
Chapter 35

The second day of classes proved to be more interesting, he had all three of his elective classes

Runes, Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures on the second day.

In Runes and Arithmancy , Harry found that he was far ahead of the class, as he studied them extensively for his rituals as a mistake during a ritual could have disastrous consequences. He found that he had completed OWL material in Arithmancy and he was even advanced in Runes as they were essential in Ward creation and Ward breaking something Harry was very interested in.

COMC class was interesting as Harry had visited Hagrid and advised him on how to conduct his classes.


Hagrid, I know that creatures like a Hippogriff are very interesting to study, but you should remember that not everyone is as strong as you. So, you should take that into account before introducing such a creature in class and clearly mention the safety precautions to be taken by the students while dealing with such creatures. And Hagrid, I know that you are a very gentle person but if a student of yours misbehaves in your class, like for example ignoring the safety precautions and provoking the creature, then you should punish him harshly as he could cause danger not only to himself but also to others in the class. Also speak clearly and concisely in your class and not how we usually talk as in class you are the teacher and they are the students, you are not speaking to friends in your class, remember that. Also Hagrid don't try to illegally breed any creature and show them in class as that might get you in trouble, remember Norberta and how much trouble it cost us to keep you out of trouble, we don't want a repeat of that incident and now you are a teacher and such things would cost you, your job and break the enormous trust Professor Dumbledore placed in you by making you a teacher. "

Harry helped Hagrid pick the creatures to show to the students in his classes.

" Thank you Harry, I didn't all this about teaching a class. I will definitely follow your advice in class

and you are right about Dumbledore placing his trust in me, I will make sure to justify his choice in me. "

" Also Hagrid, I will help you practice your magic twice every week if that is okay with you. "

" Thank you Harry for helping me practice my magic . Those timings are very much agreeable with me. You are a true friend and a very good person Harry, your parents should be proud of you", he said beaming.

" Also you should look into trimming your beard and looking more presentable like the other Professors. You should ask Professor Flitwick for help, I am sure he would help you. "

Harry was glad to see that Hagrid had followed his advice and looked like a completely different person and like a proper Professor, he had cut his hair short as well trimmed his beard and wire an enormous tweed jacket and trousers like Professor Flitwick. The class about Hippogriff's was very interesting and Hagrid dictated a lot of information about that species for the students to write down, most of which was not available in the textbook.

Harry took a ride on Buckbeak the Hippogriff.

Just as Harry was congratulating Hagrid on the evident success of his first class as all the students looked to be enjoying the class when he saw that Draco Malfoy, the bloody idiot that he was had insulted Buckbeak and the Hippogriff had risen on its hind legs to attack him.

Harry was not about to let an innocent creature suffer because of Malfoy's idiocy so Harry wandlessly summoned Draco away from the Hippogriff while Hagrid pacified the Hippogriff.

Harry spun towards Draco who was scrawled on the grass and said , " Draco you idiot, were you trying to endanger all the students with your shenanigans, Hagrid clearly warned the students that you should never insult a Hippogriff. That is exactly what you did, what did you think you were doing, were you trying to get everyone killed. "

Draco looked around himself to see that all the students were giving him a death glare even his fellow Slytherins except Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson, and to add insult to injury Hagrid rounded on him and said, " you idiot, can't you even follow simple instructions, you nearly caused a disaster. That's it, I am docking 50 points from Slytherin and you will be spending two weeks in Detention with Filch and you will never be returning to my class, now get out of my class. "

Draco left the class all the while sputtering threats about his father hearing about the incident. Unluckily for him although Snape sided with him and tried to restore the points lost and cancel Draco's detention, Dumbledore found out from Harry about how Draco's actions placed the whole class in danger and upheld Draco's punishment .

This way Harry made sure that Hagrid's teaching career started of with a grand success and also made sure that Draco didn't cause trouble for Hagrid in the future, also saving an innocent creature from being killed by the Ministry.

- Flashback end -

Soon the day of the Autumnal equinox came, and uttar was time to perform his first ritual the result of which was smoother flow of his magic in his body.

Harry was in a Ritual Chamber provided by the Room of Requirements lying down naked in a ritual pentagram drawn from his blood in a shallow basin made of what looked like platinum with various runes painted on his body with the help of Rosey and he sent a surge of his magic into the pentagram starting the ritual with the goal of the ritual fixed firmly in his mind as rituals were intent based and he didn't want any complications to arise during the ritual.

It was the ten most painful minutes of his life, it felt like his entire body was being rearranged, it felt like hours when in fact it was only minutes.

It took half an hour for the pain to subside, during which he just lay there on the floor of the Room of Requirements which had now shifted to resemble a soft grass floor.

Harry clothed himself slowly and cast a Paronus Charm and various other Transfigurations and hexes and curses and marvelled at how fluid his spell casting had become, he could one spell after another continuously and smoothly without any break in between.