
The Magic Of Beyonder Bloodline

Bloodline This is something that defines the world in which Agastya resides in. Your talent and worth in society are defined by the bloodline you have. Some have worthless and some have rarest of the rarest bloodline. This bloodline not only defines your worth but also defines how well you can use magic. Well sadly for Agastya, he received no bloodline from causing him to stay hidden from the outside world in the basement of his mother and father who convinced him to stay hidden since there were monsters outside which he believed due to his naive nature. What if one day he had enough and awakens something primordial which helps him to escape and go somewhere where he may find love and power that he so desires. This isn't a tale of an insane man nor is it a tale of a weak man becoming lustful, no this is the story of a man who was taken away from the world and now he is dead set to enjoy all the pleasure there is yet to experience for that he needs power.

LordShivaStories · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening

"Mother Father"

"Yes Son"

"Why am I in this basement?"

"My dear son, it's because the world outside is infested with monster wanting to eat children that's why you must stay hidden."

"Ok mother father"


With a jolt, my eyes snapped open as I grasped my head in pain groaning. My pills where are they? Looking around, I finally found the small container which I opened and took one of the pills in my mouth gulping it without any water.

It was another episode of migraine but thankfully for the pills my mother and father provided, I stayed free of pain. Wait isn't today my birthday? This means that MY PARENTS WILL BE COMING IN HERE.

I quickly rushed to my wardrobes and opened before stripping myself and adorning myself with the clothes suited for today's occasion. I checked myself in the mirror admiring my 15-year-old looks.

Looking quite dashing with my brown dazzling eyes, fair skin and blue hair, which all made my face handsome, I rushed to bathroom to wash my face which I did within a minute.

Then rushing out, I opened the cabinet before grabbing all the plates and forks, placing it on my food table. As I sat down and waited, my thoughts wandered to what foods would they bring and what not.

Looking at the hatch connected with ladder above me, I wandered when they would come and soon it was 9:30 AM and I had expected to come at 8:00 AM nevertheless I waited patiently staring at the plate in front of me.

2:00 PM.

6:00 PM

11:00 PM

I want to be free. Never did this thought in me persist for a long time but I knew this feeling could never be buried underneath my false hope, I was trapped due to this measly thing called bloodline.

This thing called bloodline was granted to you with the help of your luck and decided your worth along with status as it helped you in your magic progress but some like me didn't awaken this thing due to poverty maybe or due to bad luck.

In my case, it was both.

In anger, I threw the table away as the plates fell on the hard wooden floor and broke into sharp shard which clattered as some flew and pierced my foot making me wince slightly.

I sat back on my bed and slowly plucked out the thin shards careful not let it stab my fingers instead, after that I threw all of that into the trashcan groaning as I picked up a big brush and dusted all the broken shards into the dustbin.

Then I grabbed some bandages and wrapped my bleeding foot with it, hoping that it doesn't get infected. I no longer wanted to live in this confinement. I wanted freedom, I wanted a slight taste of it which should be everlasting and not be gone within an instant.

 Want freedom, want freedom, want freedom. I BLOODY WANT IT 

I want freedom to do whatever I please without any shackles on me, I WANT POWER TO DO SO



I screamed in rage and at that time, something broke inside me as I felt pain all over, but my desire overpowered it as I roared and pointed my right palm upwards and my left palm downwards.

This was done instinctively and then a huge wave of blue energy escaped out of a circle with various pattern which had formed on top of my palm. The surface above me was destroyed and the ground underneath me was destroyed also revealing the scrambling worms hidden beneath the surface as I continued to yell.

Then finally I saw the bright glowing orb on the night sky and I DESIRE IT. Yelling did the trick as the magic circles on my palm disappeared as I stood in midair screaming like a mad man with the magic patterns on the soles of my feet.

As the beam of mana allowed me to float upwards with a burst, and I was sweating due to me feeling quite drained out, but I continued to yell and push myself to surface and finally I was standing on the roof of the now destroyed house.

The magic circles disappeared as an invisible force went through my chest momentarily stopping and reawakening it again as I once again fell down and slept on the cold slopes of the roof happy that I finally got out.

Time is ticking as the world comes to a stop, the one of beyond may awaken or may sleep but one thing is sure he must surpass his enemies by any means necessary. 

Once again with a jolt I woke up, seeing a nightmare about my parents once again finding me and trapping me in that dark ass basement but looking around, I saw that currently the sun was up in the bright sky.

Looking around I saw that I was still on the roof currently sitting as I looked around and observed that I was in a tree filled area, working my common sense I figured out that this was probably a forest.

But I never lived in a forest? Does this mean during an unconsciousness episode, they transported my body here before leaving, expecting for me to survive WITHOUT ANY BLOODY FOOD!

This just mean that they wanted to get rid of their responsibility, and I certainly didn't like this. Never mind, finally I have the freedom of being outside and I am certainly not going to waste it on thinking about unnecessary things about my life.

Though I wonder, how was I able to make such inexplicable feats of power when in reality I possess no bloodline? Maybe in the later parts of my story I mean my life, I will get to know the truth.

But until then I will call it the bloodline of the beyond since this feat of magic was done with possessing any bloodline, so in my head I was going to make a imaginary bloodline known as Beyonder's Magic Bloodline.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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