

Grim showed off his black summoning ring as the Centaur whom he tamed had come out of it, roaring loudly through the battlefield as its hooves stomped on the ground.

The Knight of Blood was caught off guard and was absolutely taken by surprise by Grim's direct summoning. The Centaur head butted his blades and sent it flying, not only the sword, but even Radahn as well. 

"That never gets old. Such a classic…" K said to himself as he tried to hold back laughing altogether. The centaur chimera reminded him of the times that he and Grim vanquished the chimeras altogether. As the human boy finally let go of his pride and saw just how wrong he was for not telling Grim the reason as soon as possible. 

He stared at Grim and was smiling. "What the hell are you smiling around for?!" Grim exclaimed. K's smile was broken as it was replaced with a much more fitting and serious face.