Giotto avoided touching Emma with his lower body while he appeared to be tightly hugging Emma and holding her hands.

His actions made Felicia compare all her previous relationships with the one Emma had and she realized immediately just why someone like Emma, would willingly allow Giotto to do as he pleased.

'It seems that Emma caught herself a good man'

Felicia thought as a spark of curiosity lit up in her eyes. 

'I wonder…'

She thought to herself as she looked at the interaction between Emma and Giotto with a curious light.

Everyone was silent for a few minutes but this was broken by Emma who pushed Giotto away with her hands.

"Enough already, we have business to attend to, but, I guess the only thing left to do is tour them around the site while explaining the functions of Celestial Being."

Emma said as she made Giotto let go of her, in response Giotto did not resist as he let go and even put some distance between them. Listening to Emma's explanation though, Giotto had a teasing expression on his face as he stood beside Emma, once again taking hold of her hand as he declared.

"Great! With my guidance we will finish this tour in no time!"

But his words were quickly shot down by Emma who responded saying-

"No, VEDA will be responsible for showing us around, I'll handle the explanation while you- you stay here and do what you have to do."

Hearing her words Giotto paused, as he did Emma separated her hand from his as she then led the four women out of the room.

Giotto stood silently for a few minutes before letting out a sigh, as he did the whole room started to shift taking the form of a control room.

Various holographic monitors lit up and even video feed showing Emma and her group walking around.

[G.G! G.G! Status Report! Status Report!]

Giotto took a seat on the commanders position and as he did a small green ball, a Haro unit, flew in from the hallway repeating the such words.

"Haro- wait, I see, display the data"

[Affirmative! Affirmative!]

As the green haro reposponded, its eyes began flashing and then a stream of information was displayed before Giotto.

Graphs and charts showing various levels of loss and gain and after looking through the data, Giotto sighed, he rubbed his eyes as he whispered-

"It seems like the prototype drive still can't be used without a good enough power source…"

Giotto said as he looked at the Vongola ring on his finger.

During the time that Emma was working on Celestial Enterprises, Giotto was not idle. Most of the tasks and needs of Emma and her group could be handled using VEDA. This left Giotto with a lot of time to do his own things.

As VEDA was basically working on expanding, maintaining and developing the base, Giotto also began his own tests.

First he tried to create a prototype True GN Drive, a true solar reactor that produced green GN particles.

The reason for this was that the green particles were more stable and had more uses than the unstable and frankly dangerous red particles.

With some time and effort, Giotto developed a prototype but this drive without the TD blanket used up energy, a LOT of energy.

To work for a good 10 minutes it used up 2 gigawatts of power. Fortunately energy was something that Giotto did not worry about.

VEDA had long created an underground power plant able to extract as much as 50% of the sun's total energy production per second. This was only possible due to the GN solar cells able to absorb energy from the sun through quantum entanglement.

A lot of that energy is used to power various GN Drive Faux that operate 24/7 to strengthen the walls that hold up the underground base.

But even then a lot of the energy was still not used, as such high capacity batteries were developed rapidly as well as high capacity GN condensers.

The batteries released by Celestial Enterprises were already a few generations behind the ones being used by Giotto in the underground laboratory. Not to mention the almost hedonistic use of energy to create green GN particles to be stored in huge GN particle storage banks.

VEDA had already remodeled its own build by changing its components with qubits made of green GN particles.

The solar cells also reached their max power generation with the use of the green particles and with the endless supply of energy, Giotto was able to create a quantum teleportation device that used up ungodly amounts of power to produce an extreme flood of GN particles.

And yet they were still at a net positive in terms of energy production.

This near unlimited energy is what allowed VEDA to work in hyperdrive and also allowed Giotto to perfect quantum teleportation and a few other projects he had.

"VEDA, progress report on Gundam Exia"

Giotto spoke to VEDA which quickly reported to him with a video image of a huge mech being built by various engineering bots and haro's.

Seeing the huge mech being slowly built a smile appeared on Giotto's face as he then spoke.

"Good! Now then, open Experimental bay 1276, prepare pacific launch protocols for the petite launch pad."

With those words Giotto stood up as he walked towards a circular stand at the center of the room.

"Beam me up scotty!"

Giotto said with a smile which prompted the release of a GN particle shower, the green particles enveloped Giotto before forming two circular constructs above and below the golden haired man.

"Position set! Position set! Teleporting! Teleporting!"

The green Haro started to act up bouncing up and down, Giotto smiled at its actions before he quickly disappeared along with the green particles.

