
Dream again?

The man jenny saw in her dreams was standing just in front of her again. She is surprised and shocked too, she can't believe her eyes what's happening and why it is happening to her. She thinks to figure it out what is happening and cry out loud "hey mister can you hear me who are you ang whats happening here" but that person neither looked at her nor even reated towards her voice. He was not too far from her but still he was unable to hear or see her. She was surprised to see that she is invisible to him, she tried to touch him and was not even able to do so it felt like she is a ghost or something like that. She started to figure out what this place is and how does she reached there and was worried about how can she reach back home she was kind of stuck there.

Jenny was also starving and because of hunger she fainted, when she woke up she was again in her school building and just a few minutes were past. She was puzzled what us happening to her, is she loosing her mind or its just some sort of hallucination. She was a little bit afraid of her current situation and then she ran back to her home.

Its late at night jenny called lucy to tell what has happened to her as she knew only her friend will believe her. Jenny called lucy but her number was unreachable at first but after two three calls lucy picked up the phone, jenny was too worried about her and asked her why she ran from the library in such a rush so lucy laughed and said that someone played a prank on her telling her that she has win a lottery and to claim it she have to reach within 10 minutes at the certain store where she bought the tickets but later she found orut that it was her cousin brother who was playing a trick on her. So there is nothing to worry. Jenny felt relieved and also forgot to discuss what she actually want to tell her and talked about this and that. Its 12 am and jenny is still awake she can't sleep thinking abiut the event that just happened to her and there was also some feeling about how familiar the face of the person was to her as if she knew that person since a long time but she had never ever met a person with such traits in her life than who the person is to her. she thinks that is something wrong with her mental health. What is it.

Jenny fells asleep after struggling for long hours and then a glowing ball of light enters her room through her open window and then.....