
Chapter 2

"Shhh," Loki replied in a rushed manner. His index finger brushing over the other man's lips to silence him. The god of mischief looked down at the dinning hall. His legs drumming against the wall impatiently. Eyes glued to the room like a child watching what they loved.

Loki felt the cold air of the tower wash over him, but he did not allow it to bother the perfect night. His mind more concerned with Odin's soon large amount of irritation. He'd have to give it to himself. This one was clever. Not harmful. Just clever. Loki liked clever. Everyone expected him to cause pain, but he never wanted that. All the god searched for was a laugh. A smile that he was forbidden. It felt he was always too busy being a shadow to even have a name.

In a way.. this was the only way for Odin to even remember he was alive, and even if it was cruel attention it was attention. Recognition from his disappointed father. Even a royal family of gods had issues and Odin's issues was Loki. The man who behaved as a woman. Battling with a woman's spells. The birth of Odin's mount did not aid the tension the burned in the family. Constantly, he was hidden away when the other realms would attend the grand feast. Hidden away like they were afraid of him. Loki felt hatred bubble in his chest, but quickly he dismissed it. Entertaining himself with the better though of the dinning hall exploding in food.

The Doctor brushed the god's finger off his face in an aggravated manner, but said nothing. He would just watch, then. The Time Lord quite possibly wasn't going to like what he was about to witness, but he would indulge the god of mischief. Mostly 'cause he was stuck up here. He leaned against the wall of the tower, his feet resting against the railing, pulling out a apple to munch on.

The Doctor couldn't quite remember the last time he had eaten and the smells coming from down below was making his stomach growl. He scanned the plaza down below, finally able to pick out where his one-time rooms were. They were still there. Good. He did need a good shower. A nice long one. Just to get the feeling of bird out of his system…

Loki smiled like a child in a candy store. His eyes intently glued to the table as he watched Odin stride into the room. His guests surrounding the table filled of food. The Doctor seemed to have his own distraction, but at least he'd have company. It seemed like his father would never reach the large plate at the table.

Sadly, Thor stood behind Odin. He'd always been daddy's little boy. They almost were never apart. The young prince couldn't refrain from rolling his eyes at the thought of his snotty big brother. Loki looked around for just a second. Checking the skies for Odin's birds. Happy to find their absence. The god looked back at the feast below them. Odin's hand reaching for the turkey oh too slowly.

"Any minute now," Loki whispered. His body leaning forward as he watched his father. Wrapping his fat hands around the leg of the cooked animal. Slowly, pulling back the flesh until he heard the loud boom. Odin fell across the room. Anger shooting across his face as he saw his robes. Food scattered everywhere, for Odin was not the only man who now needed new robes, but the entire room. Food went everywhere. Hitting each and every guest. Loki sat on the ledge. His lips pulled back in a smug smirk. Holding back his laughter as they scurried around like ants from under a boot.

The Doctor's continence darkened at what he had just witnessed. He knew of the young prince's reputation by ear only, but this…

The Time Lord knew that his own expression must match that of the outraged Odin, who was already screaming Loki's name to the skies.

Who was laughing like a young child who had just gotten away with a year's worth of chocolate chip cookies. The Doctor wanted to do something…but he was stuck on this trice-cursed tower. He tossed his half-eaten apple off the tower, the fruit sailing far into the air before hitting one of Asgardian's on the head. The Time Lord drew out his trusty ole' sonic screwdriver, making the blue tip blink a few times before he spun around.

The prince's head fell back in laughter. Tears forming in his eyes as he chuckled like someone had just said the best joke. The Foctor seemed pretty annoyed which.. kind of added to Loki's amusement. However, he had no quarrel with the man. It didn't stop him from laughing though. He loved it. Odin screaming his name at the top of his lungs. It hadn't taken his father ten seconds to conclude who had done it. Maybe his dull father was getting smarter with the years.

Loki highly doubted it, but his laughter was soon cut off as a half eaten apple crossed his vision. The fruit sailed in the air like a boat at sea. Whistling across the now dark sky. Then, as quickly as Loki had went silent he started laughing again. This time even harder. The apple had landed on a Asgardian general. In particular, Loki's least favorite teacher. The man had bruised up Odin's youngest son like a peach. The warrior deserved it more than anyone else in the room certainty did, and Loki enjoyed it more than the Doctor did. Reluctantly, the prince looked away from the scene. The Doctor seemed busy with a little gadget. Engrossed in the little thing.

"Amusing, huh?" Loki asked. His face still sparkling with joy.

The Doctor's face remained dark as he looked upon the god of mischief. But the god's joy was intoxicating, the pure joy radiating from Loki cracked the Time Lord's shell. The Doctor began to laugh. He laughed so hard, his sides began to hurt. The expressions on the gods below were priceless.

Oh, how could he remain mad at such when he himself used to pull pranks with his friend? The Doctor was always rebelling against the council. He took in a deep breath, attempting to speak, "Quite amusing."

No one was hurt, just a few ruined outfits. The Doctor could allow this to slide. Besides, aren't gods supposed to be really tough?

"Now, how about getting us down? And, please, not the whole bird thing," he was still a bit green from the last time. The Doctor tucked his sonic back into his coat, making sure it was secured.

"Oh, yes. Yes!" Loki said between his giggles. A bright smile never fading from his face.

"You'll need to..." Loki began. Grabbing his side that ached from his mass amount of laughing, "One second. I'm afraid you'll have to excuse my laughing. It's been awhile since Odin has made just a wonderful face," He said.

Finally, regaining himself, the hand leaving his side as he grabbed the Doctor's shoulder.

"You did not like flying?" Loki said with a raised eyebrows. It was curious. He figured everyone enjoyed the feeling, but seemingly the man had not.

"Curious," Loki mumbled. Playing with the bracelets on his wrists. It was possibly late enough for Odin to have sent for Loki in his chambers, but everyone knew that Loki's cackles could be heard above the cries of annoyance. He was famous for these sorts of pranks. Luckily, no one had gotten hurt. Loki never meant to hurt anyone, but it just seemed to happen.. With a sigh Loki looked up at the Doctor through his black eyelashes. "How do you feel about transportation?"

The Doctor, who knew his own mirth had caused at least one stitch in his own side, understood what the god meant. Odin did make a wonderful expression, although the Doctor did not want to be on the receiving end afterwards…but for now, the Time Lord was going to enjoy himself.

"I prefer to have something solid beneath my feet when I'm in the air," The Doctor tried to explain. He did like to fly, but only when it was inside something that was supposed to be up in the air. And he was a little suspicious of what Loki meant by 'transportation'. So the Doctor arced an eyebrow and shrugged, "Sure, why not."

He'll try it if it meant he would get down from this tower. Although, right now, this might be the safest spot. For a little while, at least. Safe spot…the Doctor pounded on his head. Of course, he was so thick sometimes.

"My old rooms. They're still down there. Ole' one eye down there won't think to look for you in there. Best place for the both of us." He grinned.

Loki shook his head with a proud smirk stretched across his face. It wasn't normal for the god to meet someone without the normal attitude of Odin's visitors. Perhaps this man was the most pleasant surprise that had been in this palace for decades. That is right behind a strange drink called high-grade that had once ended up in Loki's wine. The things the man got away with that night were astonishing. He hadn't even known he could of done such things as he had. The following morning he'd risen with ten women on his bed causing Loki to rethink ever touching the stuff again. He wasn't found of having to stumble over dirty bodies to reach the water on his nightstand.

Without much thought Loki whispered a few words under his breath. Grabbing the Doctor with a strong grip.