As Giotto was working on his own things, Emma was busy touring her group in the industrial complex hidden deep underground.

Emma had explained a lot of things, about Giotto, about Celestial beings and the Vongola.

Everyone was shocked to learn that the Vongola was actually Giotto's surface company run by VEDA. They also found out about the great plans Giotto had for Celestial Being and the knowledge and power that he had.

Given all the things Emma talked about, a lot of her sisters started to develop a curiosity towards the first meeting between Giotto and Emma.

Unfortunately no matter how hard they tried, Emma's lips were sealed as she declined to talk about it.

But while everyone was trying to figure out the story between Emma and GIotto Felicia was the first to ask the question-

"So, where exactly is this base at?"

Her words made everyone stop and then they also got curious.

Although New York was large the underground was somewhat occupied in some parts. The scale of the underground industrial complex proved that wherever they were, it was not under New York or any palace near it.

Even Emma was stunned as she also realized the problem, she quickly turned to the side and asked.

"VEDA, where exactly are we?"

As she asked, a holographic screen popped up before the five women displaying only text that answered.

[You are currently at the main based located 35 km under Staten Island, New York]

"35 km?"

"How deep is that?"

"I don't know…"

"VEDA, how deep is 35 km…"

[To put things to scale, mount everest is 8.8 km, from the ground level, the ceiling of this base is about 3 mountains stacked atop one another. In addition, the height of this underground base is 2 km. The total land area is 30 square kilometers, the base is 5 x 6 kilometers and houses approximately…]

VEDA gave the five women a detailed report on everything about the base. But all of them, including Emma, were already frozen when they were given the information of the land area.

'How the hell did he transform the base in less than a month!'

Emma thought as she saw it unbelievable for such an amount of work to be done so quickly.

After all, creating an underground base needed the movement of soil and a ton of materials. 

'Did this exist even before he met me? Did Giotto lie to me again?!'

Emma's thoughts ran wildly but as she was contemplating things Felicia saw that everyone was silent and decided to ask VEDA in Emma's stead.

"VEDA, how much time was needed to make this base, also how did you make this base?"

Her words quickly caught the attention of everyone including Emma who immediately looked up to see the response but the information given to them by VEDA made them both shocked and curious at the same time.

[Information on the methods has been locked out from all participants except for Emma Frost. Miss Frost, you may view the information when you are separated from the unauthorized personnel. Regarding the timeline of construction, the total time it took to build this underground structure is 3 days, 15 hours, 27 minutes and 32 seconds. Below is the breakdown of all the work done in that span of time…]

The data presented to the five women showed that the work of building the complex, preparation of material and digging out the space really did occur in the time span indicated. Unfortunately without the proof of how it was done, they could not really believe the information. 

This led the four other women to look at Emma with curious stares, in response to them the platinum haired woman sighed as she said.

"VEDA, does my authority allow me to pass on authorization to the four others with me to view the information of the specific process and how the construction was made possible?"

After her question, VEDA- paused. Unlike its usual state it had seemed to lag as no response came from it.

This made everyone wonder if VEDA broke because of Emma's question, fortunately it only took a few more seconds for it to reply and its delayed response was properly explained as well.

[Reporting, Master Giotto has approved of the request, releasing data…]

With that VEDA began to project various bits of information to the five women. They all read through the information that had with it videos and data on what was being done and as they read through they recalled Giotto's words when they first arrived.

"It seems Giotto was not exaggerating his words… in fact he was downplaying it this whole time…"

The one who spoke was Tanya who was looking through data regarding other separate bases.

"But to think that someone is secretly mining resources all over the world… isn't this illegal?"

MJ asked, among them she was the one who had to deal with the government a lot due to the nature of the company she was managing. As such she had to get some background on laws and the loopholes she could exploit.

One of these laws specifically talked about the ownership of land and everything below it. The right to own the space under a parcel of land is separate from the right to own minerals located in that space.

MJ did not need to know these rights but she found them interesting and read through them to reduce her stress. Now she recalled this information and began to wonder if Giotto was doing anything illegal. To her question though, VEDA responded with an answer no one expected.

[Celestial Enterprises own the subsurface and mineral rights of the upper subsurface bases but no government entity could gain access and prospect the deep subsurface bases. All access points have been blocked and the only way to enter and exit are the quantum teleportation stations that use 50 Gigawatts of power for each transport]

Reading the response MJ unintentionally screamed as she read the information


The other women were struck dumb, after all, they did not really understand the value of energy. Tanya should have as she operates an electrical car company but she was more focused on looks and building connections. 

