
Get It Together

Rhys pointed at K who was now in absolute danger. He had no time at all to react to the Knight of Blood's attack. The youngest of the three wanted to get Grim's attention to help K, as he was fairly quite busy himself trying to battle against the chimeras who are trying their hardest to swarm him to make his hand have less maneuverability. 

Grim clicked his tongue and without ever saying a word at all, he leapt forward to try and help K out. But he knew that it would be far too late, he shouted out to his partner for assistance. Dart knew what time it was now. 

A bright beam of light flickered through the bloody battlefield as Grim and Dart merged as one once more. The knights were too busy to see that Grim's backpack had now been replaced by a teeny tiny little dragon hanging off of his back, however.