
the love we despised

nightbride · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

chapter eleven

after getting her food order, she walked back to her seat and ate quietly, enjoying the peaceful moment she was having, but unfortunately; Tricia had seen her and was already walking towards her with her friends behind her, making cringe noises with their heels.

To dorian's disbelief, the girls walked up to her and stood in front of her, their legs widely apart like they were there to perform some strip dance.

"see who's here!" Tricia said, turning around for the students to see her full view, while pointing a finger at dorian with a snicker on her face. "our school nerd!" she added, followed by a deliberate giggle.

Dorian's face heated immediately she heard this, her heart thumping viciously while she held nervously onto the edge of the table.

Everyone had stopped eating and were staring at her, some whispering and mocking her in hush tones.

Tricia smiled at the attention she was getting. she was the school queen and needed to be given attention. If bullying dorian was what it required for her to get it, then she'd go for it.

Retrieving the dirty smile on her face and replacing it with an innocent one, she asked dorian mockingly. "what? pained?".

she outstretched her arm to her friend behind her, who Immediately handed her a bottle of water. without dorian noticing; for her head was bowed low, she opened the bottled water with a smug on her face and emptied the content on dorian's head, soaking her from head to toe, while everyone laughed gleefully.

Some of the students even brought out their cell phones and recorded what was happening, each of them trying their best to capture the moment perfectly.

Dorian was taken by surprise when she felt the cold liquid on her. she sat there transfixed like a doll, her eyes blurry from tears. Tricia had gone as far as drenching her in public. she'd done everything she could to avoid them and even sat at the farthest corner of the cafe but somehow, they still manage to pull stunts on her.

Eve, who was behind Tricia worked on impulse and walked over to dorian with no restraining strength and pulled her hair as hard as she could, making her wince in pain.

Dorian whimpered loudly and tried to loose free from eve's grip as she cried. "let go of my hair please!"

"let go of you? you slut!" catty yelled and hit her hard across the cheek, creating faint marks on dorian's smooth face. The whole students gasp in excitement and commended Eve this brutal act. They loved scenes like this and the girls were giving them so there was no way they'd not commend her for it . Satisfied with what she'd done, she made Eve loosen her grip on dorian and they walked back to where Tricia was.

Tricia did a little applauding for what eve had done and reverted her gaze back to dorian. "you're indeed a slut! how dare you try to seduce my boyfriend?!" she yelled again. " you even went as far as taming him to take you to his place. who knows what you made him do with you?!".

Everyone's eyes widened in shock and exasperation, including dorian who had no clue of what Tricia was talking about.

The students were glaring daggers at her now, some of them cursing her and muttering incoherently. this nerd indeed had some nerves. The thought of someone as low as the school nerd trying to flirt with their school hottest billionaire made them cringe.

Dorian swallowed hard and quickly submitted into the little minutes she had to think. where had this news come from? never in her entire life had she thought of doing something so gross as that, but Tricia was here, with a truckload full of accusations and queries.

Dorian locked out of her thoughts and quickly cleared the gnawing lies before her. "That's not true! I did nothing of such!".

Tricia scoffed and tugged her long artificial purple hair behind her ears in a dramatic manner. "Not true? you did try to snatch tanner away from me!".

The murmurings in the cafe grew by seconds, everyone interesting in seeing where the shades were leading to. Tricia was their goddess and would not lie against Dorian just to bring her down. Dorian was definitely the one playing victim!

Dorian was helpless. she knew this wasn't going to end in any good way. Tricia had just accused her of what she didn't do and laura wasn't present to help her out of the mess she was in. If only she was present, nothing like this would be happening now.

exhausted, peace ridden, Dorian managed to say, almost in a bare whisper. "I didn't try to do any of these things you mentioned. why would I want to?".

Tricia was quick to fire back a reply with utmost vexation. "because you're such a wannabe. you're trying so much to be like me!"

Why would she want to? Dorian thought as she sobbed helplessly. She'd done anything to deserve such treatment. "Tricia, I would never do anything that'll hurt your feelings". she said, wiping away the tears on her face and she explained what had happened the day before to them, but at the end; no one still believed her.

"lies!" Tricia hollered she slammed her hands on the table. " Tanner would never choose to help someone like you, you intimidated him! ".

Who was more fit to intimidate the other amongst the two of them? Dorian asked herself inwardly and lowered her head.

Another layer of fresh tears clung her eyes and streamed down her face smoothly, betraying the calm look she'd tried to put on. she sobbed hard and everyone laughed at her, calling her names.

"A snitch!"


"if I were you, I'd jump off a cliff and shatter into a million pieces! "

"die Dorian, die! ".

"gosh, look at her ugly face, she's not fit to flirt the least of our handsome boys talk less of our idol! such a pathetic loner!". another said from the crowd.