Unlike MJ who truly lived the life of a CEO and learned all she could to manage the company.

[The base is currently able to produce 5.3 trillion Gigawatts per second, most of the energy is being used to power various GN drives and pseudo solar generators all over the world. As well as a growing army of machines, various factories and processing facilities, as well as computers and it also powers the Vongola and Celestial Enterprises on the surface.Still a lot of energy is lost and research is now being done to look for alternative uses of the energy]

{A/N: alright, compute it for me and check if my math is right, search the amount of energy the sun produces per second, divide that by two and convert it to gigawatts. If you get the same number then I'm right but if not please comment below.}

The information presented by VEDA made MJ fall to her knees in shock and horror.

Seeing her reaction the others quickly realized just how stupidly excessive the amount of energy produced was.

Gwen, although similarly dumbfounded, tried to make a joke as she said.

"Well… Tony Stark won't be able to compete with us now can he?"

Her words quickly snapped MJ back as she looked at her and responded with a broken expression.

"Compete? With the current power generated by VEDA, Tony Stark is not a problem, heck, we could probably provide free energy for the whole world for eternity and still have some excess.. But this power… governments all over the world will scramble for this kind of energy…"

MJ did not know a lot about physics, but she did know the value of energy. She saw figures of energy production and storage. She knew what kind of power the world was running on and the demand of power needed by the whole world.

She knew the scale but the production power presented by VEDA made her understand-

'This is not a game… we're not playing secret organization, not trying to become big names… this amount of power-'

MJ turned her gaze towards Emma, a conflicting look in her eyes showing a bit of hesitation. Emma saw this, she knew what was going on in MJ's mind, she knew but all she could do was ask-

"MJ… are you still prepared to walk down this path?"

Her words hit not only MJ but the others as well. Although only MJ understood the true scale of the power, the others could already feel what kind of power they were playing with. But at the same time, this power also gave a certain sense of security-

"Well, honestly, If I were asked, right now… I'd say I would gladly follow through"

The one who spoke first was Felicia who had a confident look on her face. Everyone else turned to her and when she saw their expressions she smiled as she explained.

"I mean, look here, we have a secret organization that could basically do anything and everything. An army of robots at its beck and call, with this behind us, do we really need to worry about safety? About security? Moreover, from what I can tell, Giotto- as smart as he is, he's a bit… childish if anything"

Felicia's words seem to cause a stir, especially Emma who felt her friend's words were attacking Giotto.

"Calm down Emma, my words were not downplaying your lover but showing how human he is and also his merits!"

Hearing the quick response of Felicia, Emma paused as she thought about the words used by Felicia.


Seeing Emma paused, Felicia then continued her explanation.

"Didn't we all want to change the world? To make a difference? Well we could but I guess even with all this power we can't just release it now can we?"

As she said this, Felicia began to play with her holographic screen as she expanded various files and documents.

"Look here, we just created some highly efficient solar cells and batteries, the energy production could not even reach the amount Giotto is currently generating for his base and yet we were already attacked countless times by various industry giants!"

Felicia explained the issues at hand, they were revolutionaries. Celestial Enterprises was a growing brand but its products were collecting the ire of their competition.

People were becoming more radical as movements against climate change and peace were getting stronger and louder. 

The trend was on going green and Celestial Enterprises took full advantage of this shift and even forcefully created this new market.

Its movements were crazier than those of Howard Stark during the early days of Stark Industries. Celestial Enterprises was taking the world by storm and a lot of people did not like it.

Felicia keyed in on these points as she finally ended her speech saying-

"Emma, I will continue on this path, I will bring Celestial Enterprises… no- Celestial Being to the world but… in exchange, will you share Giotto with me?"

At first Felicia's final statement was good, it resonated with the other three girls but her last words made them pause. Emma was also shocked as she gave Felicia an incredulous look as if she could not believe what she heard from her.

"What do you mean, share?!"

Emma could not hold back as she exclaimed, anger evident in her voice as she glared fiercely at Felicia who responded saying-

"I mean, it really made me envious, you know~ A man like that… maybe he could have more than one lover."

Her words made Emma snap as the platinum haired girl stomped towards Felicia saying.

"I care about you as a sister! But do you think it's right for you to blatantly go after someone else's man like that?!"

Emma did not get physical, only standing in front of Felicia with an angry look on her face. But Felicia just gave Emma a somber expression in response as she said.

"I know, but that is why I'm asking you… you know, few men in the world could give security as much as Mr. Giovanni does… also, the way he acted… I could see that it was not fake, he truly cared for you, respected you and… loved you… such a man-"

Felicia's somber expression turned sad, she gave Emma a sorrowful look, tears welling up in her eyes as she continued.

