
The biggest love is from BTS

ARMYS.. the people that BTS loves the most after their parents. BTS gave so much attention to ARMYS and people around them. Question from me, why do people hates BTS and KPOP so much? What have they done to you? What can't haters just shut their mouth and stop their fingers from typing bad things to them? So just stop it haters. Well.. I know its because of us (fans) but just don't hate them.. We will protect them from those stuffs. Now back to the topic.. BTS is very soft towards their fans. Remember once when Suga just pack a 300 gifts (idk, so correct me) for their 300 fans at a fanmeeting... What is that?? That shows how much BTS loves us... And as for ARMYS, Remember when we all sang a 2,3 song as a surprise for BTS at their concert?? Remember that.. BTS loves us and so do ARMYS...

Love yourself, Love myself.. - RM (Leader)