
The Limitless System

Faced with inevitable annihilation, Humanity was forced to evolve and awaken unique abilities.With many loss on both sides a peace treaty was handed in placed serving as a crossroad of peace for both parties. The world powerhouses having had enough of earth being looked down upon by other beings swore to protect earth and it's inhabitants.This fuel of determination eventually turned them into training up awakened. once an awakened is born,their life is plunged into a world of pain and hardwork.Lacking both talent and hardwork as an awakened labels you as a trash. In Present time,Arthur,a teen who's ability has been dubbed as the world's trashiest, one's which purpose makes him dry up blood.A pathetic ability wouldn't you say so right?. His life however takss a drastic turn when he's discovered by a system bound to be limitless,destined to wield great rule and become the saviour and ruler of the universe. °°°° "What's that strange light heading here" Before he could even move a muscle a white ball of light pierced through his body. [Does host wish to awaken the limitless system]

Realitymanga · Fantaisie
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39 Chs

Combining Flash Step and Dash

[limitless Void]

After activating his newly acquired skill his figure disappeared leaving no trace of him."What!!...this feels like space".Arthur was surrounded by countless glowing stars and beneath him were planets of different size.

If one was to see him,they would think he's floating in space due to how he could walk over these planets and stars beneath him."I guess this is the separate space...but are these planets and everything real.

[Oh they are...very real]

"What no way.."If they were real then that meant Arthur could be viewed as a god."Wait wait..if what you're saying is true then that means im floating in space but at the same time im not".

[You could put it that way]

[Although it may seem as if you're in space, you're actually in a separate space]

[And that's why you're also able to see countless planets,what did you think the celes-]

[I've said too much]

"Hey! hey what was that"Arthur always felt something was off with the system.It knew much but always hid it from him making it hard for him to comprehend certain issues.

But alas he knew the system wouldn't do anything to harm him,it's the one that's been helping him after all."I was planning on getting a storage ring but now that I have my limitless Void nevermind that".

[Oh and in here time is quite unique.]

"Really..then I could come here all the time to train.Although can I ask just how much unique is time in here?"

[By earth's time standard let's see...a day spent in here is equivalent to a minute spent in the real world]

"That's..really nice"

Arthur's eyes wandered around for the last time as his figure once again vanished soon appearing in his room."I'll check the other skill later on I'm sleepy".

The more an awakened channeled his ability to the peak the more his thirst for sleep was waning.Hence it was quite strange Arthur felt tired,but who could blame him.

He's been fighting beasts non stop and has always relied on his level 2 rejuvenation skill to help bring him to fully health, although rejuvenation always felt so warm and refreshing to him.


[Daily Quest received]

[Run for 10 miles(0/1)]

[Press Up (0/100)]



"What...what the heck is this".Since Arthur felt a little woozy from just waking up he couldn't quite see clearly,however after gaining his composure he saw what seemed to be a daily quest.

"You woke me up just to issue me a quest you damn system...".Under normal circumstances he wouldn't be annoyed at the system but he was forced to wake up around 4 and not even 5.

He quickly got up and dressed.He went to see if Miss Jade was in there and found her not in her room.This wasn't a surprise since most of the time Miss Jade would absent herself form the dojo.

"Alright then..."Arthur said stretching and hopping Infront of a certain creature behind a fence that is."Heard your whole family abandoned you...ha you must be pretty lonely"

[You are one strange existence]



Arthur felt like before he started his daily quest why not first enrage a dog to chase after him.This felt really stupid but to him it made sense.The dog began raining barks on him whiles threatening to chase after him.It couldn't get anywhere near the human since it was chained up.

"What! can't even get out of a simple chain,pathetic...for a dog you sure got no balls".

The dog stopped it's efforts on making noise and stared at the human."System...is it me or did it bulk up".Right after he voiced that out the dog broke free of its restraints and leaped over the fence which shouldn't have been possible.

"Oh shoot".

Arthur immediately bolted out of the place with the dog following behind in pursuit.Who would have thought a 3rd stage origin ranked awakened could be chased after by a mere dog who's physique felt weird.

"How the heck is it that bulky..what kind of person would raise this beast".


[Quest progress]

[Run for 10 miles(10/10)✓]

[Press Up(0/100)]

Right now Arthur stood Infront of the dojo heaving a sigh of relieve.10 miles was no joke.Back when he use to read those Japanese manga one of the heroes only did a 6.4 mile run and he was the strongest.

Arthur went inside and decided to get started on his second quest.It only took him some minutes but he was able to complete his daily quest.

[Quest complete]



«+5 attribute points

"Wow...these rewards are the smallest I've ever received but it's ok."

"There you are....prepared for today's challenge"Miss Jade suddenly entered the main fighting area of the dojo where Arthur was training."mhm..off to somewhere".

"The academy..I have a little business to attend to, I'll arrive later on and then we can head to Moon city".

Moon city,a much larger and powerful city than even Ember city.Moon city or rather Moon academy was popular known for hosting academy tournaments every year.They had yet to even attend this year's academy tournament.

"That's where it will take place huh, I just hope they find someone strong enough for me to fight with".Arthur said with his usual calm nonchalant face.

"Sure sure you battle freak".With that her figure vanished from his sight."Now to finally see if I can combine my skills".

[Combination activated]

[Flash Step + Dash]

[Skill Compatibility:95%]

[Both skills must be at max before combination can be used]

"Now that I think about it,how can I level my skills...I have no knowledge on how it reached level 2 and 3"

[Such a dummy]


[There are three ways on how you can level up your skills]

[Repetitive use of the skills,using your own experience points or using evolution cards which can only be given to you by me]

"So my frequent use of flash step and dash is what raised it to level 3 and 2.The only option I can opt for is using my exp".

"Can my current exp be enough for both skills to be maxed out"


"Great then"

[flash Step(max)]

[Dash Step(max)]

[Combination activated]

[Combining Flash Step + Dash]

[Skills Compatibility:95%]





[Combination complete]

[New skill 'Accelerate'(Lv 1) Acquired]

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