"He would probably brush me off or gently tell me that he already has someone in his heart… you know… I'm asking you since I want you to help me- I mean… the warmth he showed… Really, its tempting me"

Her words made Emma's anger dissipate, the platinum haired beauty gazed at Felicia. Of all the people in the organization, only Emma knew all the things each of them went through.

She knew what kind of troubled history Felicia had with men, from an abusive father, a brother who threatened to sexually assault her to a boyfriend who attempted to assault her.

Felicia lived a life much like Emma but unlike her, Felicia was constantly being treated kindly. People approached her with pure intentions but deep inside they only wanted to use her. 

Because of this, Felicia developed a kind of sixth sense when it comes to observing truth and lies. She was familiar with the actions of men and knew whether they were speaking truthfully or simply lying their way into your pants.

Emma knew Giotto and she knew that he was not afraid to show affection, especially since Felicia and the others could be considered members of their group already. He would not reveal much to strangers, especially enemies but friends and allies were a different story.

At this point, Emma understood the reason for Felicia's thoughts, moreover, she could empathize fuller with her desires. But-

'The thought of sharing Giotto with others, the thought of him hugging another woman… I…'

Despite her desire to help Felicia, Emma could not bring herself to accept her friend's request. After all she herself was greedy and at the same time, she did not want to see Giotto love others. She believed his love was true and that true love would equate to him looking only at her.

Emma silently stood before Felicia, she did not know what to say, she did not know what to do. 

"Felicia… I-"

As she tried to say something, Felicia suddenly hugged her as she said.

"Emma… I, I know what I said was extreme. I don't need an answer now but… I really hope you consider it… think of it as a friends wish-"

Felicia then separated from Emma as she wiped away her tears, a smile was on her face as she continued.

"I promise to not do anything that would seduce Mr. Giovanni- but"

Then, although a bit clumsy Felicia still tried to act cocky, sexy and lascivious as she spoke-

"I won't be responsible if he comes at me first~"

Her actions that should have looked seductive, due to her tears and shaking turned cute instead.

In the end the five women started to laugh and joke around. MJ also recovered from her shock as she accepted her post. The words of Felicia about safety and security hit her as she looked at the other side.

'This should allow me to accumulate wealth, the position gives protection and chasing my dreams in a few years does not seem so bad…'

The other two, Gwen and Tanya also had their own thoughts but they only smiled as they continued the tour around the secret base with renewed enthusiasm. 

As the girls were getting along and walking around, unbeknownst to them all their actions were being observed by Giotto who was smiling inside a large room.

"It seems that Celestial Being has officially started… now then-"

Giotto turned his gaze away from the display as his focus was redirected towards a humanoid suit behind him.

The suit looked like a gundam, with the familiar blue, white, red and gold. Gundam fans would recognize it as the gundam exia but it was weird… bulkier in some areas.

Giotto walked towards the suit and any fan watching would be shocked as the gundam was nearly as tall as Giotto. The suit was a bit taller but the fact remains that it was a human sized suit.

Closer inspection would reveal that a lot of its more mechanical designs on its limbs became closer to armor pads. The suit was bulkier but still retained a sleek design, with the GN condenser on its chest and a somewhat large GN drive behind it-

"Gundam Exia - Model: Petite"

Giotto spoke as he smiled before walking towards the empty white room. Standing at the center, Giotto extended his arms sideways copying Tony Stark's pose in his first suit up.

"VEDA, attach Model: Petite, Exia"

After Giotto spoke the gundam that he was looking at previously was suddenly taken apart by a series of mechanical arms that began to attach the parts to Giotto's body.

The design Giotto made was a lot like Tony Stark's Iron man armor but he did not add any hydraulics or force enhancement utilities.

Instead he simply added various compartments that housed a plethora of weapons, the material was not even as strong as the alloy used by Tony in his armors but the strength of the base material was not that much of a problem as Giotto had the GN Field to compensate.

Right now Giotto was simply wearing a high tech cosplay, a regular human would find no use for the armor save for its lethal weaponry but Giotto did not need any strength enhancement.

The purpose of the armor was to do one thing-

"Now, time to accomplish that mission-"

With a smile, Giotto raised his head and as he did a green light flashed in the Gundam Mask.

A/N: This has been a long chapter but this will be the final chapter in the set-up, now we have a functioning cast for Celestial Being and Vongola. Coming up next! Gundam Exia - First Launch!